
Defines functions readSpatialObjects readSpatialObject

Documented in readSpatialObject readSpatialObjects

#' @name readSpatialObject
#' @aliases readSpatialObject
#' @title readSpatialObject
#' @description
#' A function to read a spatial object from an layer item
#' @param wfs instance of WFS client, object of class \code{WFSClient} from \pkg{ows4R}
#' @param layer an object of class "data.frame" (single record) giving information
#'        about a GIS web-layer to query
#' @param verbose an object of class "logical" either logs have to be printed out.
#'        Default value is TRUE.
#' @return an object of class "spatial" giving the spatial object
#' @note function used internally to build FIRMS spatial objects
#' @author Emmanuel Blondel, \email{emmanuel.blondel1@@gmail.com}
#' @export
readSpatialObject <- function(wfs, layer, verbose = TRUE){
  #get featuretype
  caps <- wfs$getCapabilities()
  ft <- caps$findFeatureTypeByName(layer$typeName[1], exact = TRUE)
    logger.error(sprintf("Unknown GIS web-resource '%s'", layer$typeName))
  cqlFilter = NULL
  for(i in 1:nrow(layer)){
    gisItem <- layer[i,]
    key <- gisItem$propertyName
    value <- gisItem$propertyValue
    if(!is.na(key) | !is.na(value)){
      gisFilter = sprintf("%s = '%s'", key, value)
        cqlFilter = gisFilter
        cqlFilter = paste(cqlFilter, "OR", gisFilter, sep=" ")
  if(!is.null(cqlFilter)) cqlFilter <- utils::URLencode(cqlFilter)
  #download data
  out <- NULL
    out <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(ft$getFeatures(cql_filter = cqlFilter),
                    error = function(err){
                        logger.warn("Unknown or Empty filtered GIS web-resource")
    out <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(ft$getFeatures(),
                    error = function(err){
                        logger.warn("Unknown or Empty filtered GIS web-resource")
  if(!is.null(out)) if(nrow(out)==0L) out <- NULL
    if(is.na(sf::st_crs(out))) sf::st_crs(out) = 4326 #bug in ows4R?
    out <- sf::st_make_valid(out)
    logger.warn("Unknown or Empty filtered GIS web-resource")  

#' @name readSpatialObjects
#' @aliases readSpatialObjects
#' @title readSpatialObjects
#' @description
#' A function to list spatial objects from a list of layer items
#' @param wfs instance of WFS client, object of class \code{WFSClient} from \pkg{ows4R}
#' @param layers an object of class "data.frame" (single record) giving information
#'        about a GIS web-layer to query
#' @param cleanGeom an object of class "logical" indicating if geometries have to
#' @param verbose an object of class "logical" either logs have to be printed out.
#'        Default value is TRUE.
#' @return an object of class "list" listing the spatial objects
#' @note function used internally to build FIRMS spatial objects
#' @author Emmanuel Blondel, \email{emmanuel.blondel1@@gmail.com}
#' @export
readSpatialObjects <- function(wfs, layers, verbose = TRUE){
  logger.info("Read spatial objects...")
  sf.layers <- lapply(unique(layers$typeName), function(x){
    geoitem <- layers[layers$typeName == x,]
    sf <- readSpatialObject(wfs, geoitem, verbose)
  sf.layers <- sf.layers[!sapply(sf.layers, is.null)]
openfigis/RFirmsGeo documentation built on July 5, 2024, 11:18 a.m.