tutorial_options(exercise.timelimit = 120)

# Do all the prep work in one chunk as well so we can always reference this one as 
# the "exercise-setup" chunk
data = read.csv("")
data$Status = abs(data$Status - 2)
data = data %>%
     Age_Cat = recode_factor(Age_Cat,
                             `1` = "<18yr", `2` ="18yr-60yr", `3` = ">60yr"),
     Sex     = as.factor(Sex))
TITLE = "Indian Covid Data"
mod = data %>% estimate_KM(strata = "Sex", CNSR = "Status", AVAL = "Stay")

assign("data",       data,       envir = globalenv())
assign("DATASOURCE", DATASOURCE, envir = globalenv())
assign("TITLE",      TITLE,      envir = globalenv())
assign("mod",        mod,        envir = globalenv())



visR - A package for Effective Visualizations in Pharma

This tutorial will introduce you to the basic usage of visR, an R package for effective visual communication. The package presents an easy-to-use interface for visualizations relevant to the clinical development process, implementing several best practices. It was developed as part of the openpharma initiative, an effort for open-source cross-industry collaboration.

Further reading

Package architecture

The visR package implements a simple-to-use interface by adhering to consistent naming conventions.


In principle, extimate_XXX functions allow to estimate statistical models from the data (e.g. estimate_KM estimates a survival model), get_XXX functions get all kinds of summary statistics (e.g. get_tableone or get_pvalue), render and visr display plots and tables, and add_XXX functions add specific information to a plot or table (e.g. add_CI adds confidence intervals to a plot.)




This tutorial will walk you through a basic survival analysis show-casing some principles and features of visR.

  1. We will start off by introducing a data set provided by the COVID-19 India Org Data Operations Group that we will use throughout the tutorial.
  2. Then we will introduce a so-called table 1 which gives an overview of the patient population.
  3. We will estimate_ a survival model and introduce functions to get_ summary statistics.
  4. We will plot the survival model and show how you can add_ additional information to it.
  5. We will integrate summary statistics into the plots.

The study and the data

Risk and Survival Analysis from COVID Outbreak Data :Lessons from India

The goal of this paper was to assess the mortality in India due to COVID-19. To understand the survival of COVID-19 patients, a time-to-event analysis was performed based on Kaplan-Meier estimates using gender and age group (separately and combined) as strata. According to the authors (Bankar et al., 2021), this was probably the biggest retrospective-cohort survival analysis conducted in India, according to the authors. This paper used publicly available data COVID-19 India Org Data Operations Group.

The below figure roughly described trends and distributions of the patient population.

sex_age_cat_levels = c("M (>60yr)", "M (18yr-60yr)", "M (<18yr)", "F (>60yr)", "F (18yr-60yr)", "F (<18yr)")

data = data %>%
  dplyr::mutate("Sex_Age_Cat" = paste0(Sex, " (", Age_Cat, ")")) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Sex_Age_Cat = factor(Sex_Age_Cat, levels = sex_age_cat_levels))

barplot_df = table(data$Sex_Age_Cat) %>%
barplot_df = barplot_df[c(5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1),]
barplot_df = barplot_df %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Var1 = factor(Var1, levels = sex_age_cat_levels))
rownames(barplot_df) = NULL

age_sex_barplot = barplot_df %>%
  ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(y = Var1, 
                               x = Freq, 
                               fill = as.factor(Var1), 
                               colour = as.factor(Var1))) + 
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = Freq), 
                       hjust = -0.2, 
                       colour = "black") +
    ggplot2::xlim(c(0, 15000)) + 
    ggplot2::ylab("") + 
    ggplot2::xlab("Count") + 
    ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set2") +
    ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set2") +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())

stay_densityplot = data %>%
  ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = Stay, 
                               colour = as.factor(Sex_Age_Cat))) +
    ggplot2::geom_density(alpha = 0.3) + 
    ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set2") +
    ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set2") +
    ggplot2::xlab("Length of hospital stay (days)") + 
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())

age_stay_scatterplot = data %>%
  ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = Age,
                               y = Stay)) + 
    ggplot2::geom_bin2d() +
    ggplot2::ylab("Length of hospital stay (days)") + 
    ggplot2::xlab("Age (years)") + 
    ggplot2::scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis")

                  ncol = 3,
                  common.legend = TRUE)

The data

Patients who were admitted to Karnakata, South India, were recruited. The final dataset consists of 26,741 patients. Age and gender of the patient, the number of days in the hospital per stay, the status of the patient (1=censored/alive, 2=dead) and the age category (\<18 yr, 18 yr -- 60 yr, >60 yr) were collected.

