
Defines functions print.ModelStack defLearner defModel `+.ModelStack` fit fit.ModelStack fit_holdoutSL fit_cvSL

Documented in defModel fit fit.ModelStack print.ModelStack

#' S3 methods for printing a collection of learners
#' Prints the stack models
#' @param x An object (list) of class ModelStack
#' @param ... Additional options passed on to \code{print.PredictionModel}.
#' @export
print.ModelStack <- function(x, ...) {

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define modeling algorithm(s), package and parameters
# @param estimator A character string name of package and estimator (algorithm) name, separated by "__".
# @param ... Additional modeling parameters to be passed to modeling function.
# @rdname defModel
# @export
defLearner <- function(estimator, x, ...) {
  pkg_est <- strsplit(estimator, "__", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  pkg <- pkg_est[1]
  if (length(pkg_est) > 1) est <- pkg_est[2] else est <- NULL
  learner <- defModel(estimator, x, ...)

  if (!(pkg %in% c("h2o", "xgboost"))) {
    learner[[1]][["fit.algorithm"]] <- learner[[1]][["grid.algorithm"]]
    learner[[1]][["grid.algorithm"]] <- NULL

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Interface for defining models
#' Specify either a single model or a grid of multple models by invoking the optional argument \code{param_grid}.
#' @param estimator A character string name of package and estimator (algorithm) name, separated by "__".
#' @param x A vector containing the subset of the names of the predictor variables to use in building this
#' particular learner or grid. This argument can be used to over-ride the values of \code{x} provided to \code{fit} function.
#' As such, the names supplied here must always be a subset of the names specified to \code{fit}.
#' When this argument is missing (default) the column names provided to \code{fit} are used as predictors in building this model / grid.
#' @param search_criteria Search criteria
#' @param param_grid Named list of model hyper parameters (optional).
#' Each named item defines either a fixed model parameter value or a vector of possible values.
#' In the latter case this function call would define a grid (ensemble) of models.
#' Each model in the ensemble corresponds by a particular fixed parameter value.
#' @param ... Additional modeling parameters to be passed on directly to the modeling function.
#' @export
defModel <- function(estimator, x, search_criteria, param_grid, ...) {
  pkg_est <- strsplit(estimator, "__", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  pkg <- pkg_est[1]
  if (length(pkg_est) > 1) est <- pkg_est[2] else est <- NULL

  ## call outside fun that parses ... and checks all args are named
  sVar.exprs <- capture.exprs(...)

  GRIDparams = list(fit.package = pkg, fit.algorithm = "grid", grid.algorithm = est, estimator = estimator)
  if (!missing(x)) GRIDparams[["x"]] <- x
  if (!missing(search_criteria)) GRIDparams[["search_criteria"]] <- search_criteria
  if (!missing(param_grid)) {
    if (!is.list(param_grid)) stop("'param_grid' must be a named list of model hyper parameters")
    if (is.null(names(param_grid)) || "" %in% names(param_grid)) stop("all items in 'param_grid' must be named")
    GRIDparams[["param_grid"]] <- param_grid

  if (length(sVar.exprs) > 0) GRIDparams <- c(GRIDparams, sVar.exprs)
  GRIDparams <- list(GRIDparams)
  class(GRIDparams) <- c(class(GRIDparams), "ModelStack")

# S3 method '+' for adding two ModelStack objects
# Summary measure lists in both get added as c(,) into the summary measures in model1 / model2 objects
#' @rdname defModel
#' @param model1 An object returned by a call to \code{defModel} function.
#' @param model2 An object returned by a call to \code{defModel} function.
#' @export
`+.ModelStack` <- function(model1, model2) {
  newStack <- append(model1, model2)
  class(newStack) <- c(class(newStack), "ModelStack")

