#' @import party
#' @export
fastcforest <- function(formula, data = list(), subset = NULL, weights = NULL,
controls = party::cforest_unbiased(), xtrafo = ptrafo, ytrafo = ptrafo, scores = NULL,
parallel = TRUE) {
# if (!requireNamespace("party")) {
# stop("error : party package is not installed")
# }
# if (!requireNamespace("plyr")) {
# stop("error : plyr package is not installed")
# }
threads <- foreach::getDoParWorkers()
# split data
ntree <- controls@ntree
Nmin <- floor(ntree/threads)
modulus <- ntree%%threads
split.ntree <- as.integer(c(rep(Nmin+1,modulus),rep(Nmin,threads-modulus)))
# run in parallel
foo <- function(x) {
ctrl = controls
ctrl@ntree = x
party::cforest(formula=formula, data=data, subset=subset, weights=weights, controls=ctrl, xtrafo=xtrafo, ytrafo=ytrafo, scores=scores)
forests <- plyr::alply(split.ntree, 1, .fun=foo, .parallel=parallel, .paropts=list(.packages="party"))
# combine/append forest
forests[[1]]@ensemble<-unlist(lapply(forests,function(y) {y@ensemble}),recursive=F)
forests[[1]]@where<-unlist(lapply(forests,function(y) {y@where}),recursive=F)
forests[[1]]@weights<-unlist(lapply(forests,function(y) {y@weights}),recursive=F)
#first forest has result
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