# First, we set the default ggplot2 theme

# Then, we directly load the data from their GitHub repository
data = read.csv("")


Preparing the data

For the analysis, slight modifications will need to be implemented to the data. Since visR was developed with the goal to speed up the clinical development process, it follows the cdisc ADaM standards. Additionally, some of the functions are data-type sensitive and give more informative summaries when the proper data-type is present.

The following changes are necessary:

  1. As per ADaM guidelines, an event is indicated as 0 while censoring is indicated as >0. In the data that we will use, 2 stands for the event while 1 stands for censoring. Therefore, the censoring values have to be adjusted.

  2. The column Age_Cat will be parsed as a integer while Sex will be character. Converting them to factor will result in more informative output. Furthermore, Age_Cat is encoded as a numerical value between 1-3. By adding the respective names to these categories, the output will be more readable.

# 1. Adjust censoring
data$Status = abs(data$Status - 2)

# 2. Convert to factors and add the age categories
data = data %>%
     Age_Cat = recode_factor(Age_Cat,
                             `1` = "<18yr", `2` ="18yr-60yr", `3` = ">60yr"),
     Sex     = as.factor(Sex))


Live Demo

# Live demo

Generation of summary tables

A typical clinical report contains a demography table, detailing the distribution of patients across different arms of the clinical trial. Commonly reported variables are age, sex and baseline disease characteristics. This table is sometimes referred to as Table 1.

visR provides a set of functions to both generate and render tables. When rendering, visR enforces the specification of a data source and a title. These functions are demonstrated demonstrated below. By default, the table is generated for the whole population but a stratifier can be defined.

# Define meta-data
TITLE = "Indian Covid Data"

data %>% tableone(title = TITLE, datasource = DATASOURCE)

Exercise 1: Generate the table using Sex as the stratifier.

Exercise 2: Generate the table using Sex and Age_Cat as the stratifier.

Exercise 3: Add an additional footnote to the table.

# Have fun!


You will notice that the the above tables will contain NAs for the stratifier they have been split on. A workaround for this is to first get the table 1 as a data.frame, then remove these stratifier, and then render it. This examples demonstrates the modular built and compatibility of visR. The tableone command was actually a wrapper around the functions get_tableone which builds a data.frame with summary statistics and the render command which displays it nicely.

data %>% 
  get_tableone(strata = c("Sex", "Age_Cat")) %>% 
  filter(variable != "Sex" & variable != "Age_Cat") %>% 
  render(title = TITLE, datasource = DATASOURCE)

(This will be fixed in the upcoming release.)

Fitting survival models

As mentioned, visR has defaults following the CDISC ADaM standard. If your data set uses these as well, estimating and plotting survival curves is particularly straightforward.

# The dataset that comes with visR is cdisc ADaM compliant 
mod = visR::adtte %>% estimate_KM() 

# When no strata is specified, the overall patient cohort is analysed

mod %>% visr()

Survival analysis of the Indian COVID data

Since ADaM standards are not utilized beyond clinical trial analysis and reporting,, the functions in visR have parameters allowing for specification of the respective column names without modifying the actual data.

mod = data %>% estimate_KM(strata = "Sex", CNSR = "Status", AVAL = "Stay")

Once the model is estimated, different summary statistics are easy to get_

mod %>% get_pvalue()

Exercise 1: Calculate the quantiles for the model.

# Have fun!

Plotting survival models

These survival models can easily be plotted using visR.

mod %>% visr()

The visR function provides several convenient functions to adjust the aesthetics of the plot.

mod %>%
  visr(legend_position = "top",
       x_label = "")
mod %>%
  visr(legend_position = "top",
       x_units = "years")
mod %>%
  visr(legend_position = "top",
       fun = "log")

Exercise 1: Change the stratifier in the survival model to Age_Cat.

Exercise 2: Plot the new model.

# Have fun!

Improving survival plots

On top this, visR provides several functions to further improve plots. It is, for example, easy to add confidence intervals or censoring markers.

mod %>%
  visr() %>%

Exercise 1: Add markers for censoring. (Hint: functions adding statistics to a plot in visR usually start with add_).

