
#' calculateRFMScores
# Description
#' Calculate a weighted RFM score: recency, frequency, and monetary value.
# Arguments
#'@param data - A data.table containing the transaction details for every customer. Transaction date has to be of the lubridate form "yyyy-mm-dd" and have name "TransDate".
#'@param r - Weight of recency.
#'@param f - Weight of frequency.
#'@param m - Weight of monetary value.
#' \code{data} contains the transactional data. The dataset must contain a
#' column labeled "Customer" that allows unique customer identification
#' and a column labeled "TransDate", indicating the purchase date. The column
#' "PurchAmount" specifies the total spending per purchase.
# Return Value
#'@return Returns a data.table containing the recency, frequency and monetary
#'score as well as the weighted final score and the group membership.
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# Part 5: The RFM function ####
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

calculateRFMScores <- function(data, weight_recency=1, weight_frequency=1, weight_monetary=1){

  # Ensure that the weights add up to one
  weight_recency2 <- weight_recency/sum(weight_recency, weight_frequency, weight_monetary)
  weight_frequency2 <- weight_frequency/sum(weight_recency, weight_frequency, weight_monetary)
  weight_monetary2 <- weight_monetary/sum(weight_recency, weight_frequency, weight_monetary)

  # RFM measures
  max.Date <- max(data$TransDate)
  temp <- data[,list(
    recency = as.numeric(max.Date - max(TransDate)),
    frequency = .N,
    monetary = sum(PurchAmount)/.N),

  # RFM scores
  temp <- temp[,list(Customer,
                     recency = as.numeric(cut2(-recency, g=3)),
                     frequency = as.numeric(cut2(frequency, g=3)),
                     monetary = as.numeric(cut2(monetary, g=3)))]

  # Overall RFM score
  temp[,finalscore:=weight_recency2*recency+weight_frequency2*frequency+weight_monetary2*monetary, by=Customer]

  # RFM group

  # Return final table
ninakoenig/RFMPackage documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:12 p.m.