
context("Import .bib to tibble")

bib <- bib2df(system.file("extdata", "bib2df_testfile_3.bib", package = "bib2df"))

test_that("bib imported as tibble", {
  expect_true(inherits(bib, "tbl"))

test_that("bib has correct names", {
  expect_true(all(names(bib2df:::empty) %in% names(bib)))

test_that("bib has correct dimensions", {
  expect_true(nrow(bib) == 3L)
  expect_true(ncol(bib) >= 25L)

context("Import .bib with one entry to tibble")

bib1 <- bib2df(system.file("extdata", "bib2df_testfile_2.bib", package = "bib2df"))

test_that("bib imported as tibble", {
  expect_true(inherits(bib1, "tbl"))

test_that("bib has correct names", {
  expect_true(all(names(bib2df:::empty) %in% names(bib1)))

test_that("bib has correct dimensions", {
  expect_true(nrow(bib1) == 1L)
  expect_true(ncol(bib1) >= 25L)

# context("Export .tbl to .bib")
# test_that("df2bib() works", {
#   expect_true(file.exists(df2bib(bib, bib2 <- tempfile())))
#   expect_true(identical(bib, bib2df(bib2)))
#   expect_true(identical(readChar(x <- df2bib(bib, tempfile()), 1), "@"))
# })

context("Helper functions")

test_that("capitalize() works", {
  expect_true(capitalize("TEST") == "Test")
  expect_true(capitalize("Test") == "Test")

test_that("na_replace() works", {
  df <- data.frame(a = NA, b = 1)
  expect_true(na_replace(df)$a[1] == "")

context("Error messages and exception handling")

test_that("df2bib() throws error messages", {
  df <- data.frame()
  expect_error(df2bib(df, 1234),
               "Invalid file path: Non-character supplied.",
               fixed = TRUE)
  expect_error(df2bib(df, "/not/a/valid/file/location.bib"),
               "Invalid file path: File is not writeable.",
               fixed = TRUE)

test_that("bib2df() throws error messages", {
               "Invalid file path: Non-character supplied.",
               fixed = TRUE)
               "Invalid file path: File is not readable.",
               fixed = TRUE)


test_that("bib2df() returns 'empty' data.frame", {
  write("", t <- tempfile())
  expect_true(identical(bib2df(t), bib2df:::empty))

context("Allow symbols in fields, especially @ and =")

test_that("bib2df() allows '@' and '=' in fields", {
  bib <- bib2df(system.file("extdata", "bib2df_testfile_1.bib", package = "bib2df"))
  expect_true(identical(bib$TITLE[1], "The C@C60 endohedral complex"))
  expect_true(identical(bib$ABSTRACT[1], "Foo bar (F-st = 0.81, P < 0.001) bla bla."))

context("Issue #29")

test_that("Issue #29", {
  bib <- bib2df(system.file("extdata", "bib2df_testfile_issue_29.bib", package = "bib2df"))
  expect_true(identical(bib$TITLE[1], "A grammar of the {Kuku} {Yalanji} language of north {Queensland}"))
  expect_true(identical(bib$ADDRESS[2], "Cambridge"))

context("Allow for tags with _ and without spaces before =")

test_that("bib2df() allows any number of blanks before =", {
  bib <- bib2df(system.file("extdata", "bib2df_testfile_4.bib", package = "bib2df"))
  supplied_cols <- c("AUTHOR", "TITLE", "JOURNAL", "YEAR", "ABSTRACT")

test_that("bib2df() allows for _ in tab name", {
  bib <- bib2df(system.file("extdata", "bib2df_testfile_4.bib", package = "bib2df"))
  supplied_col <- "AUTHOR_KEYWORDS"

context("Issue #31")

test_that("Issue #31", {
  bib <- bib2df(system.file("extdata", "bib2df_testfile_issue_31.bib", package = "bib2df"),
                merge_lines = TRUE)
  expect_false(identical(bib$AUTHOR[1], ""))
  expect_false(identical(bib$TITLE[1], ""))
  expect_false(identical(bib$ABSTRACT[1], ""))
ottlngr/bib2df documentation built on Aug. 12, 2024, 5:25 p.m.