Man pages for nickmckay/GeoChronR
Tools to Analyze and Visualize Time-Uncertain Data

AD2BP_transconvert an AD age scale to BP
alignTimeseriesBinAlign and bin two timeseries into comparable bins
ar1Estimate Auto-Regressive coefficient at 1-timesetep
ar1SurrogatesCreate a synthetic timeseries that emulates the...
axisLabelLabel axes
bamCorrectCorrects a Banded Age Model (BAM)
baseMapMake a base map
binBin Data
bin2dTwo dimensional binning
binEnsBin ensemble data
binTsBin every entry in a Timeseries object
BP2AD_transconvert a BP age scale to AD
computeSpectraEnsCalculate ensemble power spectra
concatEnsembleTimeseriesConcatenate two independent ensemble timeseries
convertAD2BPConvert years Calendar year (AD/BC or CE) to BP (1950)
convertBP2ADConvert years BP to Calendar year (AD/BC or CE)
corEnsEnsemble correlation
corMatrixMatrix correlation
createChronMeasInputDfCreate a data frame for chron measurement data
createConcatenatedEnsembleMeasurementTableCreate a measurementTable from concatenated ensembles
createModelCreate a chron or paleo model including adding ensemble data
createMultiModelEnsembleCreate a multi-model ensemble
createOxcalModelCreate the oxcal model script
createSummaryTableFromEnsembleTableCreate a summary table from an ensemble table
createSyntheticTimeseriesCreate a synthetic timeseries that emulates the...
createTSidCreate a random TSid
effectiveNEstimate effective sample size accounting for autocorrelation
estimateUncertaintyFromRangeEstimate uncertainty estimates from high/low range
fdrFalse Discovery Testing of p-values from multiple testing
fdrBasicFDR Basic
fdr.masterFDR Master
geoChronRPlotThemeDefine a plot theme for GeoChronR
getBaconDirGet the name of bacon core directory
getLastVarStringGet the last set of parameters you used in...
getLegendget a ggplot legend object
getModelParametersFromOxcalTextPull model parameters from OxCal Code
getOsWhat OS is this?
getPlotRangesGet ggplot x and y ranges
getVariableIndexGet the index of variable list
heuristicUnitsMakes a guess about the units of a time vector based on the...
kde2dTwo dimensional kernel density estimation
loadBaconOutputLoad the ensemble, summary and distribution data from a Bacon...
loadOxcalOutputLoad oxcal output
loadRemoteLoad a remote RData file
mapAgeEnsembleToPaleoDataMap an ageEnsemble variable from a chron model to a...
mapLipdMap a list of LiPD objects
mapTsMap a TS object
meltDistributionTableMelt distribution
oxCalDateExpressionwrite oxcal expression for each date.
pcaEnsPerform principle components analysis (PCA) across an...
periodAnnotateAnnotate plot of spectra with given periodicities
plotChronHigh-level chron plotting
plotChronEnsPlot chron ensemble
plotChronEnsDiffCompare chron ensemble with paleoData age-model
plotCorEnsPlot the results of an ensemble correlation
plotHistEnsPlot an ensemble dataset as a histogram
plotLinePlot or add a line to plot
plotModelDistributionsPlot probability distributions
plotPcaEnsMap ensemble pca loadings and plot PC timeseries
plotPvalsEnsFdrPlot the the p-values of an ensemble correlation analysis in...
plotRegressEnsPlot ensemble regression results
plotScatterEnsPlot an ensemble of data as a scatterplot
plotScreeEnscreate a scree plot for PCA analysis
plotSpectraEnsPlot ensemble spectra output
plotSpectrumPlot spectrum with confidence limits
plotSummaryPlot a summary figure
plotSummaryTsTS overview plot
plotTimeAvailabilityTsCreate a Time availability plot
plotTimeseriesEnsLinesPlot an ensemble timeseries as a set of lines
plotTimeseriesEnsRibbonsPlot an ensemble timeseries as ribbons of probabilities
plotTimeseriesStackPlot a bunch of timeseries in a vertical stack
plotTrendLinesEnsPlot an ensemble of trendlines
propAltProportion of alternate hypotheses
pullInstancePull one instance from an ensemble
pullTsVariablepull variable out of TS object
pvalMonteCarloCorrelations and their significance according to AR(1)...
pvalPearsonSerialCorrectedCalculate correlation p-value given sample size.
quantile2dFind quantiles across an ensemble
regressSimple ordinary least squeares regression
regressEnsEnsemble regression
reverselog10_transReverse axis in log10 scale
runBaconGenerate a Bayesian Reconstruction Age Model (Bacon) and add...
runBamGenerate a Banded Age Model (BAM) and add it into a LiPD...
runBchronGenerate a Bayesian Reconstruction Age Model (Bacon) and add...
runOxcalGenerate an oxcal Age Model and add it into a LiPD object
sampleBaconAgesSample ensemble ages from Bacon
selectDataSelect a LiPD "variable list"
setBaconDirSet the name of bacon core directory
simulateBamSimulate a Banded Age Model (BAM)
storeyStorey estimator
stringifyVariablesConvert var.names to strings
surrogateDataFunUse the write function from rEDM depending on the version
writeBaconCreate the input file for a Bacon model from a LiPD object
nickmckay/GeoChronR documentation built on April 9, 2024, 5:26 a.m.