
Defines functions use_datadriven_cv

Documented in use_datadriven_cv

#' Use Data Driven CV template
#' Sets up the `.Rmd` file for a data-driven cv in current working directory.
#' Also adds css file for current CV so style can be custommized.
#' @param full_name Your full name, used in title of document and header
#' @param data_location Path of the spreadsheets holding all your data. This can
#'   be either a URL to a google sheet with multiple sheets containing the four
#'   data types or a path to a folder containing four `.csv`s with the neccesary
#'   data. See \code{\link{use_csv_data_storage()}} for help setting up these
#'   `.csv`s.
#' @param pdf_location What location will the PDF of this CV be hosted at?
#' @param pdf_location_resume What location will the PDF of this CV be hosted at? Not neccesary if you don't plan on using resume mode.
#' @param html_location What location will the HTML version of this CV be hosted
#'   at?
#' @param html_location_resume What location will the HTML version of the resume version be hosted?
#' @param source_location Where is the code to build your CV hosted?
#' @param open_files Should the added files be opened after creation?
#' @param which_files What files should be placed? Takes a vector of possible
#'   values `c("cv.rmd", "dd_cv.css", "render_cv.r", "cv_printing_functions.r")`
#'   or `"all"` for everything. This can be used to incrementally update the
#'   printing functions or CSS without loosing customizations you've made to
#'   other files.
#' @param output_dir Where should the files be placed? Defaults to your current working directory
#' @param use_network_logo Should logo be an interactive network based on your
#'   CV data? Note that this uses the function
#'   \code{\link{build_network_logo()}} so will introduce a dependency on this
#'   package.
#' @inheritParams use_ddcv_template
#' @return `cv.rmd`, `dd_cv.css`, `render_cv.r`, and `cv_printing_functions.r`
#'   written to the current working directory.
#' @examples
#' # Make a temp directory for placing files
#' # This would be a real location for a typical situation
#' temp_dir <- fs::dir_create(fs::path(tempdir(), "my_cv"))
#' use_datadriven_cv(
#'   full_name = "Nick Strayer",
#'   data_location = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14MQICF2F8-vf8CKPF1m4lyGKO6_thG-4aSwat1e2TWc",
#'   pdf_location = "https://github.com/nstrayer/cv/raw/master/strayer_cv.pdf",
#'   html_location = "nickstrayer.me/cv/",
#'   source_location = "https://github.com/nstrayer/cv",
#'   output_dir = temp_dir,
#'   open_files = FALSE
#' )
#' # Files should be where they were requested
#' list.files(temp_dir)
#' @export
use_datadriven_cv <- function(full_name = "Sarah Arcos",
                              data_location = system.file("sample_data/", package = "datadrivencv"),
                              pdf_location = "https://github.com/nstrayer/cv/raw/master/strayer_cv.pdf",
                              pdf_location_resume = "https://github.com/nstrayer/cv/raw/master/strayer_resume.pdf",
                              html_location = "nickstrayer.me/datadrivencv/",
                              html_location_resume = "nickstrayer.me/datadrivencv/resume",
                              source_location = "https://github.com/nstrayer/datadrivencv",
                              which_files = "all",
                              output_dir = getwd(),
                              create_output_dir = FALSE,
                              use_network_logo = TRUE,
                              open_files = TRUE){

  if(is.character(which_files) && which_files == "all"){
    which_files <- c("cv.rmd", "dd_cv.css", "resume.rmd", "dd_resume.css", "render_cv.r", "cv_printing_functions.r")
  # Make case-insensitive
  which_files <- tolower(which_files)

  if("cv.rmd" %in% which_files){
    # Sets the main Rmd template
      file_name = "cv.rmd",
      params = list(
        full_name = full_name,
        data_location = data_location,
        pdf_location = pdf_location,
        html_location = html_location,
        source_location = source_location,
        use_network_logo = use_network_logo
      output_dir = output_dir,
      create_output_dir = create_output_dir,
      open_after_making = open_files

  if("dd_cv.css" %in% which_files){
    # Place the css as well
      file_name = "dd_cv.css",
      output_dir = output_dir,

  if("resume.rmd" %in% which_files){
    # Sets the main Rmd template
      file_name = "resume.rmd",
      params = list(
        full_name = full_name,
        data_location = data_location,
        pdf_location = pdf_location_resume,
        html_location = html_location_resume,
        source_location = source_location,
        use_network_logo = use_network_logo
      output_dir = output_dir,
      create_output_dir = create_output_dir,
      open_after_making = open_files

  if("dd_resume.css" %in% which_files){
    # Place the css as well
      file_name = "dd_resume.css",
      output_dir = output_dir,

  if("render_cv.r" %in% which_files){
      file_name = "render_cv.r",
      output_dir = output_dir,
      open_after_making = open_files

  if("cv_printing_functions.r" %in% which_files){
      file_name = "cv_printing_functions.r",
      output_dir = output_dir,

nstrayer/datadrivencv documentation built on June 25, 2024, 3:23 a.m.