mgp_sampleProfiles: Mock dataset for cell type profiles

Description Usage Format See Also


This is a simplified mock dataset that represents the minimal information required for marker gene selection. Gene symbols or other form of gene identifier to be outputted should be present in a column before the expression data. If there are additional columns that are not the expression data from samples they must not be of type double. In the Mancarci et al. study, expression data from samples is microarray data from purified brain cell types. Marker gene selection pipeline is designed to accomodate such microarray data that is on log2 scale. To use any other form of data, it must be converted to log scale and parameters for marker gene selection needs to be adjusted accordingly.




An object of class data.frame with 6 rows and 19 columns.

See Also

mpg_sampleProfilesMeta, mpg_sampleRegionHiearchy, input of mpg_markerCandidates

oganm/markerGeneProfile documentation built on July 11, 2019, 5:18 p.m.