
Defines functions ov_create_video ov_ffmpeg_ok ov_ffmpeg_exe ov_playlist_to_video ov_images_to_video ov_video_frames ov_video_extract_clip ov_video_frame ov_find_video_file resolve_ffmpeg_method

Documented in ov_create_video ov_ffmpeg_exe ov_ffmpeg_ok ov_find_video_file ov_images_to_video ov_playlist_to_video ov_video_extract_clip ov_video_frame ov_video_frames

resolve_ffmpeg_method <- function(method) {
    if (missing(method) || is.null(method)) method <- "auto"
    method <- tolower(method)
    method <- match.arg(method, c("av", "ffmpeg", "auto"))
    if (method == "ffmpeg") ov_ffmpeg_ok(do_error = TRUE)
    if (method == "auto") method <- if (ov_ffmpeg_ok()) "ffmpeg" else "av"

#' Try and locate a video file, when the path embedded in the dvw file is for another computer
#' @param dvw_filename string: the full path to the DataVolley file
#' @param video_filename character: one or more video file paths. If `NULL`, the video file name embedded in the DataVolley file will be used
#' @return A character vector, with one entry per `video_filename`. Video files that could not be found will be `NA` here.
#' @export
ov_find_video_file <- function(dvw_filename, video_filename = NULL) {
    if (is.null(video_filename)) {
        video_filename <- datavolley::dv_read(dvw_filename, metadata_only = TRUE)$meta$video
        if (nrow(video_filename) > 0) {
            return(ov_find_video_file(dvw_filename = dvw_filename, video_filename = video_filename$file))
        } else {
            video_filename <- NA_character_
    if (length(video_filename) > 1) {
        return(vapply(seq_len(nrow(video_filename)), function(z) ov_find_video_file(dvw_filename = dvw_filename, video_filename = video_filename$file[z]), FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    if (length(video_filename) == 1 && !is.na(video_filename) && nzchar(video_filename)) {
        if (fs::file_exists(as.character(video_filename))) return(video_filename) ## ok, the path in the dvw file is actually correct
        ## otherwise let's go looking for it
        this_dir <- dirname(dvw_filename) ## actual file has to be under the same path
        if (!fs::dir_exists(this_dir) && !fs::link_exists(this_dir)) return(NA_character_)
        possible_paths <- c(this_dir, fs::dir_ls(this_dir, type = "dir", recurse = TRUE))
        ff <- fs::path(possible_paths, basename(video_filename))
        ff <- ff[fs::file_exists(as.character(ff))]
        if (length(ff) ==1) ff else NA_character_
    } else {

#' Extract one or more specific frames from a video file
#' @param video_file string: path to the video file
#' @param t numeric: the times of the frames to extract (in seconds)
#' @param n integer: the frame numbers of the frames to extract. Ignored if `t` is provided. Frame numbering is 1-based (first frame at t = 0 is frame n = 1)
#' @param format string: "jpg" or "png"
#' @param debug logical: if `TRUE`, echo the ffmpeg output to the console
#' @param framerate numeric: the framerate of the video. If not supplied, it will be found using [[av::av_video_info]]
#' @param method string: the method to use, either "ffmpeg", "av", or "auto". "ffmpeg" is faster than "av" but requires that ffmpeg is available on your system path. If `method` is "auto", "ffmpeg" will be used if available and "av" if not
#' @return The paths to the frame image files
#' @seealso [ov_video_frames()]
#' @examples
#' video_file <- ov_example_video(1)
#' img <- ov_video_frame(video_file, t = 5)
#' img <- ov_video_frame(video_file, n = 150)
#' @export
ov_video_frame <- function(video_file, t, n, format = "jpg", debug = FALSE, framerate, method = "auto") {
    assert_that(is.string(video_file), fs::file_exists(video_file))
    if ((missing(t) || length(t) < 1) && (missing(n) || length(n) < 1)) stop("either t or n must be specified")
    if (!missing(t)) assert_that(is.numeric(t), !any(is.na(t)))
    if (!missing(n)) assert_that(is.numeric(n), !any(is.na(n)))
    format <- tolower(format)
    format <- match.arg(format, c("jpg", "png"))
    method <- resolve_ffmpeg_method(method)