# Have fun!

Also, a function is provided to further annotate the plot with additional information.

mod %>%
  visr() %>%
  visR::add_annotation(label = "Hello world", xmin = 0, ymin = 0.5)

Exercise 1: Add information about statistical significance tests to a survival plot. (Hint: Combine add_annotation() and get_pvalue()).

# Have fun!


Particular attention was paid to stay compatible with the ggplot2 ecosystem. Therefore, the created objects can for example be styled like any other ggplot.

gg = mod %>% visr() 

gg + ggplot2::theme_dark()

Exercise 1: Try to recreate the Figure 5 of the Indian Covid data publication as close as possible using what you learned until now. Alternatively, you can create a more visually pleasing variant.

# Have fun!

Combining plots with summary statistics

Another good practice is to provide summary statistics that accompany the survival plot. For this purpose, visR provides a handy function that can be appended to the normal piping framework.

NOTE: This breaks compatibility with the ggplot2 functions. Therefore, styling has to happen before adding the risktable.

mod %>%
  visr() %>%
  add_risktable(statlist = c("n.risk", "n.event", "n.censor"))

Analogous to the functions creating and showing a Table 1, risktables can also be generated independently (using a get_ function) and can then be rendered.

Exercise 1: Create and render a risktable from the survival model

# Have fun!

Advanced usage

Here we demonstrate some advanced options that might be useful for some cases.


Often only subgroups of the population are analysed and complete data sets need to be filtered according to specific criteria. The function get_attrition allows to list filter statements explanations, which can be visualized as a table (with render) or be plotted (with visr). The function apply_attrition then filters a data.frame.

data$Patient = 1:nrow(data) 

condition = "Age_Cat != '<18yr'"

filters = data %>% get_attrition(subject_column_name = "Patient", 
                                 criteria_descriptions = "18 and older", 
                                 criteria_conditions = condition) 

filters %>% visr()

filters %>% render(title = "Attrition Table", datasource = DATASOURCE)

data %>% apply_attrition(condition)

Custom summary functions for the Table 1

The tableone function accepts custom functions to be run on the columns. For this purpose, the different possible data-type have to be considered. For simplicity, only the behaviour for the numeric columns will be changed in the example below.

# This is basically the default function but doesn't return the missing values.
my_func = function(x) {

  if (is.numeric(x)) {

    dat = list(
      `Mean (SD)` = paste0(format(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3), 
                           " (", 
                           format(sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3), 
      `Median (IQR)` = paste0(format(median(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3), 
                              " (", 
                              format(quantile(x, probs=0.25, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3),
                              format(quantile(x, probs=0.75, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3), 
      `Min-max` = paste0(format(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3), 
                         "-", format(max(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3))


  } else {



data %>% 
  get_tableone(strata = c("Sex", "Age_Cat"), summary_function = my_func) %>% 
  filter(variable != "Sex" & variable != "Age_Cat") %>% 
  render(title = TITLE, datasource = DATASOURCE)

Different rendering engines for table output

As default, the tables will be rendered with gt. However, other options like for example kable or dt are also implemented.

mod %>% 
  get_pvalue() %>% 
  render(title = TITLE, 
         datasource = DATASOURCE, 
         engine = "kable") # dt launches a child process which crashes on 

Possible solution to the exercise for recreating figure 5

m = data %>% estimate_KM(strata = c("Sex", "Age_Cat"),
                         CNSR = "Status", 
                         AVAL = "Stay")

half_surv_df = m %>% 
  get_quantile(probs = 0.5) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(quantity == "quantile") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(pos1 = `50`, pos2 = 0.5) %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(quantity, `50`))

half_surv_df_horizontal = half_surv_df %>% dplyr::mutate(pos1 = 0)

half_surv_df_vertical = half_surv_df %>% dplyr::mutate(pos2 = 0)

half_surv_df = rbind(half_surv_df, half_surv_df_horizontal, half_surv_df_vertical)  

m %>%
  visr() %>%
  add_CI() %>%
  add_CNSR() +
  ggplot2::geom_line(data = half_surv_df, ggplot2::aes(pos1, pos2, group = strata), linetype = "dashed")

openpharma/visR documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:36 p.m.