CBNplot-package: CBNplot: plot bayesian network inferred from gene expression...

CBNplot-packageR Documentation

CBNplot: plot bayesian network inferred from gene expression data based on enrichment analysis results


This package provides the visualization of bayesian network inferred from gene expression data. The networks are based on enrichment analysis results inferred from packages including clusterProfiler and ReactomePA. The networks between pathways and genes inside the pathways can be inferred and visualized.


[CBNplot::bngeneplot()] - The main function using gene expression data within the pathway to infer Bayesian network. [CBNplot::bnpathplot()] - The main function using pathway expression data, which is defined by eigengene of the gene expression values to infer Bayesian network.


Maintainer: Noriaki Sato

See Also

Useful links:

noriakis/CBNplotTest documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 8:05 a.m.