
Contributing to visR

For more detailed info about contributing, please see the development contributing guide.

Fixing typos

You can fix typos, spelling mistakes, or grammatical errors in the documentation directly using the GitHub web interface, as long as the changes are made in the source file. This generally means you'll need to edit roxygen2 comments in an .R, not a .Rd file. You can find the .R file that generates the .Rd by reading the comment in the first line.

Bigger changes

If you want to make a bigger contribution, it's a good idea to first file an issue and make sure someone from the team agrees that it’s needed. If you’ve found a bug, please file an issue that illustrates the bug with a minimal reprex (this will also help you write a unit test, if needed).

Pull request process

Code style

General coding principles

Data Manipulation




Package maintenance

We have integrated several "watchdogs" into our testing routine to ensure adherence to certain standards that we've set. Those routines scan our codebase for possible style violations:

CRAN watchdog

For a successful submission to CRAN, certain rules have been set in place by the CRAN team, as for example the usage of TRUE/FALSE over T/F. To continuously ensure compliance with those, our CRAN watchdog scans the respective files for violations of those.

Validation watchdog (in PR)

We want to make it easy to use our package in a more stringent environment that might require all packages to be validated. Based on discussions and similar projects we decided to implement traceability into our testing files. Therefore, both the tests as well as the last change to those, are automatically written into the files for potential scraping. The details on the last change are gathered by usage of git log and then table of contents for the unit test specifications are generated based off of the strings in the actual tests.

Code of Conduct

Please note that visR project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project you agree to abide by its terms.

openpharma/visR documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:36 p.m.