Man pages for ong8181/macam
A collection of miscellaneous R functions for ecology

assign_ps_barcolAssign colors to phyloseq::plot_bar object
asv_sheetDemo ASV table data used for phyloseq object
compute_mvdComputing multiview distance
coverage_infoCalculate coverage information of a phyloseq object
coverage_info2Calculate coverage information of a phyloseq object
data_4spFour fish species time series from Ushio et al. (2018)
extended_lnlpPerform regularized S-map using a generalized function
label_10_to_powerPower label function for ggplot2
macam-packagemacam: A collection of miscellaneous R functions for ecology
make_block_mvdGenerate block for MDR S-map
outdir_createCreate output directory using the currently-running file name
plot_rarefyVisualize rarefaction curve
plot_rarefy2Visualize rarefaction curve
rarefy_even_coveragePerform coverage-based rarefaction for a phyloseq object
rarefy_even_coverage2Perform coverage-based rarefaction for a phyloseq object...
sample_sheetDemo sample data used for phyloseq object
save_session_infoSave session information using an output directory name
save_workspaceSave workspace using an output directory name
singleton_estimatorsingleton_estimator is a function of obtaining the estimator...
s_map_mdrA function for MDR S-map
s_map_mdr_allA all-in-one wrapper function for MDR S-map
s_map_rglPerform regularized S-map
taxa_name_bundleBundle taxa names in a phyloseq object
tax_sheetDemo taxa table data used for phyloseq object
twin_surrogate_cppGenerate twin surrogate time series
uic_acrossPerform UIC across data.frame
ong8181/macam documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 9:23 p.m.