RC++Reference-class: Basic class for representing external C++ objects

Description Objects from the Class Slots Methods Author(s) References


These are the basic, top-level R classes for representing references to C/C++ objects that are maintained as external pointers.

The SEXP class is for representing C data types that correspond to R objects of any type.

Objects from the Class

Typically, this class is not used directly. Rather, R classes are defined that extend this one and mirror the corresponding C++ class. The purpose of this class is to provide methods for accessing fields and methods in the underlying C++ object via the $ operator. Instances of this class are typically created directly in the C/C++.

This class and related code can be used directly by programmers. However, they are offered here as support for machine generated code. They can be used within the R-SWIG interface, as well as other approaches to interfacing with C/C++ code.



Object of class "externalptr". This is the value of the memory address of the actual C/C++ object.


Object of class "character" . This vector stores the names of all the ancestor classes for an instance of this specific class. This information is used in C/C++ code when dereferencing the address stored in the ref slot. It checks that this reference is compatible with the target class by comparing the target name to each of the class names in this slot.



signature(x = "RC++Reference")

: this provides the basic syntactic-sugar for invoking methods and accessing fields in the underlying C++ object using the form obj$method(arg1, arg2, .....) and obj$field


Duncan Temple Lang <duncan@wald.ucdavis.edu>



omegahat/RGCCTranslationUnit documentation built on May 24, 2019, 1:53 p.m.