    if (method == "av" || !missing(n)) {
        if (missing(framerate) || is.null(framerate) || is.na(framerate)) {
            framerate <- av::av_video_info(video_file)$video$framerate
        if (is.null(framerate) || is.na(framerate)) {
            if (missing(framerate)) stop("could not find framerate, you will need to supply it") else stop("framerate is invalid")
    if (!missing(t) && length(t) > 1) return(vapply(t, function(thist) ov_video_frame(video_file = video_file, t = thist, format = format, debug = debug, framerate = framerate, method = method), FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    if (!missing(n) && length(n) > 1) {
        return(vapply(n, function(thisn) ov_video_frame(video_file = video_file, n = thisn, format = format, debug = debug, framerate = framerate, method = method), FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    if (!missing(t)) assert_that(length(t) == 1, t >= 0)
    if (!missing(n)) assert_that(length(n) == 1, n >= 0)
    imfs <- tempfile(fileext = paste0(".", format))
    if (method == "ffmpeg") {
        if (debug) message("ov_video_frame using method 'ffmpeg'")
        execfun <- if (isTRUE(debug)) sys::exec_wait else sys::exec_internal
        if (missing(t)) t <- (n - 1L) / framerate ## n is 1-based. ffmpeg docs suggest that ss seeks to the closest position BEFORE specified position (https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Main-options), which suggests we should do n/framerate here, not (n - 1) / framerate. But n-1 gives results that match frame-based version below, so use this
        res <- execfun(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), c("-y", "-ss", t, "-i", fs::path_real(video_file), "-vframes", 1, imfs))
        ## note for frame numbers can do 
        ##res <- execfun(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), c("-y", "-r", "1", "-i", fs::path_real(video_file), "-vf", paste0("select='eq(n\\,", n - 1, ")'"), "-vsync", "vfr", "-vframes", 1, imfs))
        ## n is zero-based there
        ## but it is excruciatingly slow
    } else {
        if (debug) message("ov_video_frame using method 'av'")
        frame_n <- if (!missing(t)) round(t*framerate) else (n - 1L) ## note that frame count is zero-based here
        codec <- if (format == "png") "png" else "mjpeg"
        res <- av::av_encode_video(video_file, output = imfs, codec = codec, framerate = 1, vfilter = paste0("select='between(n,", frame_n, ",", frame_n, ")'"), verbose = debug)

#' Extract clip from video file
#' Requires that ffmpeg is available on your system path.
#' @param video_file string: path to the input file
#' @param outfile string: path to the output file. If missing, a temporary file (with extension .mp4) will be used
#' @param start_time numeric: start time in seconds
#' @param duration numeric: duration in seconds. If missing, will be calculated from start_time and end_time
#' @param end_time numeric: end time in seconds. If missing, will be calculated from start_time and duration
#' @param extra : additional parameters passed to ffmpeg, in the form c("param", "value", "param2", "value2")
#' @param debug logical: if `TRUE`, echo the ffmpeg output to the console
# @param method string: the method to use, either "ffmpeg", "av", or "auto". "ffmpeg" is faster than "av" but requires that ffmpeg is available on your system path. If `method` is "auto", "ffmpeg" will be used if available and "av" if not
#' @return The path to the video clip file
#' @export
ov_video_extract_clip <- function(video_file, outfile, start_time, duration, end_time, extra = NULL, debug = FALSE) { ## method = "auto"
    ov_ffmpeg_ok(do_error = TRUE)
    if (missing(duration) && !missing(end_time)) duration <- end_time - start_time
    if (missing(outfile)) outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".mp4")
    cargs <- c("-ss", as.character(start_time), "-i", fs::path_real(video_file), "-t", as.character(duration), "-c", "copy", extra, outfile)
    execfun <- if (isTRUE(debug)) sys::exec_wait else sys::exec_internal
    res <- execfun(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), cargs)

