
Defines functions `%ifnull%` ...merge ...arg call.arg.characters call.dots.namesorargs call.dots.named.list call.dots.asis call.dots.args call.dots.argnames call.dots.which.frame call.default.arg call.objname

# -----------------------
# Helper methods for function calling at run-time
# ########################
# Copyright (C) 2020 Nunes IJG et al

# Finds recursively the source name of 'obj' function used as argument in parent functions
call.objname <- function(obj, prevfns=0)
  prevfns = prevfns + 1
  nm = deparse(substitute(obj))
  if (prevfns > 1)
    for (i in (2:prevfns))
      ptxt = sprintf('deparse(substitute(%s))', nm)
      nm = eval.parent(parse(text=ptxt), n=i-1)

# Gets a list of the default arguments inside the current function
call.default.arg <- function(obj, prevfns=0L)
  prevfns = prevfns + 1L
  objname = call.objname(obj, prevfns)
  fms = eval.parent(formals(sys.function(sys.parent(prevfns))), prevfns)
  if (!(objname %in% names(fms))) return(NULL)
  argres = fms[[objname]]
  if (missing(argres)) argres = NULL
  if (is.call(argres)) argres = eval.parent(argres, prevfns)

# Gets the number of parent frames from which the dots were called
call.dots.which.frame <- function(...)
  nfr = sys.nframe()
  if (nfr == 0L) return(0L)
  wfr = min(which(vapply(lapply(sys.calls(), as.character), `%in%`, FALSE, x='...' )))
  if (wfr != 1L)
    syspars = sys.parents()
    if (wfr %in% seq_along(syspars))
      wfr = syspars[wfr]

# Gets a character vector with the argument names used in dots. This does not evaluate the arguments
call.dots.argnames <- function(...)
  if (...length() == 0L) return(character(0))
  names(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`)

# Gets a pairlist with the unvaluated arguments included in dots
call.dots.args <- function(..., .prevfns=0L)
  if (...length() == 0L) return(NULL)
  nframe = call.dots.which.frame(...)
  argls = match.call(expand.dots = FALSE, call = sys.call(nframe), envir=sys.frame(nframe))$`...`
  argls = if (is.named(argls))
    argls[!(names(argls) %in% formalArgs(sys.function(nframe)))]
    argls[-(1L:(which(grepl("...", formalArgs(sys.function(nframe)), fixed = TRUE))[1L] - 1L))]

# Gets only those arguments expressed as an 'as-is' call (e.g. I(expression))
call.dots.asis <- function(..., .prevfns=0L)
  if (...length() == 0L) return(NULL)
  lcalls = as.list(eval.parent(substitute(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)[['...']])))
  argnms = names(lcalls)
  if (is.null(argnms)) argnms = rep('', ...length())
  unmds = nchar(argnms) == 0L
  argnms[unmds] = sprintf("..%d", 1L:...length())[unmds]
  argnms = argnms[vapply(lcalls, function(cl) is.call(cl) && length(cl) == 2L && cl[[1]] == 'I', FALSE)]
  if (length(argnms) == 0) return(NULL)

# Gets a named list with the arguments included in dots. When names are not provided, the call is used as the element name
call.dots.named.list <- function(..., .trimquotes=TRUE, .replacefn=NULL)
  nargs = ...length()
  if (nargs == 0L) return(setNames(list(), nm = character(0)))
  argls = list(...)
  argnms = names(argls)
  if (is.null(argnms)) argnms = rep('', nargs)
  selempts = nchar(argnms) == 0L
  if (any(selempts))
    lscalls = as.character(as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L])
    rnms = clean_calls(as.character(lscalls)[selempts],
                       sep = '_')
    argnms[selempts] = rnms
    names(argls) = argnms

# Gets a character vector with the argument names used in dots. Empty names will be replaced by the actual calls 
call.dots.namesorargs <- function(..., .trimquotes=TRUE)
  if (...length() == 0L) return(character(0))
  lscalls = as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
  argnms = names(lscalls)
  if (is.null(argnms))
    argnms = character(length(argnms))
  sel.empties = nchar(argnms) == 0L
  if (any(sel.empties, na.rm = TRUE))
    argnms[sel.empties] = clean_calls(as.character(lscalls)[sel.empties],
                                      sep = '_')

# Get the possible characters for argument names, removing possible calls
call.arg.characters <- function(callarg)
  argnm = deparse(substitute(callarg))
  argsub = eval.parent(parse(text=sprintf("substitute(%s)", argnm)))
  if (is.call(argsub))
    retls = new.env()
    recdecall = function(e)
      if (is.call(e))
        subls = as.list(e)[-1]
        for (el in subls)
      else retls[[sprintf('%d', length(retls))]] = e
    argsub = unlist(as.list(retls))
  argsub = unique(as.character(argsub))

# Gets an argument by its name inside the dots of a parent funtion. If a default value is provided, this is used if the argument is missing
...arg <- function(name, default)
  argnm = trimws(deparse(substitute(name)), whitespace = '[\'\"\t\n]')
  dotexpr = substitute(call.dots.args(...))
  argls = eval.parent(dotexpr)
  nodef = missing(default)
  ret = if (argnm %in% names(argls)) argls[[argnm]] else if (!nodef) default else stop(sprintf("object '%s' not found", argnm), call. = FALSE)

# Merges the arguments inside a function with the passed arguments in dots. The dots arguments in called function are preferred when present 
...merge <- function(...)
  argls = list(...)
  pargls = eval.parent(quote(list(...)))
  newarginds = which(!(names(argls) %in% names(pargls)))
  for (newi in newarginds)
    pargls[[names(argls)[newi]]] = argls[[newi]]

# Uses the second argument if the first is null
`%ifnull%` <- function(x, replacement)
  if (!is.null(x)) return(x)
nunesijg/geva documentation built on March 12, 2021, 3:58 p.m.