Man pages for osmose-model/osmose
Object Oriented Simulator of Marine Ecosystems

cacheManagerManage the cache
configureCalibrationReads calibration parameters from an osmose.config list.
dot-osmose.barplotPlots a barplot, with xlabels rotated with a 45degree angle
dot-osmose.format_data_stackedReformat the data into the ggplot2 stacked plot format. It...
dot-plot_osmose_dietMatrixPlots diet matrix
dot-read_2DGeneric function to read 2D output files (dietMatrix,...
dot-read_osmose_ncdfFunction to read osmose netcdf files
get_varGet variable from an 'osmose'-like object.
get_var.osmoseget_var method for osmose outputs objects
get_var.osmose.configget_var method for osmose configuration objects
initialize_osmoseCreate initialization file for an OSMOSE configuration
osmose_calib_demoGenerates Osmose configuration files to run an Osmose demo.
osmose_demoGenerates required OSMOSE configuration files to run a demo.
osmose_gridcreate OSMOSE ncdf grid (in development)
osmose-packageOSMOSE: Modelling Marine Exploited Ecosystems
plot.osmosePlot method for osmose objects
plot.osmose.configPlot method for 'osmose.config' objects
print.osmosePrint information for an 'osmose' object
print.summary.osmosePrint the summary informations about Osmose outputs
read_osmoseRead OSMOSE outputs into an R object
readOsmoseConfigurationReads Osmose configuration files.
readOsmoseFilesRead Osmose output file
reportReport method
report.osmoseReport method for 'osmose' objects
run_osmoseRun an OSMOSE configuration
summary.osmose'osmose' object summaries
updateCacheUpdate the cache for the different function
update_ltlUpdate LTL ncdf files to version 4 format
update_mapsUpdate OSMOSE maps from csv (v3.x) to ncdf (v4.2+)
update_osmoseUpdate OSMOSE configuration
write_osmoseWrite data in osmose format
osmose-model/osmose documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 5 a.m.