run_MCBE: Run MCBE uncertainty analysis

View source: R/run_MCBE.R

run_MCBER Documentation

Run MCBE uncertainty analysis


This function reruns the base model, from user supplied input files or objects, creating all standard BAM ADMB files most notably the executable (exe) file used in the MCBE process, stored in dir_bam_base. Simulated input data sets are generated for specified fixed parameters and data sets. New BAM data input (dat) files are created and the BAM base executable is rerun with each dat file, using parallel processing. After each simulation is run, run_BAM checks if the objective function value (i.e. total likelihood) for a numeric value; if the value is non numeric (e.g. nan), then the run is considered to have failed. The dat and results (rdat) files are for successful runs are moved to dir_bam_sim. If any runs fail (which is not common) a folder is created (named dir_bam_sim with suffix '_fail') and failed runs are moved there. run_BAM and results file (rdat) are copied to dir_bam_sim.


  CommonName = NULL,
  fileName = "bam",
  dir_bam_sim = "sim",
  dir_bam_base = "base",
  bam = NULL,
  dat_file = NULL,
  tpl_file = NULL,
  cxx_file = NULL,
  dat_obj = NULL,
  tpl_obj = NULL,
  cxx_obj = NULL,
  data_sim = list(cv_U = NULL, cv_L = NULL, cv_D = NULL),
  par_default = list(cv_U = 0.2, cv_L = 0.2, cv_D = 0.2),
  standardize = TRUE,
  nsim = 11,
  sclim = list(),
  sclim_gen = c(0.9, 1.1),
  data_type_resamp = c("U", "L", "D", "age", "len"),
  fn_par = list(M_constant = "runif(nsim,M_min,M_max)", K = "runif(nsim,K_min,K_max)",
    Linf = "runif(nsim,Linf_min,Linf_max)", t0 = "runif(nsim,t0_min,t0_max)", steep =
    "runif(nsim,steep_min,steep_max)", rec_sigma =
    "msm::rtnorm(n=nsim,mean=0.6,sd=0.15,lower=0.3,upper=1.0)", Dmort =
    "apply(Dmort_lim,2,function(x){runif(nsim,min(x),max(x))})", Pfa =
    "runif(nsim,Pfa_min,Pfa_max)", Pfb = "runif(nsim,Pfb_min,Pfb_max)", Pfma =
    "runif(nsim,Pfma_min,Pfma_max)", Pfmb = "runif(nsim,Pfmb_min,Pfmb_max)", fecpar_a =
     fecpar_b =
    "runif(nsim,fecpar_b_min,fecpar_b_max)", fecpar_c =
    "runif(nsim,fecpar_c_min,fecpar_c_max)", fecpar_batches_sc =
  repro_sim = list(P_repro = 0.1, nagecfishage = 10, plot_fits = FALSE),
  fix_par = c(),
  ncores = NULL,
  ndigits = 4,
  unlink_dir_bam_base = FALSE,
  unlink_dir_bam_sim = FALSE,
  run_bam_base = TRUE,
  overwrite_bam_base = TRUE,
  admb_options_base = "-nox",
  run_est = TRUE,
  sim_type_return = "dat",
  admb_options_sim = "-est -nox -ind",
  prompt_me = FALSE,
  subset_rdat = list(eq.series = 101, pr.series = 101),
  random_seed = 12345



Common name of species associated with dat, tpl, and cxx files


Name given to BAM files, not including file extensions.


Name of directory to write MCBE files to, relative to the working directory.


Name of directory to write bam base model files to, relative to the working directory.


Output of bam2r.


dat file path


tpl file path


cxx file path


dat file read in as a character vector with readLines(con=dat_file)


tpl file read in as a character vector with readLines(con=tpl_file)


cxx file read in as a character vector with readLines(con=cxx_file)


list for supplying optional data not available in input data or rdat (e.g. cvs for simulating time series of landings, discards, and cpue)


list for supplying default values for particular parameters to use if values cannot be found by in the usual locations (e.g. if a time series of landings does not have a corresponding time series of cvs, the default cv_L will be used)


Should standardize_bam be run by the function before running the BAM?


number of simulations to run


Optional list of scalars for computing point parameter limits. By default, limits are (generically) computed using sclim_gen. Numeric vectors of length 2, usually centered around 1. e.g. sclim = list(M_constant=c(0.9,1.1), steep=(c(0.8,1.2))). Note that if M_constant is not available in the base model output, sclim$M_constant values will be used to scale M at age.


Scalar (multipliers) for computing upper and lower bounds of random uniform distribution from mean value from base run output


character vector of abbreviations for types of data sets that should be resampled in the MCBE simulations. L = landings, D = discards, U = cpue indices, age = age compositions, len = length compositions. If you don't want to resample any of the data sets, set data_type_resamp = c().


List of character strings used to simulate values of fixed parameters (see Details). Strings are internally passed to eval(parse(text=mystring)). Functions should produce vectors of length nsim, or in some cases matrices with nrow nsim.


List of settings to be used to simulate reproductive data sets. P_repro defines the proportion of age comps for which reproductive data are available. nagecfishage is the assumed number of age samples per age, used only if age comp data is not found in BAM.


Optional character vector of parameter names to fix in the simulations using tpl init object names with a phase setting (e.g. "set_M_constant", "set_steep"). This is mostly used for running sensitivities and parameter profiles. Note that this has no effect on the base model.


number of cores to use for parallel processing


number of digits to round simulated values to


Should dir_bam_base be deleted after this function is run?


Should dir_bam_sim be deleted after this function is run?


If FALSE, the function will look for an executable named fileName.exe in dir_bam_base and use it as the base model.


