dfWishartCalcRse <- function(nu, omega, totN, rse, diag=TRUE) {
.cv <- cvPost(nu, omega, totN)
#.cv <- ivdoctr:::rinvwish(totN, nu, omega)
if (diag) {
} else {
#' This uses simulations to match the rse
#' @param omega represents the matrix for simulation
#' @param n This represents the number of subjects/samples this comes
#' from (used to calculate rse). When present it assumes the rse=
#' sqrt(2)/sqrt(n)
#' @param rse This is the rse that we try to match, if not specified,
#' it is derived from `n`
#' @param upper The upper boundary for root finding in terms of
#' degrees of freedom. If not specified, it is n*200
#' @param totN This represents the total number of simulated inverse
#' wishart deviates
#' @param diag When `TRUE`, represents the rse to match is the
#' diagonals, otherwise it is the total matrix.
#' @param seed to make the simulation reproducible, this represents
#' the seed that is used for simulating the inverse Wishart
#' distribution
#' @return output from `uniroot()` to find the right estimate
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' dfWishart(lotri::lotri(a+b~c(1, 0.5, 1)), 100)
dfWishart <- function(omega, n, rse, upper, totN=1000, diag=TRUE, seed=1234) {
checkmate::assertMatrix(omega, "numeric", min.rows=1, min.cols=1)
if (!missing(rse) && !missing(n)) {
stop("can only specify `n` or `rse` not both", call.=FALSE)
if (missing(rse) && !missing(n)) {
checkmate::assertIntegerish(n, len=1, lower=1)
rse <- sqrt(2)/sqrt(n)
if (missing(upper)) {
upper <- 200*n
} else if (missing(rse)) {
stop("need to match rse with some metric", call.=FALSE)
} else if (missing(upper)) {
upper <- 200*(sqrt(2)/rse)^2
checkmate::assertNumeric(upper, len=1, lower=1)
checkmate::assertIntegerish(totN, len=1, lower=1)
.d <- dim(omega)
if (.d[1] != .d[2]) {
stop("omega must be a square matrix",
# nu-p-3 > 0 so min for nu is
.lower <- .d[1] + 3.1
.upper <- upper
rxWithSeed(seed, {
stats::uniroot(dfWishartCalcRse, lower=.lower, upper=.upper, omega=omega, totN=totN, rse=rse, diag=diag)
#' Swaps the matrix list with a cube
#' @param matrixListOrCube Either a list of 2-dimensional matrices or a cube of matrices
#' @return A list or a cube (opposite format as input)
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' # Create matrix list
#' matLst <- cvPost(10, lotri::lotri(a+b~c(1, 0.25, 1)), 3)
#' print(matLst)
#' # Convert to cube
#' matCube <- swapMatListWithCube(matLst)
#' print(matCube)
#' # Convert back to list
#' matLst2 <- swapMatListWithCube(matCube)
#' print(matLst2)
swapMatListWithCube <- function(matrixListOrCube) {
.dim <- dim(matrixListOrCube)
if (length(.dim) == 3L) {
return(.Call(`_rxode2_swapMatListWithCube_`, matrixListOrCube))
} else if (length(.dim) > 0L) {
} else if (inherits(matrixListOrCube, "list") && length(matrixListOrCube) > 0L) {
.m0 <- matrixListOrCube[[1]]
.dim <- dim(.m0)
if (length(.dim) == 2L) return(.Call(`_rxode2_swapMatListWithCube_`, matrixListOrCube))
stop("The input must be a cube or a list of matrices", call.=FALSE)
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