
## ----comment=NA----------------------------------------------------------

## ----comment=NA----------------------------------------------------------
  question = "How much is $1+1$?",
  correctanswers = 2,
  incorrectanswers = list(3, 11))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
question <- c("How much is $1+1$ ?",
              "How much is $1 \\times 1$ ?",
              "How much is $\\frac{1}{2}$ ?")
correct <- c(2,1,0.5)
incorrect1 <- c(3,4,10)
incorrect2 <- c(1,3,100)
incorrect3 <- c(4,8,NA)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AMCcreatequestions(question = question,
   correctanswers = correct,
   incorrectanswers = list(incorrect1,incorrect2,incorrect3))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AMCcreatequestions(element = c("ADD", "MULT", "DIV"),
   question = question,
   correctanswers = correct,
   incorrectanswers = list(incorrect1,incorrect2,incorrect3))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AMCcreatequestions(code = c("ADD1", "MULT1", "DIV1"),
   question = question,
   correctanswers = correct,
   incorrectanswers = list(incorrect1,incorrect2,incorrect3))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AMCcreatequestions(codeprefix = "MATH",
   question = question,
   correctanswers = correct,
   incorrectanswers = list(incorrect1,incorrect2,incorrect3))

## ----eval=F--------------------------------------------------------------
#  AMCcreatetest("How much is $1+2$?",2,list("3", "11"))

## ----eval=F--------------------------------------------------------------
#  AMCcreatetest(
#  # Part passed to AMCcreatequestions() (see documentation)
#  "How much is $1+2$?",2,list("3", "11"),
#  # Part used for test options
#  title = "This is the title", #Custom title
#  paper = "a4", #change the paper for a4
#  fontsize = 11, #change fontsize
#  identifier = "ID Number", #change identifier
#  twosided = F, #print in one sided
#  instructions = "Don't respond here.", #show an instructions block to students (on questions part)
#  separateanswersheet = T, #use a separate answer sheet
#  answersheettitle = "Respond Here", #Change answer sheet title
#  answersheetinstructions = "Fill the boxes"#Answer sheet instructions
#  )

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AMCcreateelements(element = c("ADD", "MULT", "DIV"), shuffle = T, sections = T)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AMCcreateelements(element = c("MATH", "MATH", "MATH", "STAT"), shuffle = F, sections = F)
nilsmy/AMCTestmakeR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:05 p.m.