
## Must have your NOAA API key loaded as the object `steve`

options("noaakey" = steve)

# Find out the location ID for Australia
ex_locs <- ncdc_locs(limit = 20, locationcategoryid = "CNTRY")
ex_locs$data[ex_locs$data$name == "Australia", ]

# Pull a few Australia locations, to get a look at the data and find out the
# total number of stations available
ex_stations <- ncdc_stations(limit = 5, datasetid = "GHCND",
                             datatypeid = "TMAX",
                             locationid = "FIPS:AS")
ex_stations$meta$totalCount ## total number of stations in Australia available
ex_stations$data[ , c("name", "id")] ## example stations, with name and id

# Let me see if I can pull all the Australian stations...
ex_stations <- ncdc_stations(limit = 10,
                             datasetid = "GHCND",
                             datatypeid = "TMAX",
                             locationid = "FIPS:AS")
# Pull extra data past the 1000 limit
ex_2 <- ncdc_stations(limit = ex_stations$meta$totalCount - 1000,
                      datasetid = "GHCND",
                      datatypeid = "TMAX",
                      locationid = "FIPS:AS",
                      offset = 1001)
all_aust_stations <- rbind(ex_stations$data, ex_2$data) %>%
  mutate(short_id = as.numeric(substring(id, 13, 17)))

# save(all_aust_stations, file = "data/all_aust_stations.RData")

# Compare the stations available for NOAA versus BOM
bom_stations <- read_fwf("tempdata/stations.txt",
                         fwf_widths(c(7, 6, 41, 8, 8, 9, 10, 15, 4, 11,
                                      9, 7)), skip = 4, na = "..")
to_cut <- which(is.na(bom_stations$X1))[1]
bom_stations <- bom_stations[1:(to_cut - 1), ]
colnames(bom_stations) <- c("site", "dist", "site_name", "start",
                            "end", "lat", "lon", "source", "sta",
                            "height", "bar_ht", "wmo")

noaa_stations <- all_aust_stations %>%
  mutate(mindate = ymd(mindate),
         maxdate = ymd(maxdate),
         start = year(mindate),
         end = year(maxdate))

bom_wmo_stations <- filter(bom_stations, !is.na(wmo))

## 874 of the bom_stations actually have values for the WMO station identifier

# How many of the stations from BOM are in the NOAA station list?
both_stations <- inner_join(bom_wmo_stations[ , c("site_name", "wmo", "lat", "lon")],
                            noaa_stations[ , c("name", "short_id", "latitude", "longitude")],
                            by = c("wmo" = "short_id"))
# There are only 10 stations where the `short_id` from rnoaa and the `wmo` from BOM
# match up. However, some of these are the same stations (true matches), while some
# clearly are not. It's a bit wacky why these don't match...

# Maybe the site number from BOM is what agrees with rnoaa?
bom_stations <- bom_stations %>% mutate(site = as.numeric(site))
both_stations <- inner_join(bom_stations[ , c("site_name", "site", "lat", "lon")],
                            noaa_stations[ , c("name", "short_id", "latitude", "longitude")],
                            by = c("site" = "short_id"))

aust_not_noaa <- filter(bom_stations, !(site %in% noaa_stations$short_id))

# Try pulling weather data for some of the stations from the Australian site that
# are not listed by NOAA
ex_aust_not_noaa <- paste0("GHCND:ASN",
                                   as.character(sample(aust_not_noaa$site, 200))))
missing_stations <- 0
for(i in 1:length(ex_aust_not_noaa)){
  ex <- ncdc_stations(stationid = ex_aust_not_noaa[i])$data
  if(i == 1){
    extra_stations <- ex
  }else if(nrow(ex) == 1 & ncol(ex) == 9) {
    extra_stations <- rbind(extra_stations, ex)
  }else if(nrow(ex) == 0){
    missing_stations <- missing_stations + 1
missing_stations / length(ex_aust_not_noaa)
# It looks like around 15-20% of these stations aren't in the NOAA system, but
# the rest are (based on a sample of 200 of the stations that we pulled from the
# Australia monitor file but that didn't show up from the NOAA API call).

# Let me try to pull *all* the Australian stations (turns out, before I
# was limiting to just stations with the global daily summary and with
# maximum temperature data)

# tot_stations <- ncdc_stations(limit = 1,
#                              locationid = "FIPS:AS")$meta$totalCount
# start_points <- seq(from = 1, to = tot_stations, by = 1000)
# for(i in 1:length(start_points)){
#   ex <- ncdc_stations(limit = 1000,
#                       locationid = "FIPS:AS",
#                       offset = start_points[i])$data
#   if(i == 1){
#     all_noaa_stations <- ex
#   } else {
#     all_noaa_stations <- rbind(all_noaa_stations, ex)
#   }
# }
#save(all_noaa_stations, file = "data/all_noaa_stations.Rdata")

all_noaa_stations <- all_noaa_stations %>%
  mutate(short_id = as.numeric(substring(id, 13, 17)))
both_stations <- inner_join(bom_stations[ , c("site_name", "site", "lat", "lon")],
                            all_noaa_stations[ , c("name", "short_id",
                                                   "latitude", "longitude")],
                            by = c("site" = "short_id"))
njtierney/bomr documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:08 p.m.