standardize_bam: Standardize object names in bam files (dat, tpl, and cxx)

View source: R/standardize_bam.r

standardize_bamR Documentation

Standardize object names in bam files (dat, tpl, and cxx)


This script reads in BAM dat, tpl, and cxx files, and converts them to R objects (character vectors of each line of the code). It then runs a set of gsub() functions to replace object names with preferred naming conventions and returns dat, tpl, and cxx character vectors to use to rewrite the corresponding files with writeLines)


  CommonName = NULL,
  bam = NULL,
  dat_file = NULL,
  tpl_file = NULL,
  cxx_file = NULL,
  dat_obj = NULL,
  tpl_obj = NULL,
  cxx_obj = NULL,
  nm_pattern = NULL,
  nm_replace = NULL,
  match_whole_words = TRUE,
  fleet_key = list(sCT = c("CVT"), sTV = c("CVID", "Mcvt", "mcvt"), sVD = c("VID"), sBT =
    c("Mbft"), sBL = c("sM"), sVL = c("vll"), sFT = c("FST"), sAN = c("nad"), sAM =
    c("mad"), sAS = c("sad"), sJA = c("jai"), sME = c("mareco"), cDV = c("cD"), cHL =
    c("cH", "cHl"), cLL = c("cL"), cOT = c("cO"), cPT = c("cp", "cP"), cTW = c("cT",
    "cTw", "cHTR"), cGN = c("comm"), cRN = c("cRn"), cRS = c("cRs"), cBN = c("cBn"), cBS
    = c("cBs"), rHB = c("HB", "hb", "rHb"), rHD = c("hbd", "HBD"), rGN = c("GR", "mrip",
    "rGe", "rA")),
  fleet_replace = TRUE



Common name of species modeled in BAM files. Only used when accessing dat, tpl, and cxx character vectors named as e.g. dat_CommonName


Output of bam2r.


dat file path


tpl file path


cxx file path


dat file read in as a character vector with readLines(con=dat_file)


tpl file read in as a character vector with readLines(con=tpl_file)


cxx file read in as a character vector with readLines(con=cxx_file)


Character vector of additional object names (i.e. patterns) to be replaced


Character vector of of replacements for nm1


Should patterns replace whole words only (pattern is regex enclosed by \b)


key to fleet names as a names list of character vectors. names of list items are the replacements while the character vectors are sets of old fleet names to replace


## Not run: 
# Read in and standardize of the current BAM models
bam_AtMe <- standardize_bam("AtlanticMenhaden")
bam_BlSB <- standardize_bam("BlackSeaBass")
bam_BlTi <- standardize_bam("BluelineTilefish")
bam_Cobi <- standardize_bam("Cobia")
bam_GagG <- standardize_bam("GagGrouper")
bam_GrTr <- standardize_bam("GrayTriggerfish")
bam_GrAm <- standardize_bam("GreaterAmberjack")
bam_ReGr <- standardize_bam("RedGrouper")
bam_RePo <- standardize_bam("RedPorgy")
bam_ReSn <- standardize_bam("RedSnapper")
bam_ScGr <- standardize_bam("ScampGrouper")
bam_SnGr <- standardize_bam("SnowyGrouper")
bam_Tile <- standardize_bam("Tilefish")
bam_VeSn <- standardize_bam("VermilionSnapper")

# Run a bam model and assign rdat output to object
rdat_RePo <- run_bam(bam=bam_RePo,fileName="RePo")

## End(Not run)

nikolaifish/bamExtras documentation built on July 21, 2023, 8:26 a.m.