
context("is downloaded = uploaded implementation")

# test, if a downloaded implementation contains all the information of the uploaded implementation
test_that("is downloaded = uploaded implementation", {
  learner = makeLearner("classif.J48")
  impl.ul = createOpenMLImplementationForMlrLearner(learner)
  impl.dl = downloadOpenMLImplementation(id = 362, download.source.binary = FALSE)

  slots = names(formals(makeOpenMLImplementation))
  server.added.slots = c("id", "uploader", "version", "", "source.url",
    "binary.url", "parameter", "components", "source.format", "source.md5")

  for (i in setdiff(slots, server.added.slots)) {
    # FIXME: the description has changed, we need an updated test
    if (i == "description")
    if (!(is.null(impl.dl[[i]]) && is.null(impl.ul[[i]])) && !([[i]]) &&[[i]])) ) {
      expect_true(all(impl.dl[[i]] == impl.ul[[i]]))

  compareParVals = function(slot = "parameter", subslot) {
    expect_true(setequal(sapply(impl.dl[[slot]], function(x) x[[subslot]]),
      sapply(impl.ul[[slot]], function(x) x[[subslot]])))

  compareParVals(subslot = "name")
  compareParVals(subslot = "data.type")
  compareParVals(subslot = "default.value")
  compareParVals(subslot = "description")
openml/r documentation built on Oct. 21, 2022, 2:21 a.m.