ov_find_video_file: Try and locate a video file, when the path embedded in the...

View source: R/ffmpeg_utils.R

ov_find_video_fileR Documentation

Try and locate a video file, when the path embedded in the dvw file is for another computer


Try and locate a video file, when the path embedded in the dvw file is for another computer


ov_find_video_file(dvw_filename, video_filename = NULL)



string: the full path to the DataVolley file


character: one or more video file paths. If NULL, the video file name embedded in the DataVolley file will be used


A character vector, with one entry per video_filename. Video files that could not be found will be NA here.

openvolley/ovideo documentation built on March 19, 2024, 9:52 p.m.