Man pages for njmadrid/RNAseqQuality
Provides a set of functions for summarizing the quality of RNA-seq data.

BinCountsGet mean read coverage from 5’ to 3’ across the most highly...
CreateSpliceJunctionTableCreate a table of unique splice junction expression per tab...
GetAlignmentStatisticsGet a summary of alignment statistics for an aligned bam file...
GetBedGraphRefSeqOverlapsGet overlaps using GenomicRanges findOverlaps for a bedgraph...
GetCountsPerRegionCount the number of reads that are in a given genomic region.
GetCoverageMatrixGet coverage matrix for genes which are highly expressed in...
GetHtseqSummaryStatsRead and organize htseq *_summary_stats.txt files into one...
GetNumGenesExpressedGet the total number of genes expressed per gtf file...
GetPileUpPerGeneGet read depths per gene as defined by the RSamtools pileup...
GetrRNAStatisticsGet the total number of rRNA read counts from bam file....
GetTranscriptomeCoverageCalculate a coverage score based on read depth and also gene...
OverlapEditSitesOverlap bedgraph coverage file (*.bedgraph.gz) with known...
SummarizeUniqueReadsGet a summary of the unique reads from bam file. Duplicate...
njmadrid/RNAseqQuality documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:32 p.m.