
# Copyright 2018 Opening Rcmdroducible Research (https://o2r.info)

context("CMD instruction")

test_that("A valid CMD instruction can be created" , {
  obj <- Cmd("R")
  expect_equal(toString(obj), "CMD [\"R\"]")
  #with parameters
  obj <- Cmd("R", params = c("--vanilla", "--no-restore"))
               "CMD [\"R\", \"--vanilla\", \"--no-restore\"]")
  #only with parameters (default parameters for entrypoint)
  obj <- Cmd(params = c("--vanilla", "--no-restore"))
  expect_equal(toString(obj), "CMD [\"--vanilla\", \"--no-restore\"]")
  #invalid objects cannot be created:
  expect_error(Cmd(exec = ""))
  expect_error(Cmd(exec = NA_character_))
  expect_error(Cmd(params = c("", NA_character_)))
  expect_error(Cmd(params = c("", "param")))

test_that("A character string as command works", {
  output <- capture_output({
    the_dockerfile <- dockerfile(from = expression(cat("test")),
                                 cmd = "my_binary",
                                 maintainer = "o2r",
                                 image = getImageForVersion("3.3.2"))
  expect_s4_class(the_dockerfile, "Dockerfile")
  df_string <- toString(the_dockerfile)
  expect_equal(df_string[length(df_string)], 'CMD [\"my_binary\"]')

test_that("Error when nothing is provided to Cmd constructor", {

test_that("CMD executable is correctly rendered", {
  cmd <- Cmd("echo")
  expect_equal(as.character(cmd), 'CMD ["echo"]')

test_that("CMD with path is correctly rendered in exec form", {
  cmd <- Cmd("/bin/echo")
  expect_equal(as.character(cmd), 'CMD ["/bin/echo"]')

test_that("CMD with path is correctly rendered in shell form", {
  cmd <- Cmd("/bin/echo", form = "shell")
  expect_equal(as.character(cmd), 'CMD /bin/echo')

test_that("Unsupported form gives error", {
  expect_error(Cmd("echo", form = "unsupp"), "unsupp")

test_that("CMD parameters are correctly rendered in exec form", {
  cmd <- Cmd(exec = "script.R", params = c("1", "2"), form = "exec")
  expect_equal(as.character(cmd), 'CMD ["script.R", "1", "2"]')

test_that("CMD parameters are correctly rendered in shell form", {
  cmd <- Cmd(exec = "script.R", params = c("1", "2"), form = "shell")
  expect_equal(as.character(cmd), 'CMD script.R 1 2')

test_that("CMD command is correctly added to Dockerfile as last line", {
  output <- capture_output(the_dockerfile <- dockerfile(from = NULL,
                   entrypoint = Entrypoint("Rscript"),
                   cmd = Cmd("script.R")))
  df_string <- toString(the_dockerfile)
  expect_equal(df_string[length(df_string)], 'CMD ["script.R"]')
o2r-project/containerit documentation built on June 28, 2021, 2:46 p.m.