#' Extract multiple consecutive frames from a video file
#' Requires that ffmpeg is available on your system path.
#' @param video_file string: path to the video file
#' @param start_time numeric: start time in seconds
#' @param duration numeric: duration in seconds. If missing, will be calculated from start_time and end_time
#' @param end_time numeric: end time in seconds. If missing, will be calculated from start_time and duration
#' @param outdir string: path to the output directory, which must exist. If missing, a temporary directory will be used
#' @param fps numeric: frames per second, default is to extract all frames
#' @param format string: "jpg" or "png"
#' @param jpg_quality numeric: jpg quality from 1-31, lower is better (this is passed to ffmpeg as the `-qscale:v` parameter)
#' @param extra : additional parameters passed to ffmpeg, in the form c("param", "value", "param2", "value2")
#' @param debug logical: if `TRUE`, echo the ffmpeg output to the console
#' @param exec_fun string or function: the function (or function name as a string) to use to execute the ffmpeg command. Defaults to [sys::exec_internal()], or [sys::exec_wait()] if debug is `TRUE`
# @param method string: the method to use, either "ffmpeg", "av", or "auto". "ffmpeg" is faster than "av" but requires that ffmpeg is available on your system path. If `method` is "auto", "ffmpeg" will be used if available and "av" if not
#' @return If `exec_fun` has not been specified, the function will wait for the ffmpeg call to complete and then return a character vector of file names, one per frame. If `exec_fun` has been specified, the result of that function call will be returned immediately (because it might be a call to a background process)
#' @seealso [ovideo::ov_video_frame()]
#' @export
ov_video_frames <- function(video_file, start_time, duration, end_time, outdir, fps, format = "jpg", jpg_quality = 1, extra = NULL, debug = FALSE, exec_fun) { ## method = "auto"
    create_clip <- TRUE ## internal method choice
    ov_ffmpeg_ok(do_error = TRUE)
    if (missing(outdir) || is.null(outdir)) {
        outdir <- tempfile()
    } else {
        if (!dir.exists(outdir)) {
            stop("outdir ", outdir, " does not exist")
        outdir <- fs::path_real(outdir)
    if (missing(end_time) && !missing(duration)) end_time <- start_time + duration
    format <- match.arg(tolower(format), c("jpg", "png"))
    if (!missing(start_time)) {
        if (create_clip) {
            ## create clip explicitly first
            vidclip <- ov_video_extract_clip(video_file, start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time)
            video_file <- vidclip
            vf <- if (!missing(fps)) c("-vf", paste0("fps=", fps)) else NULL
        } else {
            ## use filter to select time range
            vf <- c(if (!missing(fps)) paste0("fps=", fps), if (!missing(start_time)) paste0("\"select='between(t,", start_time, ",", end_time, ")'\""))
            if (length(vf) > 0) vf <- c("-vf", vf)
    } else {
        vf <- NULL
    ##av::av_video_images(vidclip, format = format)
    cargs <- c("-i", fs::path_real(video_file), vf, "-vsync", "0", "-qscale:v", jpg_quality, extra, file.path(outdir, paste0("image_%06d.", format)))
    return_after_exec <- TRUE
    if (!missing(exec_fun)) {
        exec_fun <- tryCatch(match.fun(exec_fun), error = function(e) {
            warning("the supplied exec_fun could not be found, ignoring")
    if (missing(exec_fun) || is.null(exec_fun)) {
        return_after_exec <- FALSE
        exec_fun <- if (isTRUE(debug)) sys::exec_wait else sys::exec_internal
    res <- exec_fun(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), cargs)
    if (return_after_exec) return(res)
    dir(outdir, pattern = paste0("\\.", format, "$"), full.names = TRUE)

#' Encode a set of images into a video
#' Requires that ffmpeg is available on your system path. Input files can either be specified as a list of image files, or alternatively as a directory name and image file mask. For the latter, the images must be numbered in sequential order.
#' @param input_dir string: path to the input directory
#' @param image_file_mask string: the mask that specifies the image files, e.g. "image_%06d.jpg" for images named "image_000001.jpg", "image_000002.jpg" etc
#' @param image_files character: vector of input image files, in order that they should appear in the video. Used if `input_dir` is missing
#' @param outfile string: the output file. If missing, a temporary file (with extension .mp4) will be used
#' @param fps numeric: frames per second
#' @param extra : additional parameters passed to ffmpeg, in the form c("param", "value", "param2", "value2"). For example, `c("-vb", "4096k")` could be used to control the output video bitrate
#' @param debug logical: if `TRUE`, echo the ffmpeg output to the console
#' @return The path to the video file
#' @seealso [av::av_encode_video()] as an alternative
#' @export
ov_images_to_video <- function(input_dir, image_file_mask = "image_%06d.jpg", image_files, outfile, fps = 30, extra = NULL, debug = FALSE) {
    ov_ffmpeg_ok(do_error = TRUE)
    if (missing(outfile)) outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".mp4")
    if (grepl("mp4$", outfile)) extra <- c(extra, "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p") ## https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Slideshow: "when outputting H.264, adding -vf format=yuv420p or -pix_fmt yuv420p will ensure compatibility"
    if (missing(input_dir)) {
        ## ffmpeg needs forward slashes in the demux file
        image_files <- normalizePath(image_files, winslash = "/")
        ## also on windows, a filename starting with a drive letter 'c:/xyz' needs to be 'file:c:/xyz' - see https://superuser.com/questions/718027/ffmpeg-concat-doesnt-work-with-absolute-path
        if (get_os() == "windows") image_files <- paste0("'file:", image_files, "'")
        demux_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
        cat(paste0("file ", image_files, "\nduration ", 1/fps), sep = "\n", file = demux_file)
        cat("file ", tail(image_files, 1), "\n", sep = "", file = demux_file, append = TRUE)
        cargs <- c("-f", "concat", "-safe", "0", "-i", demux_file, extra, outfile)
    } else {
        cargs <- c("-framerate", as.character(fps), "-i", file.path(fs::path_real(input_dir), image_file_mask), extra, outfile)
    execfun <- if (isTRUE(debug)) sys::exec_wait else sys::exec_internal
    res <- execfun(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), cargs)

