ov_playlist_to_vlc: Convert playlist to VLC m3u format

View source: R/playlists.R

ov_playlist_to_vlcR Documentation

Convert playlist to VLC m3u format


Converts a playlist object to a m3u file that can be opened with VLC. Note that this only works with local video files (not YouTube or other URLs) and the video files must be present on your local file system in order for this to work.


ov_playlist_to_vlc(playlist, outfile, no_paths = FALSE, seamless = TRUE)



data.frame: as returned by ov_video_playlist(). If the playlist contains one or both of the columns subtitle or subtitleskill, these will be used as subtitle information associated with each clip


string: the file name to write to. If not supplied, a file will be created in the temporary directory. Note that the directory of outfile must already exist


logical: if TRUE, remove the paths from video files. The m3u file must be saved into the same directory as the video source file(s)


logical: if TRUE, merge adjacent items into a single clip


The path to the m3u file


https://www.videolan.org/, https://wiki.videolan.org/M3U/

See Also

ov_video_playlist() ov_playlist_to_html()

openvolley/ovideo documentation built on March 19, 2024, 9:52 p.m.