#' @rdname fit.ModelStack
#' @export
fit <- function(...) { UseMethod("fit") }

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Fit Discrete SuperLearner
#' Define and fit discrete SuperLearner for longitudinal data.
#' Model selection (scoring) can be based on MSE evaluated for random holdout observations (method = "holdout")
#' or V-fold cross-validated MSE (method = "cv").
#' @param models Parameters specifying the model(s) to fit. This must be a result of calling \code{defModel(...) + defModel(...)} functions.
#' See \code{\link{defModel}} for additional information.
#' @param method The type of model selection and model stacking procedure when fitting more than one model.
#' Possible options are:
#' \code{"none"} -- no model selection;
#' \code{"holdout"} -- model selection based on a (possibly) random holdout validation sample;
#' \code{"cv"} -- discrete Super Learner, select a single best-performing model via internal V-fold cross-validation;
#' \code{"origamiSL"} -- convex (NNLS) Super Learner with external V-fold cross-validation (using \code{origami} R package);
#' \code{"internalSL"} -- convex (NNLS) Super Learner with internal V-fold cross-validation (same CV as in method="cv");
#' @param data Input dataset, can be a \code{data.frame} or a \code{data.table}.
#' @param ID A character string name of the column that contains the unique subject identifiers.
#' @param t_name A character string name of the column with integer-valued measurement time-points (in days, weeks, months, etc).
#' @param x A vector containing the names of predictor variables to use for modeling. If x is missing, then all columns except \code{ID}, \code{y} are used.
#' @param y A character string name of the column that represent the response variable in the model.
#' @param nfolds Number of folds to use in cross-validation.
#' @param fold_column The name of the column in the input data that contains the cross-validation fold indicators (must be an ordered factor).
#' @param hold_column The name of the column that contains the holdout observation indicators (TRUE/FALSE) in the input data.
#' This holdout column must be defined and added to the input data prior to calling this function.
#' @param hold_random Logical, specifying if the holdout observations should be selected at random.
#' If FALSE then the last observation for each subject is selected as a holdout.
#' @param seed Random number seed for selecting random holdouts or validation folds.
#' @param refit Set to \code{TRUE} (default) to refit the best estimator using the entire dataset.
#' When \code{FALSE}, it might be impossible to make predictions from this model fit.
#' @param fold_y_names (ADVANCED FEATURE) The names of columns in \code{data} containing the fold-specific outcomes.
#' Can be used for contructing split-specific (or by-fold) Super-Learner with \code{method}=\code{"origamiSL"}.
#' @param verbose Set to \code{TRUE} to print messages on status and information to the console. Turn this on by default using \code{options(gridisl.verbose=TRUE)}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments that will be passed on directly to \code{\link{fit_model}} function.
#' @return An R6 object containing the model fit(s).
# @seealso \code{\link{gridisl-package}} for the general overview of the package,
# @example tests/examples/1_gridisl_example.R
#' @export
fit.ModelStack <- function(models,
                           method = c("none", "holdout", "cv", "origamiSL", "internalSL"),
                           nfolds = NULL,
                           fold_column = NULL,
                           hold_column = NULL,
                           hold_random = FALSE,
                           seed = NULL,
                           refit = TRUE,
                           fold_y_names = NULL,
                           verbose = getOption("gridisl.verbose"),
                           ...) {
  method <- method[1L]
  gvars$method <- method
  gvars$verbose <- verbose

  # if (!is.ModelStack(models)) stop("argument models must be of class 'ModelStack'")

  if (!(method %in% c("none", "cv", "holdout", "origamiSL", "internalSL")))
    stop("argument method must be one of: 'none', 'cv', 'holdout', 'origamiSL', 'internalSL'")
  if (!data.table::is.data.table(data) && !is.DataStorageClass(data))
    stop("argument data must be of class 'data.table, please convert the existing data.frame to data.table by calling 'data.table::as.data.table(...)'")

  if (missing(ID)) ID <- names(data)[1]
  if (missing(t_name)) t_name <- names(data)[2]
  if (missing(y)) y <- names(data)[3]
  if (missing(x)) x <- names(data)[4:ncol(data)]

  nodes <- list(Lnodes = x, Ynode = y, IDnode = ID, tnode = t_name)
  orig_colnames <- colnames(data)

  if (method %in% "none") {
    ## Fit models based on all available data
    modelfit <- fit_model(ID, t_name, x, y, data, models = models, verbose = verbose, ...)

