  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This vignette tries to explain how a formula to supply to function sstable.baseline() can be formulate.

Basic types of table

A table can be used to display summary information of one or several variables. A specific table can summarize information of variable(s) X(s) on all subjects, by groups of variable Y, or summarize variable Z by variable X and variable Y. There are different ways these summaries statistics can be derived, depending on the existence and type of variables X, Y and Z. Figure 1 below summarizes 4 basic types of table and how to specify them using the sstable.baseline() function in this package:

_Figure 1. Four basic types of table and the corresponding sstable.baseline() syntax and constraint on existence and type of relevant variables_{width=90%}

Basic layouts of table

Figure 2 displays 4 basic layouts of table corresponding to 4 basic table types mentioned in Figure 1:

_Figure 2. Four basic layouts of table_{width=90%}

oucru-biostats/C306 documentation built on July 16, 2024, 2:33 p.m.