Man pages for nwvankuren/gwplotting
Utilities for plotting statistics from genome-wide analyses

add_annotationsCreate a tibble containing information for plotting gene...
calculate_ld_decayBin LD values for decay plotting
calculate_windowed_ldCalculate average LD values in sliding windows
generate_reordering_for_vcfGenerate reordering information for a VCF file
get_cumulative_positionsAssign cumulative positions to positions split by scaffolds.
gwplottinggwplotting: A package to simplify plotting genome-wide...
ld_rollerFunction for applying to single-scaffold LD tibbles. Used by...
load_abbababaLoad a results file from Simon Martin's
load_gemma_gwasLoad a GEMMA association results file.
load_plink_gwasLoad a PLINK association results file.
load_plink_ldLoad a plink LD file
load_popgenWindowsLoad a results file from Simon Martin's
load_vcftools_statsLoad a VCFtools results file.
plot_genomewide_dataPlot genome-wide statistics
plot_region_dataPlot statistics in a particular region
reorder_by_chromosomeReorder a file by chromosome.
reorder_by_scaf_lenReorder scaffolds based on their size.
reorder_scaffoldsReorder scaffolds based on assignment to chromosomes.
nwvankuren/gwplotting documentation built on July 5, 2024, 4:24 p.m.