  } else if (method %in% "cv") {
    modelfit <- fit_cvSL(ID, t_name, x, y, data, models = models, nfolds = nfolds, fold_column = fold_column, refit = refit, seed = seed, verbose = verbose, ...)

  } else if (method %in% "holdout") {
    modelfit <- fit_holdoutSL(ID, t_name, x, y, data, models = models, hold_column = hold_column, hold_random = hold_random, refit = refit, seed = seed, verbose = verbose, ...)

  } else if (method %in% "origamiSL") {
    modelfit <- fit_origamiSL(ID, t_name, x, y, data, models = models, nfolds = nfolds, fold_column = fold_column, refit = refit, seed = seed, fold_y_names = fold_y_names, verbose = verbose, ...)

  } else if (method %in% "internalSL") {
    modelfit <- fit_cvSL(ID, t_name, x, y, data, models = models, nfolds = nfolds, fold_column = fold_column, refit = FALSE, seed = seed, verbose = verbose, ...)
    # modelfit <- fit_internalSL(ID, t_name, x, y, data, models = models, nfolds = nfolds, fold_column = fold_column, refit = refit, seed = seed, verbose = verbose, ...)
    Zpreds <- predict_generic(modelfit, add_subject_data = FALSE, best_only = FALSE, holdout = TRUE)
    ## this allows us to pass the subset_idx if it was provided by the user.
    ## Thus super-learner can be built with a subset of the original outcomes in the data, using only the
    ## outcomes for observations that were used in fitting the models.
    Yvals <- get_yvalues(modelfit, ...)
    Wtsvals <- rep.int(1L, length(Yvals))
    SL_method <- SuperLearner::method.NNLS()
    modelfit$SL_method <- SL_method
    SL_coefs <- SL_method$computeCoef(Z = as.matrix(Zpreds), Y = Yvals, obsWeights = Wtsvals, libraryNames = names(Zpreds), verbose = TRUE)
    modelfit$SL_coefs <- SL_coefs
    class(modelfit) <- c("PredictionSL", class(modelfit))


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Discrete SuperLearner with one-out holdout validation
# Define and fit discrete SuperLearner for growth curve modeling.
# Model selection (scoring) is based on MSE for a single random (or last) holdout data-point for each subject.
# This is in contrast to the model selection with V-fold cross-validated MSE in \code{\link{fit_cvSL}},
# which leaves the entire subjects (entire growth curves) outside of the training sample.
# @param ID A character string name of the column that contains the unique subject identifiers.
# @param t_name A character string name of the column with integer-valued measurement time-points (in days, weeks, months, etc).
# @param x A vector containing the names of predictor variables to use for modeling. If x is missing, then all columns except \code{ID}, \code{y} are used.
# @param y A character string name of the column that represent the response variable in the model.
# @param data Input dataset, can be a \code{data.frame} or a \code{data.table}.
# @param models Parameters specifying the type of modeling procedure to be used.
# @param hold_column The name of the column that contains the holdout observation indicators (TRUE/FALSE) in the input data.
# This holdout column must be defined and added to the input data prior to calling this function.
# @param hold_random Logical, specifying if the holdout observations should be selected at random.
# If FALSE then the last observation for each subject is selected as a holdout.
# @param refit Set to \code{TRUE} (default) to refit the best estimator using the entire dataset.
# When \code{FALSE}, it might be impossible to make predictions from this model fit.
# @param seed Random number seed for selecting a random holdout.
# @param verbose Set to \code{TRUE} to print messages on status and information to the console. Turn this on by default using \code{options(gridisl.verbose=TRUE)}.
# @return ...
# @seealso \code{\link{gridisl-package}} for the general overview of the package,
# @example tests/examples/1_gridisl_example.R
# @export
fit_holdoutSL <- function(ID,
                          hold_column = NULL,
                          hold_random = TRUE,
                          refit = TRUE,
                          seed = NULL,
                          verbose = getOption("gridisl.verbose"),
                          ...) {
  gvars$verbose <- verbose
  gvars$method <- "holdout"
  nodes <- list(Lnodes = x, Ynode = y, IDnode = ID, tnode = t_name)
  orig_colnames <- colnames(data)

