#' Summarises the results from multiple simulations of a UCT
#' Calculates Effectiveness and ttoal people treated from the outputs of multiple simulated trials
#' @param denmod_UCT A list of multiple SpatialDengue model objects
#' @param unipix Universal pixel lookup table, see ?make.unipix
#' @keywords summary
#' @details plots a boxplot of Effectiveness against dengue infection and dengue cases and returns a data frame of the Effectiveness and
#' total person-days of observation in the trial and total people treated with drugs for each realisation of the trial (model run)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sgdat)
#' data(sgpop)
#' sgpop <- pop.process(sgpop, agg = 10)
#' unipix <- make.unipix(sgpop)
#' pixdistmat <- distm(cbind(unipix$x, unipix$y))
#' sgdat <- data.frame(sgdat, patchID = apply(cbind(sgdat[, 3:2]), 1, pix.id.find, unipix))
#' weekdates <- c(40, 92)
#' UCTinfo <- list(Tstart = 50,
#' Tfollowup = 28,
#' ntreat = 30,
#' ncontrol = 30,
#' DrugEfficacy = 0.9)
#' denmod_UCT = DEN.spatial.UCT(weekdates, sgdat, unipix, pixdistmat, UCTinfo, nruns = 10)
#' effectiveness <- UCT.Eff.calc(denmod_UCT, unipix)
UCT.Eff.calc <- function(denmod_UCT, unipix){
nruns = length(denmod_UCT)
Efftab = data.frame(Eff_infs = rep(NA, nruns),
Eff_cases = rep(NA, nruns))
trialdeets <- data.frame(Patches_treated = rep(NA, nruns),
Patches_control = rep(NA, nruns),
People_days_observed = rep(NA, nruns),
People_treated = rep(NA, nruns))
for(i in 1:nruns){
# table out treated and control patches and when they were recruited
Ptreat = data.frame(daystart = unlist(apply(cbind(1:365, unlist(lapply(denmod_UCT[[i]]$treatlog, length))),
1, function(x) rep(x[1], x[2]))),
patch = unlist(denmod_UCT[[i]]$treatlog))
Ptreat = Ptreat[!is.na(Ptreat[, 2]), ]
Pcont = data.frame(daystart = unlist(apply(cbind(1:365, unlist(lapply(denmod_UCT[[i]]$contlog, length))),
1, function(x) rep(x[1], x[2]))),
patch = unlist(denmod_UCT[[i]]$contlog))
Pcont = Pcont[!is.na(Pcont[, 2]), ]
# if no trial because outbreak was over, just throw NAs- trial never would ahve started
Ptreatinfs = rep(NA, nrow(Ptreat))
PtreatNinfs = rep(NA, nrow(Ptreat))
Ptreatcases = rep(NA, nrow(Ptreat))
Peopletreated = rep(NA, nrow(Ptreat))
PTreatdObs = rep(NA, nrow(Ptreat))
if(nrow(Ptreat) > 0){
# Q1 efficacy for infections and cases
# first cases and infections in treatment patches
for(k in 1:nrow(Ptreat)){
enroll = Ptreat[k, 1]
fup = Ptreat[k, 1] + UCTinfo$Tfollowup
# extract goo
newcases = 0
for(h in enroll:fup){
newcases = newcases + denmod_UCT[[i]]$Patchtotals[[h]][, 6][Ptreat[k, 2]]
Ptreatcases[k] = newcases
enroll_C <- denmod_UCT[[i]]$Patchtotals[[enroll]][, c(1, 2, 4, 6)][Ptreat[k, 2], ]
fup_C <- denmod_UCT[[i]]$Patchtotals[[fup]][, c(1, 2, 4, 6)][Ptreat[k, 2], ]
# seroconverted, not seroconverted
Ptreatinfs[k] <- as.numeric(sum(enroll_C[1:3]) - sum(fup_C[1:3]))
PtreatNinfs[k] <- as.numeric(fup_C[1] + fup_C[3])
# people treated
Peopletreated[k] = as.numeric(enroll_C[3])
# people-days under observation
PTreatdObs[k] = (fup - enroll) * sum(enroll_C[1:3])
# then cases and infections in control patches
Pcontinfs = rep(NA, nrow(Pcont))
PcontNinfs = rep(NA, nrow(Pcont))
Pcontcases = rep(NA, nrow(Pcont))
PcontdObs = rep(NA, nrow(Ptreat))
if(nrow(Pcont) > 0){
for(k in 1:nrow(Pcont)){
enroll = Pcont[k, 1]
fup = Pcont[k, 1] + UCTinfo$Tfollowup
# extract goo
newcases = 0
for(h in enroll:fup){
newcases = newcases + denmod_UCT[[i]]$Patchtotals[[h]][, 6][Pcont[k, 2]]
Pcontcases[k] = newcases
enroll_C <- denmod_UCT[[i]]$Patchtotals[[enroll]][, c(1, 2, 4, 6)][Pcont[k, 2], ]
fup_C <- denmod_UCT[[i]]$Patchtotals[[fup]][, c(1, 2, 4, 6)][Pcont[k, 2], ]
# seroconverted, not seroconverted
Pcontinfs[k] <- as.numeric(sum(enroll_C[1:3]) - sum(fup_C[1:3]))
PcontNinfs[k] <- as.numeric(fup_C[1] + fup_C[3])
# people-days under observation
PcontdObs[k] = (fup - enroll) * sum(enroll_C[1:3])
# now calculate effectiveness
# first gather population data
Ptreat$pop = unipix[match(Ptreat$patch, unipix[, 1]), 3]
Pcont$pop = unipix[match(Pcont$patch, unipix[, 1]), 3]
# attack rate untreated clusters
ARU_inf = sum(Pcontinfs) / sum(Pcont$pop)
ARU_cases = sum(Pcontcases) / sum(Pcont$pop)
# attack rate treated clusters
ART_inf = sum(Ptreatinfs) / sum(Ptreat$pop)
ART_cases = sum(Ptreatcases) / sum(Ptreat$pop)
# efficacy
Efftab[i, 1] = 100 * (ARU_inf - ART_inf) / ARU_inf
Efftab[i, 2] = 100 * (ARU_cases - ART_cases) / ARU_cases
# trial details
trialdeets$Patches_treated[i] = nrow(Ptreat)
trialdeets$Patches_control[i] = nrow(Pcont)
trialdeets$People_treated[i] = sum(Peopletreated)
trialdeets$People_days_observed[i] = sum(PTreatdObs, PcontdObs)
boxplot(Efftab, ylim = c(0, 100), main = "Drug Efficacy", names = c("Against infection", "Against cases"))
# how many people given Px?
# return dataframe
rtndf <- data.frame(Inf_eff = Efftab[, 1],
Case_eff = Efftab[, 2],
People_days_observed = trialdeets$People_days_observed,
People_treated = trialdeets$People_treated)
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