Man pages for overdodactyl/diagnosticSummary
Diagnostic Summaries to a data frame
breslow_day_testBreslow-Day Test for Homogeneity of Odds Ratios
diagnosticSummary'diagnosticSummary' package
dxSet options for diagnostic analysis
dx_accuracyCalculate Accuracy
dx_aucCalculate Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC)
dx_auc_prCalculate Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve (AUC-PR)
dx_balanced_accuracyCalculate Balanced Accuracy
dx_brierCalculate Brier Score
dx_chi_squareChi-Square Test for Independence in a 2x2 Table
dx_cmCreate a Confusion Matrix from Predictions and Truth
dx_cohens_kappaCalculate Cohen's Kappa
dx_compareCompare Multiple Classification Models
dx_delongDeLong's Test for Comparing Two ROC Curves
dx_detection_prevalenceCalculate Detection Prevalence
dx_edit_cellEdit a cell within an object returned from dx_forest
dx_f1Calculate F1 Score with Confidence Intervals
dx_f2Calculate F2 Score with Confidence Intervals
dx_fbetaCalculate F-beta Score with Confidence Intervals
dx_fdrCalculate False Discovery Rate (FDR)
dx_fishers_exactFisher's Exact Test for Independence in a 2x2 Table
dx_fowlkes_mallowsCalculate Fowlkes-Mallows Index
dx_g_meanCalculate G-mean
dx_g_testG-Test (Log-Likelihood Ratio Test) for Independence in 2x2...
dx_heart_failureHeart attack outcomes and predictions
dx_lrt_negCalculate Negative Likelihood Ratio
dx_lrt_posCalculate Positive Likelihood Ratio
dx_markednessCalculate Markedness
dx_mccCalculate Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC)
dx_mcnemarsMcNemar's Chi-squared Test for Paired Proportions
dx_nirCalculate No Information Rate (NIR)
dx_npvCalculate Negative Predictive Value (NPV)
dx_odds_ratioCalculate Odds Ratio
dx_plot_calibrationPlot Calibration Curve
dx_plot_capPlot Cumulative Accuracy Profile (CAP) Curve
dx_plot_cmPlot Confusion Matrix with Metrics
dx_plot_costPlot Cost Curve
dx_plot_decision_curvePlot Decision Curve
dx_plot_forestCreate table with odds ratios displayed graphically
dx_plot_gainPlot Gain Chart
dx_plot_ksPlot Kolmogorov-Smirnov Curve
dx_plot_liftPlot Lift Curve
dx_plot_prPlot Precision-Recall Curve
dx_plot_predictive_valuePlot Predictive Values Against Prevalence
dx_plot_probabilitiesPlot Predicted Probabilities
dx_plot_rocPlot ROC Curve
dx_plot_rocsPlot ROC Curves for Multiple Models
dx_plot_thresholdsPlot Diagnostic Measures across Thresholds
dx_plot_youden_jPlot Youden's J Index Curve
dx_prevalenceCalculate Prevalence
dx_roc_ggthemeTheme used for dx_roc
dx_z_testZ-test for Comparing Two Proportions
expected_cell_countCalculate Expected Cell Count
fnrCalculate False Negative Rate (FNR)
fprCalculate False Positive Rate (FPR)
get_rocReturn an pROC::roc object for a dx object
informednessCalculate Informedness
margin_sumsCalculate Margin Sums for a Contingency Table
metrics-paramsShared Parameters for Diagnostic Metrics
ppvCalculate Positive Predictive Value (PPV, Precision)
sensitivityCalculate Sensitivity (True Positive Rate, Recall)
specificityCalculate Specificity (True Negative Rate)
variance_aCalculate Variance of Cell Count
overdodactyl/diagnosticSummary documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:45 p.m.