#' Playlist to video file
#' Make a self-contained video file from a playlist.
#' Requires that ffmpeg be available on the system path. Note that the processing of each clip is done inside of a `future_lapply` call (if the `future.apply` package is installed), and so you can have this part of the processing done in parallel by setting an appropriate futures plan before calling this function.
#' This function is experimental. In particular it is unlikely to work well with all video formats, and especially if the playlist comprises clips from different videos with different resolution/encoding/etc.
#' @param playlist data.frame: a playlist as returned by `ov_video_playlist`. Note that only local video sources are supported
#' @param filename string: file to write to. If not specified (or `NULL`), a file in the temporary directory will be created. If `filename` exists, it will be overwritten. The extension of `filename` will determine the output format
#' @param subtitle_column string: if not `NULL`, a subtitle file will be produced using the contents of this column (in the playlist) as the subtitle for each clip. The subtitle file will have the same name as `filename` but with extension ".srt"
#' @param seamless logical: if `TRUE`, combine overlapping/adjacent clips. Note that if a `subtitle_col` has been specified, the subtitle from the first clip will be used for the whole of the combined clip (so it may no longer make sense, for example if the subtitle is the player name)
#' @param debug logical: if `TRUE`, echo the ffmpeg output to the console
#' @return A list with the filenames of the created video and subtitle files.
#' @seealso [ov_video_playlist()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   my_playlist <- ov_video_playlist(..., type = "local")
#'   video_file <- ov_create_video(my_playlist)
#'   browseURL(video_file[[1]])
#'   ## run in parallel, with the scouted codes as subtitles
#'   library(dplyr)
#'   library(future.apply)
#'   plan(multisession)
#'   ## note that the example file doesn't have a video associated with it, so
#'   ##  this example won't actually work in practice
#'   x <- read_dv(dv_example_file())
#'   ## fudge the video entry
#'   dv_meta_video(x) <- "~/my_video.mp4"
#'   ## make the playlist
#'   my_playlist <- ov_video_playlist(
#'     x$plays %>% dplyr::filter(skill == "Reception") %>% slice(1:10),
#'     meta = x$meta, extra_cols = "code")
#'   ## create the video and subtitles files
#'   video_file <- ov_create_video(my_playlist, subtitle_column = "code")
#' }
#' @export
ov_playlist_to_video <- function(playlist, filename, subtitle_column = NULL, seamless = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
    ov_ffmpeg_ok(do_error = TRUE)
    if (missing(filename) || is.null(filename)) filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".mp4")
    execfun <- if (isTRUE(debug)) sys::exec_wait else sys::exec_internal
    lapplyfun <- if (!requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly = TRUE) || inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")) lapply else future.apply::future_lapply
    if (isTRUE(seamless)) playlist <- merge_seamless(playlist)
    tempfiles <- lapplyfun(seq_len(nrow(playlist)), function(ri) {
        outfile <- tempfile(fileext = paste0(".", fs::path_ext(playlist$video_src[ri])))
        if (file.exists(outfile)) unlink(outfile)
        infile <- fs::path_real(playlist$video_src[ri])
        ##sys::exec_wait(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), c("-i", infile, "-ss", playlist$start_time[ri], "-t", playlist$duration[ri], "-q", 0, "-c:a", "copy", outfile)) ## works, but slow because it uses very slow seek method to find the start of the clip
        ##sys::exec_wait(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), c("-ss", playlist$start_time[ri], "-i", infile, "-t", playlist$duration[ri], "-q", 0, "-c:a", "copy", outfile)) ## faster but glitchy because keyframes are typically sparse
        ##sys::exec_wait(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), c("-i", infile, "-ss", playlist$start_time[ri], "-t", playlist$duration[ri], "-c", "copy", outfile)) ## fast but glitchy because keyframes are typically sparse
        if (FALSE) sys::exec_internal() else if (FALSE) sys::exec_wait() ## needed to ensure that funcs are available inside future_lapply??
        ## reencode
        res <- execfun(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), c("-ss", playlist$start_time[ri], "-i", infile, "-strict", "-2", "-t", playlist$duration[ri], outfile))
        res_status <- if (isTRUE(debug)) res else res$status
        if (res_status != 0) stop("failed to get video clip, ", if (!isTRUE(debug)) rawToChar(res$stderr))
    ## ffmpeg wants forward slashes in concat input file?
    tempfiles <- normalizePath(unlist(tempfiles), winslash = "/")
    ## concatentate them
    cfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
    on.exit(unlink(c(cfile, tempfiles)))
    cat(paste0("file ", tempfiles), file = cfile, sep = "\n")
    if (file.exists(filename)) unlink(filename)
    res <- execfun(ov_ffmpeg_exe(), c("-safe", 0, "-f", "concat", "-i", cfile, "-c", "copy", filename))
    res_status <- if (isTRUE(debug)) res else res$status
    if (res_status != 0) stop("failed to combine clips, ", if (!isTRUE(debug)) rawToChar(res$stderr))
    srtfile <- NULL
    if (!is.null(subtitle_column)) {
        srts <- ov_playlist_subtitles(playlist, subtitle_column = subtitle_column)
        srtfile <- sub(paste0(fs::path_ext(filename), "$"), "srt", filename)
        if (file.exists(srtfile)) unlink(srtfile)
        writeLines(srts, srtfile)
    list(video = filename, subtitles = srtfile)

