Source: An enhanced version of the source function

Description Usage Arguments Author(s) See Also


This version of the source command attempts to provide several useful enhancements. Firstly, it is vectorized so one can pass it several files to read in a single call. Secondly, it can find files outside of the current directory even if they are not actual file paths. To do this, it looks in one or more "commonly" used directories. This is useful when working with source in a future package, for example, or project area but running the R session in a different directory. Thirdly, it can handle recursive calls to Source using relative file paths and names. One can do this with the chdir argument of source but the semantics and mechanism are different.


Source(..., dir = getOption("DefaultSourceDir"), file = unlist(list(...)))



a collection of file names. These can be explict path names or relative to dir.


a character vector of directory names which is used to find files.


the collection of file names to source provided as a single list/vector


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also


omegahat/RSourceTools documentation built on May 24, 2019, 1:55 p.m.