
Defines functions AceUnivariate

Documented in AceUnivariate

#' @name Ace
#' @aliases AceUnivariate DeFriesFulkerMethod1 DeFriesFulkerMethod3
#' @export AceUnivariate DeFriesFulkerMethod1 DeFriesFulkerMethod3
#' @title Estimates the heritability of additive traits using a single variable.
#' @usage
#' AceUnivariate(
#'   method         = c("DeFriesFulkerMethod1","DeFriesFulkerMethod3"),
#'   dataSet,
#'   oName_S1,
#'   oName_S2,
#'   rName          = "R",
#'   manifestScale  = "Continuous"
#' )
#' DeFriesFulkerMethod1(dataSet, oName_S1, oName_S2, rName="R")
#' DeFriesFulkerMethod3(dataSet, oName_S1, oName_S2, rName="R")
#' @description An ACE model is the foundation of most behavior genetic research.  It
#' estimates the additive heritability (with *a*), common environment
#' (with *c*) and unshared heritability/environment (with *e*).
#' @param method The specific estimation technique.
#' @param dataSet The [base::data.frame] that contains the two outcome
#' variables and the relatedness coefficient (corresponding to `oName_S1`,
#' `oName_S2`, and `rName`)
#' @param oName_S1 The name of the outcome variable corresponding to the first
#' subject in the pair. This should be a `character` value.
#' @param oName_S2 The name of the outcome variable corresponding to the second
#' subject in the pair. This should be a `character` value.
#' @param rName The name of the relatedness coefficient for the pair (this is
#' typically abbreviated as `R`). This should be a `character` value.
#' @param manifestScale Currently, only *continuous* manifest/outcome variables are supported.
#' @return Currently, a list is returned with the arguments `ASquared`, `CSquared`, `ESquared`, and `RowCount`.
#' In the future, this may be changed to an `S4` class.
#' @details
#' The [AceUnivariate()] function is a wrapper that calls
#' [DeFriesFulkerMethod1()] or [DeFriesFulkerMethod3()].  Future
#' versions will incorporate methods that use latent variable models.
#' @author Will Beasley
#' @references Rodgers, Joseph Lee, & Kohler, Hans-Peter (2005).
#' [Reformulating and simplifying the DF analysis model.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15685433/)
#' *Behavior Genetics, 35* (2), 211-217.
#' @examples
#' library(NlsyLinks) # Load the package into the current R session.
#' dsOutcomes <- ExtraOutcomes79
#' dsOutcomes$SubjectTag <- CreateSubjectTag(
#'   subjectID    = dsOutcomes$SubjectID,
#'   generation   = dsOutcomes$Generation
#' )
#' dsLinks <- Links79Pair
#' dsLinks <- dsLinks[dsLinks$RelationshipPath == "Gen2Siblings", ] # Only Gen2 Sibs (ie, NLSY79C)
#' dsDF <- CreatePairLinksDoubleEntered(
#'   outcomeDataset     = dsOutcomes,
#'   linksPairDataset   = dsLinks,
#'   outcomeNames       = c("MathStandardized", "HeightZGenderAge", "WeightZGenderAge")
#' )
#' estimatedAdultHeight <- DeFriesFulkerMethod3(
#'   dataSet    = dsDF,
#'   oName_S1   = "HeightZGenderAge_S1",
#'   oName_S2   = "HeightZGenderAge_S2"
#' )
#' estimatedAdultHeight # ASquared and CSquared should be 0.60 and 0.10 for this rough analysis.
#' estimatedMath <- DeFriesFulkerMethod3(
#'   dataSet    = dsDF,
#'   oName_S1   = "MathStandardized_S1",
#'   oName_S2   = "MathStandardized_S2"
#' )
#' estimatedMath # ASquared and CSquared should be 0.85 and 0.045.
#' class(GetDetails(estimatedMath))
#' summary(GetDetails(estimatedMath))
AceUnivariate <-
  function(method = c("DeFriesFulkerMethod1", "DeFriesFulkerMethod3"), dataSet, oName_S1, oName_S2, rName = "R", manifestScale = "Continuous") {
    # print( length(method) )
    if (length(method) != 1) {
      base::stop(base::paste0("The method argument must contain exactly one element when calling the AceUnivariate function.  It contained ", length(method), " elements."))
    } else if (method == "") {
      base::stop(base::paste0("The method argument must contain exactly one element when calling the AceUnivariate function.  It was blank."))
    } else if (method == "DeFriesFulkerMethod1") {
      # return( DeFriesFulkerMethod1(outcomeForSubject1, outcomeForSubject2, relatedness) )
      return(DeFriesFulkerMethod1(dataSet, oName_S1, oName_S2, rName))
    } else if (method == "DeFriesFulkerMethod3") {
      # return( DeFriesFulkerMethod3(outcomeForSubject1, outcomeForSubject2, relatedness) )
      return(DeFriesFulkerMethod3(dataSet, oName_S1, oName_S2, rName))
    } else {
      base::stop(base::paste0("The method argument, '", method, "' was not recognized as a valid option to the AceUnivariate function."))
nlsy-links/NlsyLinks documentation built on March 13, 2024, 4:05 a.m.