
Defines functions design_fieldbook add_cl add_fieldbook_sheet_hdfims

Documented in add_cl add_fieldbook_sheet_hdfims design_fieldbook

#' Generic fieldbook design function
#' @param design a statistical design
#' @param trt1 vector treatment one
#' @param trt2 vector second treatment; a controlled factor
## '@param is_rwcol wheters
#' @param trt1_label string
#' @param trt2_label string
#' @param factor_name The name of the factor
#' @param factor_lvl1 The first level of the factor
#' @param factor_lvl2 The second level of the factor
#' @param factor_lvl3 The third level of the factor
#' @param sub_design The sub design used by Split or Strip plot design.
#' @param number_col Wescott Design input. Number of columns.
#' @param number_colb Wescott Design input. Number of columns between two check columns (default is 10).
#' @param type_lxt Type of line by tester evaluation.
#' @param set Number of sets (in case of genetic design)
#' @param male Males
#' @param female Females
#' @param r number of repetitions
#' @param k number of blocks
#' @param series label series type
#' @param random to randomize or not
#' @param zigzag order plot in serpentine
#' @param first to randomize or not the first repetition
#' @param maxRep maximum number of repetitions
#' @param cont continuouse labeling
#' @param variables set of variables
#' @return a dataframe
#' @export
design_fieldbook <- function(design = "(RCBD)", trt1 = letters[1:5], trt2=NULL,
                             r = 2, k = 2,
                             trt1_label  = "trt1",
                             trt2_label  = "trt2",
                             #is_rwcol = FALSE,
                             factor_name ="FACTOR",
                             factor_lvl1 ="level1", factor_lvl2="level2", factor_lvl3="level3",
                             sub_design  ="crd",
                             number_col  = 3, #westcott
                             number_colb  = NULL, #westcott
                             type_lxt = 1, #type of line by tester.For further details, see geneticdsg package documentation.
                             set = NULL,
                             male = NULL,
                             female= NULL,
                             maxRep = 20,
                             series = 1 , random = TRUE, first = TRUE, cont = FALSE,
                             zigzag = FALSE,
                             #is_ssample = FALSE,
                             variables = NULL){

  #seed <- 1234

  design = stringr::str_extract(design, "([A-Z2]{2,10})")
  # if (design == "LD" && !(length(trt1) %% r == 0 ))
  #   stop("Incorrect paramter combinations for LD design.")
  fb <- switch(design,

     #unreplicated design
     UNDR = fbdesign::design.undr(trt1,r=1), ##fbdesign
     #UNDR = st4gi::cd.ur(geno = trt1, nc = number_col),#st4gi

     #randomized complete block design
     RCBD = design.rcbd(trt1, r, series, randomization = random, first = first), #ok #agricolae
     #RCBD = st4gi::cd.rcb(geno = trt1, nb = r, nc = number_col), #st4gi

     #complete randomzized design
     CRD = design.crd(trt1, r, series, randomization = random ), #ok #AGRICOLAE
     #CRD = st4gi::cd.cr(geno = trt1, nrep = r, nc =  number_col), #ST4GI

     #latin square design
     LSD = design.lsd(trt1, series, randomization = random, first = first),

     #split plot under crd
     SPCRD = design.split(trt1 = trt1, trt2 = trt2, r = r, design = "crd", series,
                             first, randomization = random, kinds = "Super-Duper"),#AGRICOLAE

     #split plot under rcbd
     SPRCBD = design.split(trt1 = trt1, trt2 = trt2, r = r, design = "rcbd", series,
                                      first, randomization = random, kinds = "Super-Duper"), #AGRICOLAE
     #SPRCBD = st4gi::cd.spl(A = trt1,B = trt2,nrep = r,nc = number_col),

     #split plot under lsd
     SPLSD = design.split(trt1 = trt1, trt2 = trt2, r = r, design = "lsd", series,
                                      first, randomization = random, kinds = "Super-Duper"),
     #sptrip plot design
     STRIP = design.strip(trt1 = trt1, trt2 = trt2, r = r, series,
                                    kinds ="Super-Duper" ,randomization =random),
     #factorial two way under crd
     F2CRD = design.f2crd(trt1, trt2, r = r, series=series, random=random), #AGRICOLAE
     #F2CRD = st4gi::cd.2fcr(A = trt1, B = trt2, nrep = r, nc = number_col), #st4gi