  if (is.null(hold_column)) {
    hold_column <- "hold"
    message("...selecting holdout observations...")
    data <- add_holdout_ind(data, ID, hold_column = hold_column, random = hold_random, seed = seed)

  train_data <- data[!data[[hold_column]], ]

  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Define validation data (includes the holdout only, each summary is created without the holdout observation):
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  valid_data <- data[data[[hold_column]], ]

  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Perform fitting based on training set (and model scoring based on holdout validation set)
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  modelfit <- fit_model(ID, t_name, x, y, train_data = train_data, valid_data = valid_data, models = models, verbose = verbose, ...)

  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Re-fit the best scored model using all available data
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (refit) {
    message("refitting the best scored model on all data...")
    OData_all <- importData(data = data, ID = ID, t_name = t_name, covars = x, OUTCOME = y) ## Import input data into R6 object, define nodes
    best_fit <- modelfit$refit_best_model(OData_all, ...)


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Discrete SuperLearner with V-fold cross-validation.
# Define and fit discrete SuperLearner for growth curve modeling.
# Model selection (scoring) is based on V-fold cross-validated MSE that leaves entire subjects outside of the training sample.
# This is in contrast to holdout SuperLearner in \code{\link{fit_holdoutSL}} that leaves only a single random (or last) growth measurement  outside of the training sample.
# @param ID A character string name of the column that contains the unique subject identifiers.
# @param t_name A character string name of the column with integer-valued measurement time-points (in days, weeks, months, etc).
# @param x A vector containing the names of predictor variables to use for modeling. If x is missing, then all columns except \code{ID}, \code{y} are used.
# @param y A character string name of the column that represent the response variable in the model.
# @param data Input dataset, can be a \code{data.frame} or a \code{data.table}.
# @param models Parameters specifying the type of modeling procedure to be used.
# @param nfolds Number of folds to use in cross-validation.
# @param fold_column The name of the column in the input data that contains the cross-validation fold indicators (must be an ordered factor).
# @param refit Set to \code{TRUE} (default) to refit the best estimator using the entire dataset.
# When \code{FALSE}, it might be impossible to make predictions from this model fit.
# @param seed Random number seed for selecting a random holdout.
# @param verbose Set to \code{TRUE} to print messages on status and information to the console. Turn this on by default using \code{options(gridisl.verbose=TRUE)}.
# @return ...
# @seealso \code{\link{gridisl-package}} for the general overview of the package,
# @example tests/examples/1_gridisl_example.R
# @export
fit_cvSL <- function(ID,
                     nfolds = 5,
                     fold_column = NULL,
                     refit = TRUE,
                     seed = NULL,
                     verbose = getOption("gridisl.verbose"),
                     ...) {
  gvars$verbose <- verbose
  gvars$method <- "cv"
  nodes <- list(Lnodes = x, Ynode = y, IDnode = ID, tnode = t_name)
  orig_colnames <- colnames(data)

  if (is.null(fold_column)) {
    fold_column <- "fold"
    data <- add_CVfolds_ind(data, ID, nfolds = nfolds, fold_column = fold_column, seed = seed)

  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Perform CV fitting (no scoring yet)
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  modelfit <- fit_model(ID, t_name, x, y, train_data = data, models = models, fold_column = fold_column, verbose = verbose, ...)

  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Re-fit the best manually-scored model on all data
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (refit) best_fit <- modelfit$refit_best_model(modelfit$OData_train, ...)

osofr/GriDiSL documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:54 p.m.