Man pages for olapuentesantana/easierData
easier internal data and exemplary dataset from IMvigor210CoreBiologies package

easierData-pkgeasierData: easier data package
get_cor_scores_genesGet the list of genes used to define correlated scores of...
get_group_lrpairsGet the groups of ligand-receptor pairs
get_HGNC_annotationGet the gene symbols approved annotations
get_intercell_networksGet the cancer-specific intercellular networks, including a...
get_lr_frequency_TCGAGet the frequency of each ligand-receptor pair feature across...
get_Mariathasan2018_PDL1_treatmentGet the Mariathasan2018 PD-L1 treatment data
get_opt_modelsGet the cancer-specific model feature parameters
get_opt_xtrain_statsGet training set cancer-specific features mean and standard...
get_scores_signature_genesGet the gene signatures for each score of immune response
get_TCGA_mean_pancancerGet the mean of the TPM expression of each gene across all...
get_TCGA_sd_pancancerGet the standard deviation of the TPM expression of each gene...
list_easierDataList the datasets
olapuentesantana/easierData documentation built on Dec. 22, 2021, 4:19 a.m.