If FALSE, the files in dir_bam_base will not be overwritten if run_bam_base=TRUE


Character string pasted to fileName to build run_command for the base model when running BAM with shell(run_command) (i.e. run_command <- paste(fileName, admb_options))


Do you want to run the estimation model (BAM)? If FALSE, the simulated data will be generated but won't be used in new BAM runs


Type of simulated data to return: "init" or "dat". Has no effect in run_est=TRUE.


ADMB code snippet used in shell script when running bam


Turn on/off prompts that ask for user input before deleting files.


list of rdat objects to subset and number of values to retain. This option can substantially decrease rdat file size, without affecting precision of reference point calculations.


random seed value. If NULL, random seed is not set within the function.


Estimating reproductive (sex and maturity) functions
Sex ratio (proportion of females; obs_prop_f) and female maturity (proportion of females mature; obs_maturity_f) at age are typically provided to BAM data as vectors of proportions at age. In most cases, those proportions have been computed with a logistic model. The run_MCBE function characterizes uncertainty in those relationships by first building a composite age-frequency distribution of all age samples used in to the assessment (in numbers) multiplied by an assumed proportion (repro_sim$P_repro) of age samples which also have sex and maturity estimates to approximate the number of fish per age for which sex was determined (nrepro. nrepro is then used as the number of trials-at-age while successes-at-age approximated by nrepro times obs_prop_f, in logistic regression of the form 1/(1+exp(-a*(x-b))). The computed number of females-at-age (nf) is then used as the numbers of trials in a logistic regression to estimate a continuous function predicting proportion of females mature. Uncertainty or alternate values of parameters a (slope) and b (a50) of either relationship can then be specified by fn_par$Pfa, fn_par$Pfb, fn_par$Pfma, or fn_par$Pfmb when running the MCBE analysis to simulate uncertainty in sex- or female maturity-at-age.

There are two special cases in which the function will not try to estimate a logistic fit: obs_prop_f or obs_maturity_f is either constant (e.g. all equal to 0.5) or completely binary (i.e. only 0 or 1). In the constant case the a parameter can be used to simulate variation in constant sex or maturity. In the binary case, the b parameter can be used to simulate variation in a50.

Note that this process doesn't currently fit reproductive data in a time varying manner, so if obs_prop_f or obs_maturity_f is a time-varying matrix, a logistic model will only be fit to the last year of data, and the results will be repeated for all years of the matrix.

Values currently supported by fn_par

M_constant Natural mortality constant. Corresponds to the set_M_constant parameter in the BAM tpl file.
K Von-Bertalanffy growth model K K parameter. Corresponds to the set_K parameter in the BAM tpl file.
Linf Von-Bertalanffy growth model Linf parameter. Corresponds to the set_Linf parameter in the BAM tpl file.
steep Beverton-Holt stock recruitment function h (steepness) parameter. Corresponds to the set_steep parameter in the BAM tpl file.
R0 Beverton-Holt stock recruitment function R0 (unfished recruitment) parameter. Corresponds to the set_rec_sigma parameter in the BAM tpl file.
Dmort Discard mortality rate parameter(s). Corresponds to the parameters beginning with set_Dmort in the BAM tpl file.
Pfa, Pfb Scalar for sex ratio model parameter a or b. run_MCBE fits a logistic function of the form 1/(1+exp(-a*(x-b))) to obs_prop_f (see Details).
Pfma, Pfmb Scalar for female maturity model parameter a or b. run_MCBE fits a logistic function of the form 1/(1+exp(-a*(x-b))) to obs_maturity_f (see Details).


Invisibly returns a data frame containing basic results of sim runs, including the following objects typically stored in the rdat output from BAM: parms, parm.cons (estimated values only), like, and sdnr. This data frame is also written to a csv file in dir_bam_sim.


## Not run: 
Run MCBE, writing files to dir_bam_sim
run_MCBE("AtlanticMenhaden", dir_bam_base="AtMe_base", dir_bam_sim="AtMe_sim")
run_MCBE("BlackSeaBass", dir_bam_base="BlSB_base", dir_bam_sim="BlSB_sim")
run_MCBE("BluelineTilefish", dir_bam_base="BlTi_base", dir_bam_sim="BlTi_sim")
run_MCBE("Cobia", dir_bam_base="Cobi_base", dir_bam_sim="Cobi_sim")
run_MCBE("GagGrouper", dir_bam_base="GaGr_base", dir_bam_sim="GaGr_sim")
run_MCBE("GrayTriggerfish", dir_bam_base="GrTr_base", dir_bam_sim="GrTr_sim")
run_MCBE("GreaterAmberjack", dir_bam_base="GrAm_base", dir_bam_sim="GrAm_sim")
run_MCBE("RedGrouper", dir_bam_base="ReGr_base", dir_bam_sim="ReGr_sim")
run_MCBE("RedPorgy", dir_bam_base="RePo_base", dir_bam_sim="RePo_sim")
run_MCBE("RedSnapper", dir_bam_base="ReSn_base", dir_bam_sim="ReSn_sim")
run_MCBE("ScampGrouper", dir_bam_base="ScGr_base", dir_bam_sim="ScGr_sim")
run_MCBE("SnowyGrouper", dir_bam_base="SnGr_base", dir_bam_sim="SnGr_sim")
run_MCBE("Tilefish", dir_bam_base="Tile_base", dir_bam_sim="Tile_sim")
run_MCBE("VermilionSnapper", dir_bam_base="VeSn_base", dir_bam_sim="VeSn_sim")

MCBE_ReSn <- run_MCBE("RedSnapper",steep_sclim = c(1,1))

## End(Not run)

nikolaifish/bamExtras documentation built on July 21, 2023, 8:26 a.m.