#' @title Display a summary Table (i.e. table one)
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("questioning")`
#' Wrapper function to produce a summary table (i.e. Table One).
#' Create and render a summary table for a dataset.
#' A typical example of a summary table are "table one", the first table in an applied medical research manuscript.
#' Calculate summary statistics and present them in a formatted table
#' @param data The dataframe or tibble to visualize
#' @param title Table title to include in the rendered table. Input is a text string.
#' @param footnote Table footnote to include in the rendered table. Input is a text string.
#' @param datasource String specifying the datasource underlying the data set
#' @param strata Character vector with column names to use for
#' stratification in the summary table. Default: NULL , which indicates no stratification.
#' @param overall If TRUE, the summary statistics for the overall dataset are also calculated
#' @param summary_function A function defining summary statistics for numeric and categorical values
#' Pre-implemented functions are summarize_long and summarize_short
#' @param ... Pass options to render_table
#' @section Example Output:
#' \if{html}{tableone(engine = "gt")}
#' \if{html}{\figure{tableone_gt_ex.png}{options: width=65\%}}
#' \if{html}{tableone(engine = "DT")}
#' \if{html}{\figure{tableone_DT_ex.png}{options: width=65\%}}
#' \if{html}{tableone(engine = "kable")}
#' \if{html}{\figure{tableone_kable_html_ex.png}{options: width=65\%}}
#' \if{html}{tableone(engine = "kable", output_format = "latex")}
#' \if{html}{\figure{tableone_kable_latex_ex.png}{options: width=65\%}}
#' @examples
#' # metadata for table
#' t1_title <- "Cohort Summary"
#' t1_ds <- "ADaM Interim Dataset for Time-to-Event Analysis"
#' t1_fn <- "My table one footnote"
#' ## table by treatment - without overall and render with GT
#' tbl_gt <-
#' adtte %>%
#' dplyr::filter(SAFFL == "Y") %>%
#' dplyr::select(AGE, AGEGR1, SEX, EVNTDESC, TRTA) %>%
#' visR::tableone(
#' strata = "TRTA",
#' overall = FALSE,
#' title = t1_title,
#' datasource = t1_ds,
#' footnote = t1_fn,
#' engine = "gt"
#' )
#' ## table by treatment - without overall and render with DT
#' tbl_DT <-
#' adtte %>%
#' dplyr::filter(SAFFL == "Y") %>%
#' dplyr::select(AGE, AGEGR1, SEX, EVNTDESC, TRTA) %>%
#' visR::tableone(
#' strata = "TRTA",
#' overall = FALSE,
#' title = t1_title,
#' datasource = t1_ds,
#' footnote = t1_fn,
#' engine = "DT"
#' )
#' ## table by treatment - without overall and render with kable
#' tbl_kable_html <-
#' adtte %>%
#' dplyr::filter(SAFFL == "Y") %>%
#' dplyr::select(AGE, AGEGR1, SEX, EVNTDESC, TRTA) %>%
#' visR::tableone(
#' strata = "TRTA",
#' overall = FALSE,
#' title = t1_title,
#' datasource = t1_ds,
#' footnote = t1_fn,
#' engine = "kable"
#' )
#' ## table by treatment - without overall and render with kable as
#' ## a latex table format rather than html
#' tbl_kable_latex <-
#' adtte %>%
#' dplyr::filter(SAFFL == "Y") %>%
#' dplyr::select(AGE, AGEGR1, SEX, EVNTDESC, TRTA) %>%
#' visR::tableone(
#' strata = "TRTA",
#' overall = FALSE,
#' title = t1_title,
#' datasource = t1_ds,
#' footnote = t1_fn,
#' output_format = "latex",
#' engine = "kable"
#' )
#' @return A table-like data structure, possibly interactive depending on the choice of the engine
#' @rdname tableone
#' @export
tableone <- function(data,
footnote = "",
# abbreviations = "",
# variable_definitions = "",
strata = NULL,
overall = TRUE,
summary_function = summarize_short,
# engine = "gt"
) {
tab1_rendered <- get_tableone(data,
strata = strata,
summary_function = summary_function,
overall = overall
) %>%
title = title,
datasource = datasource,
footnote = footnote,
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