
Defines functions buildSpatialDataset

Documented in buildSpatialDataset

#' @name buildSpatialDataset
#' @aliases buildSpatialDataset
#' @title buildSpatialDataset
#' @description
#' A function to build a spatial dataset for a given factsheet domain.
#' @param host an object of class "character" giving the host
#' @param domain an object of class "character" giving the FIRMS domain
#' @param cleanGeom an object of class "logical" indicating if geometries have to
#'        be validated with \pkg{cleangeo}. Default value is TRUE.
#' @param cleanStrategy an object of class "character". Default is 'BUFFER'
#' @param unionStrategy an object of class "character". Accepted values are "union"
#' (pure geoprocessing union - time consuming -), "bbox" (strategy to estimate the
#' largest spatial object to retain, by comparing envelopes, and results much less
#' time consuming). Default value is "bbox".
#' @param verbose an object of class "logical" either logs have to be printed out.
#'        Default value is TRUE.
#' @param ids a vector of resource IDs for which the computation has to be run
#' @param runParallel To run code with parallel R interface. Default is FALSE
#' @param runCores Number of cores to use when parallel = TRUE.
#' @param exportPartialResults if partial shapefiles have to be exported Default
#'        is FALSE.
#' @param exportPath the path were shapefiles should be exported
#' @return an object of class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
#' @note end-user function
#' @author Emmanuel Blondel, \email{emmanuel.blondel1@@gmail.com}
buildSpatialDataset <- function(host, domain,
                                cleanGeom = TRUE, cleanStrategy = "BUFFER",
                                unionStrategy = "bbox",
                                verbose = TRUE, ids = NULL,
                                runParallel = FALSE, runCores = 1,
                                exportPartialResults = FALSE, exportPath = getwd()){
  if(!(host %in% c("http://figisapps.fao.org", "https://www.fao.org")))
    stop("Unknown FAO host")
  if(!(domain %in% c("resource","fishery")))
    stop("Unknown domain")
  #list of items/lang per domain
  refs <- fetchFactsheetReferences(host, domain, verbose)
  dup <- refs[duplicated(refs$factsheet),"factsheet"]
  refs <- rbind(
    refs[!(refs$factsheet %in% dup),],
    refs[refs$factsheet %in% dup & refs$lang == "en", ] 
    refs <- refs[refs$factsheet %in% ids,]
  #wfs client
  wfs_verbose <- ifelse(verbose, "DEBUG", "INFO")
  wfs <- ows4R::WFSClient$new(paste0(host,"/",  if(startsWith(host, "http://figisapps")) "figis" else "fishery","/geoserver/ows"), "1.0.0", logger = wfs_verbose)
  doBuild <- function(x, refs, host, domain, wfs, cleanGeom, cleanStrategy, verbose){
      out <- NULL
      out.points <- NULL
      #produce polygon dataset
      out <- buildSpatialObject(refs[x,"factsheet"], refs[x,"lang"], host, domain, wfs,
                                cleanGeom, cleanStrategy, unionStrategy, verbose)
            logger.info("Exporting polygon output to ESRI shapefile...")
          filename <- paste0(domain, "_", refs[x,"factsheet"])
          exportFeatures(out, file.path = exportPath, file.name = filename)
      #produce pointOnSurface dataset
        out.points <- gPointOnSurface(out, byid = TRUE)
        out.points <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(out.points, data = out@data, match.ID = TRUE)
              logger.info("Exporting point output to ESRI shapefile...")
            filename <- paste0(domain, "_point_", refs[x,"factsheet"])
            exportFeatures(out.points, file.path = exportPath, file.name = filename)
    }, file = paste0(paste("log", domain, refs[x,"factsheet"], sep="_"), ".txt"))
    out.sp <- parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(refs), doBuild,
                refs, host, domain, wfs, cleanGeom, cleanStrategy, verbose,
                mc.preschedule = TRUE, mc.cores = runCores)
    out.sp <- lapply(1:nrow(refs), doBuild,
                     refs, host, domain, wfs, cleanGeom, cleanStrategy, verbose)
  out.sp <- out.sp[!sapply(out.sp, is.null)]
  output.sp <- NULL
           output.sp <<- out.sp[[i]]
           output.sp <<- spRbind(output.sp, out.sp[[i]])
openfigis/RFirmsGeo documentation built on Oct. 13, 2022, 9:55 p.m.