#' ffmpeg executable functions
#' Helper functions to find the ffmpeg executable. If ffmpeg is not installed on the system, it can be installed (for some platforms) with [ov_install_ffmpeg()].
#' @param do_error logical: if `TRUE`, throw an error if the ffmpeg executable cannot be found
#' @return For `ov_ffmpeg_exe`, the path to the executable, or `NULL` if not found. For `ov_ffmpeg_ok`, a logical indicating whether the executable could be found or not
#' @seealso [ov_install_ffmpeg()]
#' @examples
#' ov_ffmpeg_ok()
#' @export
ov_ffmpeg_exe <- function() {
    exe_name <- paste0("ffmpeg", if (get_os() == "windows") ".exe")
    chk <- Sys.which(exe_name)
    if (nzchar(chk)) return(chk)
    ## is it installed in user appdir?
    mydir <- file.path(ovideo_app_dir(), "ffmpeg")
    if (!dir.exists(mydir)) return(NULL)
    chk <- fs::dir_ls(path = mydir, recurse = TRUE, regexp = paste0(exe_name, "$"), type = "file")
    chk <- chk[basename(chk) == exe_name]
    if (length(chk) == 1 && file.exists(chk)) chk else NULL

#' @rdname ov_ffmpeg_exe
#' @export
ov_ffmpeg_ok <- function(do_error = FALSE) {
    exe <- ov_ffmpeg_exe()
    ok <- !is.null(exe) && tryCatch(sys::exec_internal(exe, "-version")$status == 0, error = function(e) FALSE)
    if (!ok && do_error) stop("could not find the ffmpeg executable")
    if (do_error) invisible(ok) else ok

#' @title Playlist to video file
#' @description Make a self-contained video file from a playlist
#' @param playlist data.frame: a playlist as returned by `ov_video_playlist`. Note that only local video sources are supported
#' @param filename string: file to write to. If not specified (or `NULL`), a file in the temporary directory will be created. If `filename` exists, it will be overwritten. The extension of `filename` will determine the output format
#' @param subtitle_column string: if not `NULL`, a subtitle file will be produced using the contents of this column (in the playlist) as the subtitle for each clip. The subtitle file will have the same name as `filename` but with extension ".srt"
#' @return A list with the filenames of the created video and subtitle files.
#' @name ov_create_video-deprecated
#' @usage ov_create_video(playlist, filename, subtitle_column = NULL)
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso \code{\link{ovideo-deprecated}}

#' @rdname ovideo-deprecated
#' @section \code{ov_create_video}:
#' For \code{ov_create_video}, use \code{\link{ov_playlist_to_video}}.
#' @export
ov_create_video <- function(playlist, filename, subtitle_column = NULL) {
    .Deprecated("ov_playlist_to_video", package="ovideo")
    ov_playlist_to_video(playlist, filename = filename, subtitle_column = subtitle_column)
openvolley/ovideo documentation built on March 19, 2024, 9:52 p.m.