     #factorial two way under rcbd
     F2RCBD = fbdesign::design.f2rcbd(trt1, trt2, r = r, series=series, random=random), #agricolae
     #F2RCBD = st4gi::cd.2frcb(A = trt1,B = trt2, nb = r, nc = number_col), #st4gi

     ##Augmented block design. Tip or Hint: trt2::genotypes & trt:: genotypes
     ABD = design.dau(trt1, trt2, r = r, serie=series,
                                   kinds ="Super-Duper" ,randomization = random),

     GLD = design.graeco(trt1, trt2, serie = series, randomization = random),
     YD  = design.youden(trt1, r, serie = series, first = first, randomization = random),
     LD  = design.lattice(trt1, r, serie = series, randomization = random),
     BIBD = design.bib(trt1, k, r = NULL, serie = series, maxRep = maxRep, randomization = random,
                                      seed = 0, kinds = "Super-Duper"),

     AD = design.alpha(trt1, k, r, serie = series, randomization = random),

     CD = design.cyclic(trt1, k, r, serie = series, randomization = random),

     #Westcott design need two checks. In st4gi this checks are two separeted parameters.
     WD = st4gi::cd.w(geno = trt1, ch1 = trt2[1], ch2 = trt2[2], nc = number_col, ncb =  number_colb),

     #north carolina I
     NCI = geneticdsg::design_carolina(set = set, r = r, male = male, female = female, type = 1),

     #north carolina II
     NCII = geneticdsg::design_carolina(set = set, r = r, male = male, female = female, type = 2),

     LXT <- geneticdsg::design_lxt(r =r, lines = female, testers = male, type = type_lxt)

     #SPPD = agricolae::design.split(trt1 = trt1, trt2 = trt2, r = r, design = sub_design, series,
     #                               first, randomization = random, kinds = "Super-Duper"),


  names(fb$book)[1] = "PLOT"
  #names(fb$book)[nc] = toupper(trt1_label)
  res <- fb$book

  if(design == "UNDR"){
    fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,2,3)]
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","INSTN")
    ### new code ####
    # if(is_rwcol == FALSE){
    #   fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,2,4)]
    #   names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","INSTN")
    # } else {
    #   fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,2,4)]
    #   names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","",INSTN")
    # }


  if (design == "RCBD") {
    if(zigzag) fb$book = agricolae::zigzag(fb)
    names(fb$book)[2] = "REP"
    names(fb$book)[3] = toupper(trt1_label)

  #This design is double block, the treatments are blocked by rows and columsn. See Montgomery Books for further review.
  if (design == "LSD") {
    if(zigzag)fb$book = agricolae::zigzag(fb)
    #names(fb$book)[2] = "REP"
    #fb$book = fb$book[, c(1, 2, 4)]
    # names(fb$book)[2] = "BLOCK_ROW"
    # names(fb$book)[3] = "BLOCK_COL"
    fb$book = fb$book[, c(1, 2, 3, 4)] #PLOT, BLOCK_ROW, BLOC_COL, TREATMENT
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","BLOCK_ROW","BLOCK_COL","INSTN")

    #names(fb$book)[3] = toupper(trt1_label)

  if (design == "CRD") {
    #if(zigzag)fb$book = agricolae::zigzag(fb)
    names(fb$book)[2] = "REP"
    names(fb$book)[3] = toupper(trt1_label)

  if (design == "SPCRD"){

      fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,2,3,5,4)]
      names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT", "SUBPLOT", "REP", trt2_label, trt1_label) #SUBPLOT column

