Man pages for npcooley/SynExtend
Tools for Working With Synteny Objects

BlastSeqsRun BLAST queries from R
BlockExpansionAttempt to expand blocks of paired features in a...
BlockReconciliationRejection scheme for asyntenic predicted pairs
BuiltInEnsemblesPretrained EvoWeaver Ensemble Models
CIDist_NullDistSimulated Null Distributions for CI Distance
ClusterByKPredicted pair trimming using K-means.
CompetePairsFind the best match pair in cases where ambiguity exists.
DecisionTree-classDecision Trees for Random Forests
dendrapplyApply a Function to All Nodes of a Dendrogram
DisjointSetReturn single linkage clusters from 'PairSummaries' objects.
DPhyloStatisticD-Statistic for Binary States on a Phylogeny
Endosymbionts_GeneCallsExample genecalls
Endosymbionts_LinkedFeaturesExample synteny links
Endosymbionts_Pairs01Example predicted pairs
Endosymbionts_Pairs02Example predicted pairs
Endosymbionts_Pairs03Example predicted pairs
Endosymbionts_SetsA list of disjoint sets.
Endosymbionts_SyntenyA synteny object
EstimateExoLabelEstimate ExoLabel Disk Consumption
EstimRearrScenEstimate Genome Rearrangement Events with Double Cut and Join...
EvoWeaverEvoWeaver: Predicting Protein Functional Association Networks
EvoWeaver-GOPredsGene Organization Predictions for EvoWeaver
EvoWeaver-PPPredsPhylogenetic Profiling Predictions for EvoWeaver
EvoWeaver-PSPredsPhylogenetic Structure Predictions for EvoWeaver
EvoWeaver-SLPredsSequence-Level Predictions for EvoWeaver
EvoWebEvoWeb: Predictions from EvoWeaver
ExampleStreptomycesDataExample EvoWeaver Input Data from _Streptomyces_ Species
ExoLabelExoLabel: Out of Memory Fast Label Propagation
ExpandDiagonalAttempt to expand blocks of paired features in a...
ExtractByExtract and organize 'DNAStringSets's.
FastQFromSRRGet Sequencing Data from the SRA
FindSetsFind all single linkage clusters in an undirected pairs list.
FitchParsimonyCalculate ancestral states using Fitch Parsimony
GenericModel for predicting PID based on k-mer statistics
gffToDataFrameGenerate a DataFrame of gene calls from a gff3 file
LinkedPairs-classTables of where syntenic hits link pairs of genes
MakeBlastDbCreate a BLAST Database from R
MoransIMoran's _I_ Spatial Autocorrelation Index
NucleotideOverlapTabulating Pairs of Genomic Sequences
PairSummariesSummarize connected pairs in a LinkedPairs object
PhyloDistanceCalculate Distance between Unrooted Phylogenies
PhyloDistance-CIClustering Information Distance
PhyloDistance-JRFJaccard-Robinson-Foulds Distance
PhyloDistance-KFKuhner-Felsenstein Distance
PhyloDistance-RFRobinson-Foulds Distance
plot.EvoWebPlot predictions in a EvoWeb object
predict.EvoWeaverMake predictions with EvoWeaver objects
PrepareSeqsAdd feature sequences to Decipher databases.
RandForestClassification and Regression with Random Forests
SelectByKPredicted pair trimming using K-means.
SequenceSimilarityReturn a numeric value that represents the similarity between...
simMatSimilarity Matrices
subset-dendrogramSubsetting dendrogram objects
SubSetPairsSubset a "PairSummaries" object.
SummarizePairsProvide summaries of hypothetical orthologs.
SuperTreeCreate a Species Tree from Gene Trees
SuperTreeExExample Dendrograms
npcooley/SynExtend documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 5:18 a.m.