
Defines functions Spawning

Documented in Spawning

#~             ,''''''''''''''.
#~~           /   USEPA FISH   \
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#~~           \ v1.0 "Doloris" /
#~             `..............'
#~  N. Pollesch - pollesch.nathan@epa.gov

#' Kernel Functions - Spawning Probability
#' Probability of reproducing, once an individual reaches 'z_repro' they reproduce with probability 'p_spawn'
#' @param z Size at the beginning of the timestep [float]
#' @param pars Data.frame containing the date-indexed parameters [data.frame]
#' @param date Ordinal day to reference proper 'pars' date-indexed parameters [integer]
#' @return Probability of reproducing [binary]
#' @export
#' @family Kernel Functions

## Notes on Spawning Prob
## p_spawn parameter is generated using the batch spawning algorithm (see GenerateSpawningProbs.R)
## z_repro parameter was estimated based on lab observations of K.Flynn and S.Kadlec
npollesch/FishToxTranslator documentation built on May 23, 2021, 3:21 a.m.