      #fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,3,5,4)]
      #names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","FACTOR","INSTN") #column block


  if (design == "SPRCBD"){

    fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,2,3,5,4)]
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT", "SUBPLOT", "REP", trt2_label, trt1_label) #SUBPLOT column
    #fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,3,5,4)]
    #names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","FACTOR","INSTN") #column block

  if (design == "SPLSD"){
    fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,3,4,6,5)]
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","CBLOCK","FACTOR","INSTN") #column block


  if (design == "F2CRD"){
      fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,2,3,4)]
      names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","FACTOR","INSTN") #column block

  if (design == "F2RCBD"){
    fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,2,3,4)]
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","FACTOR","INSTN") #column block

  if (design == "STRIP"){
    fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,2,4,3)]
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","FACTOR","INSTN")

  if (design == "ABD"){
    fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,2,3)]
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","INSTN")

  if (design == "AD") {
    fb$book = fb$book[,c(1, 5, 3, 4)]
    #     names(fb$book)[2] = "REP"
    #     names(fb$book)[3] = "BLOCK"
    #     names(fb$book)[4] = toupper(trt1_label)
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","BLOCK","INSTN")

  if (design == "WD"){
    fb$book <-  fb$book
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","ROW","COLUMN","INSTN")

  if (design == "NCI") {
    fb$book <- fb$book
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","SET","REP","MALE","FEMALE","INSTN")

  if (design == "NCII") {
    fb$book <- fb$book
    names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","SET","REP","FEMALE","MALE", "INSTN")

  if(design == "LXT"){


      fb$book <-  fb$book
      #names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","LINE","TESTER","INSTN")
      names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","LINE","TESTER", "INSTN")


      fb$book <-  fb$book
      names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","LINE","TESTER", "INSTN")


#   if (design == "GLD") {
#     if(zigzag)fb$book = agricolae::zigzag(fb)
#     names(fb$book)[2] = "REP"
#     fb$book = fb$book[, c(1, 2, 4, 5)]
#     names(fb$book)[3] = toupper(trt1_label)
#     names(fb$book)[4] = toupper(trt2_label)
#   }

#   if (design == "YD") {
#     names(fb$book)[2] = "REP"
#     names(fb$book)[3] = "BLOCK"
#     names(fb$book)[3] = toupper(trt1_label)
#   }
#   if (design == "BIBD") {
#     if(zigzag)fb$book = agricolae::zigzag(fb)
#     names(fb$book)[2] = "BLOCK"
#     names(fb$book)[3] = toupper(trt1_label)
#   }

#   if (design == "CD") {
#     if(zigzag)fb$book = agricolae::zigzag(fb)
#     names(fb$book)[2] = "REP"
#     names(fb$book)[3] = "BLOCK"
#     names(fb$book)[4] = toupper(trt1_label)
#     sk = list()
#     ns = length(fb$sketch)
#     for(i in 1:ns) sk[[i]] = fb$sketch[[i]]
#     fb$sketch = sk
#   }

##! Deprecated code
  #   if (design == "SPPD") {
  #     #if(zigzag)fb$book = agricolae::zigzag(fb)
  #     #names(fb$book)[2] = "REP"
  #     #names(fb$book)[3] = toupper(trt1_label)
  # #     if(sub_design == "crd"){
  # #       fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,3,5,4)]
  # #       names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","FACTOR","GENOTYPE") #column block
  # #     }
  #     if(sub_design == "rcbd"){
  #       fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,3,5,4)]
  #       names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","FACTOR","GENOTYPE") #column block
  #     }
  #     if(sub_design == "lsd"){
  #       fb$book <-  fb$book[,c(1,3,4,6,5)]
  #       names(fb$book) <- c("PLOT","REP","CBLOCK","FACTOR","GENOTYPE") #column block
  #     }
  #   }


  if(design == "UNDR"){

    out  <-  fb$book

  # } else if (design == "NCI") {
  #   out  <-  fb$book


  else if( design == "WD") {
    out  <-  fb$book

  # else if (design == "CRD"){
  #   out  <-  fb$book
  #   #PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   out$PLOT <- PLOT
  # }
  # else if(design == "RCBD"){
  #   out  <-  fb$book
  #   #PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   out$PLOT <- PLOT
  # }
  # else if(design == "LSD"){
  #   out  <-  fb$book
  #   #PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   out$PLOT <- PLOT
  # }
  # else if(design == "F2CRD"){
  #   out  <-  fb$book
  #   #PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   out$PLOT <- PLOT
  # }
  # else if(design == "F2RCBD"){
  #   out  <-  fb$book
  #   #PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
  #   out$PLOT <- PLOT
  # }

  else {

      if(series == 1){
        out  <-  fb$book
        #PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
        #PLOT <- out$PLOT-10
        PLOT <- 1:nrow(out)
        out$PLOT <- PLOT

      if(series == 2){# This series start from 101
        out  <-  fb$book
        # final_rows <- nrow(out) + 101 - 1
        # PLOT <- 101:final_rows
        #out$PLOT <- PLOT

      if(series == 3){ # This serise start from 1001
        out  <-  fb$book
        # final_rows <- nrow(out) + 1001 -1
        # PLOT <- 1001:final_rows
        #out$PLOT <- PLOT


