nodeIterator: Walk and process the list of linked/chained nodes.

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/findDecl.R


This function is the workhorse for processing the nodes in different ways. This function takes care of looping over the sequence of nodes and uses a predicate function type to determine if the function is of interest.


nodeIterator(node, op, type = TRUEp, verbose = FALSE, addPrefix = FALSE)



the node from which to start the iteration. This can be an arbitrary node in the array of translation unit nodes.


the function to process the node. If this returns NULL, the value is discared. Otherwise, it is added to the list of results. An attempt is made to compute the name of the give node to identify the element in the resulting list.

This function can of course work on other nodes aside from the one it is passed. And it can store information in its own environment rather than relying on the construction of the appropriate list by nodeIterator. However, this is not necessary.


a function or the class name(s) of the type of node to process. If this is a character vector of class names, nodeIterator creates a simple function that calls inherits. This is simple "static" type checking of the nodes. A user can provide a function that checks the contents of the node, dynamically.

The function is called for each node in the sequence. If it returns FALSE, the iterations stop and the result returned. So this checks whether the processing is complete for the given sequence and allows for termination of the looping over the chained nodes before the end of the chain is reached.


a logical value with TRUE indicating that information about what nodes are currently being processed, e.g. the source and desition or to and from nodes, is to be displayed on the console as the iterations proceed.


(logical) passed to getNodeName when computing the name of the node to use in the names of the returned list. This controls whether the C++ namespace of the enclosing scope is included (TRUE) in the name or dropped (FALSE).


A list with an element for each node processed. For each such node, the name of the element in the list is taken from the "name" attribute of the node, if available.


Duncan Temple Lang <>


See Also

getAllDeclarations getGlobalVariables getFunctions getClassNodes

These functions are all implemented using nodeIterator.


  tu = parseTU(system.file("examples", "myFun.cpp.tu", package = "RGCCTranslationUnit"))

  nodeIterator(tu[[4]], function(node) node[["INDEX"]])

omegahat/RGCCTranslationUnit documentation built on May 24, 2019, 1:53 p.m.