Man pages for nullranges/nullranges
Generation of null ranges via bootstrapping or covariate matching

bootRangesBlock bootstrap for genomic ranges
BootRanges-classBootRanges object
combnCovFunction for creating combinations of covariates
covariatesGet covariates from a Matched object
focalGet focal set from a Matched object
indicesGet indices of matched set
makeExampleMatchedDataSetFunction for generating an example matchRanges or Matched...
matchedGet matched set from a Matched object
matchedClassMatched objects
matchedDataGet matched data from a Matched object
MatchedDataFrameMatchedDataFrame objects
MatchedGInteractionsMatchedGInteractions objects
MatchedGRangesMatchedGRanges objects
matchRangesGenerate a covariate-matched control set of ranges
methodGet matching method used for Matched object
oneRegionSegmentSegmentation based on one region
overviewOverview of matching quality
overview-methodsNames S3 method for autocomplete
plotCovariateCovariate plotting for Matched objects
plotPropensityPropensity score plotting for Matched objects
plotSegmentPlot genome segmentation
poolGet pool set from a Matched object
reduceSegmentCombine nearby regions with same state
segmentDensityGenome segmentation based on feature density
unmatchedGet unmatched set from a Matched object
withReplacementGet replace method
nullranges/nullranges documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 12:13 a.m.