  # Adding variables
    mm  <-  matrix(nrow = nrow(out), ncol = length(variables) )
    nm  <-  c(names(out), variables)
    out  <-  cbind(out, mm)
    names(out)  <-  nm

  # Adding meta data

  attr(out, "params") = fb$parameters
  attr(out, "sketch") = fb$sketch
  attr(out, "statistics") = fb$statistics



#' Creation of field design using factor or treatments
#' @description User may create field designs using different levels of a factor or treatment. For example if the factor has two levels;
#' lets say, irrigation and non-irrigation, two field books will be created one with irrigation and the another one with non-irrigations.
#' Only available for unreplicated designs, complete randomized designs `(CRD)`, completely block desing `(RCBD)`,
#' latin square designs `(LSD)`, Alpha design `(AD)`, Wescott design `(WD)` and Augmented Block Designs `(ABD)`
#' All those levels will be attached in a column named FACTOR.
#' @param fb field book design
#' @param design_abr design abbreviation
#' @param factor_lvl vector of factors or treatments.
#' @author Omar Benites
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @export

add_cl <- function(fb, design_abr= "CRD", factor_lvl){

  #fb <- mutate(fb, FACTOR = factor_lvl)
  #n <- ncol(fb)
  # if(is.element("INSTN",names(fb))){
  #       inst_pos <- which(names(fb) == "INSTN")
  # }

  if(design_abr == "CRD" || design_abr == "RCBD" || design_abr=="ABD"){
    #complete randomized design , completely randomized block design and augmented block design
      inst_pos <- which(names(fb) == "INSTN")
      inst_pos <- 2

    fb <- append_col(fb, list(FACTOR=factor_lvl), after=inst_pos)

  if(design_abr == "LSD" ||  design_abr == "WD"){

      inst_pos <- which(names(fb) == "INSTN")
      inst_pos <- 3

    fb <- append_col(fb, list(FACTOR=factor_lvl), after=inst_pos)

  if(design_abr == "AD"){ #alpha design

      inst_pos <- which(names(fb) == "INSTN")
      inst_pos <- 3

    fb <- append_col(fb, list(FACTOR=factor_lvl), after=inst_pos)

  fb <- fb

#' Add fieldbook sheet for HIDAP-AGROFIMS.
#' @description add a fieldbook sheet into a fieldbook file
#' @param file name of the file
#' @param fieldbook fieldbook data. A data frame.
#' @return

add_fieldbook_sheet_hdfims <-function(file, fieldbook){

  wb <- createWorkbook()
  openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, "Fieldbook",gridLines = TRUE)
  fn_xlsx <- file
  fieldbook_data <- fieldbook
  #fn_xlsx <- paste(fbdesign_id(),".xlsx",sep="")
  #headerStyle <- createStyle(fontSize = 14, wrapText = TRUE, fontColour = "#FFFFFF", halign = "center",
  #                          fgFill = "#4F81BD", border="TopBottom", borderColour = "#4F81BD")

  openxlsx::setColWidths(wb, sheet = "Fieldbook", cols = 1:200, widths = "auto")
  headerStyle <- createStyle(fontSize = 13,halign = "center",valign = "center")
  freezePane(wb, "Fieldbook" , firstActiveRow = 2, firstActiveCol = 4)
  openxlsx::writeDataTable(wb, "Fieldbook", x = fieldbook_data, colNames = TRUE, withFilter = FALSE,headerStyle =  headerStyle)
  saveWorkbook(wb, file = fn_xlsx , overwrite = TRUE)

omarbenites/fbdesign documentation built on May 24, 2019, 12:54 p.m.