Man pages for omegahat/RGCCTranslationUnit
R interface to GCC source code information

as.field.declFind appropriate sub-node
boolType-classClasses for representing primitive/built-in data types.
computeGlobalConstantsFind the top-level/global variables that are constant
computeGlobalEnumConstantsCompute top-level enumeration definitions
convertRValueCreate C/C++ code to convert R value to C/C++ type
createClassBindingsGenerate R and C/C++ code bindings for a C++ class.
createDerivedClassGenerate code for a derived C++ class with R functions as...
createInterfaceTop-level function for generating code to interface to code...
createMethodBindingGenerate R and C/C++ code to interface to an C++ method
createProxyRCallGenerate C routine to act as proxy for a C routine pointer
CRoutineDefinitionCreate a code object
CRoutineDefinition-classClass "CRoutineDefinition"
DefinitionContainerCreate a DefinitionContainer object for managing resolved...
DerivedClassCodeGenerated code for a derived C++ class implementation with R...
freeVariablesDetermine the free (non-local) variables in a C/C++...
gatherRegistrationInfoCollect information about native routines for registering...
GCCNodeClassesPerl parser translation unit node classes
generateInterfaceHigh-level function for creating R interface to C/C++ code
generateStructInterfaceGenerate R and C interface code to create, access and set...
getAllDeclarationsFind top-level translation unit nodes representing different...
getBaseClassesCompute names of base or ancestor classes
getCallGraphCompute call graph for a C/C++ routine or method
getClassMethodsGet descriptions for all methods in a C++ class
getCppDefinesCompute the C/C++ pre-processor macro definitions
getDataStructuresFind the nodes in a translation unit corresponding to data...
getDefinesFind the constants defined via the pre-processor
getExportNamesGet names of R objects to be exported from generated bindings
getFieldsFind the TU nodes for fields or slots in a class or struct or...
getInOutArgsDetermine which parameters are also output values
getNativeDeclarationCompute C/C++ declaration for specified variable
getNodeByTypeGet TU nodes based on type
getNodeSourceSource file and line number information for a TU node
getRClassDefinitionsCompute R classes corresponding to a C++ class
getRTypeNameName of R type corresponding to native type
getValueGet the literal value associated with a GCC node
getVariablesFind the translation unit nodes corresponding to variable...
nodeIteratorWalk and process the list of linked/chained nodes.
Parser-classClass "GCC::TranslationUnit::Parser" A convenience class for...
parseTURead a Translation Unit file into memory.
processDefinesOrganize and filter the raw macro definitions into...
RCodeFunctions for creating representations of R code as text
RC++Reference-classBasic class for representing external C++ objects
readDependenciesRead source code file dependencies on other files
resolveTypeCreate high-level, aggregate of translation unit nodes
TypeDefinition-classClasses representing C/C++ types in a translation unit...
typeMapCreate table of type mappings for generating interfaces
undocUndocumented internal objects for RGCCTranslationUnit
writeCodeOutput code for the bindings
omegahat/RGCCTranslationUnit documentation built on May 24, 2019, 1:53 p.m.