dx_z_test: Z-test for Comparing Two Proportions

View source: R/dx_tests.R

dx_z_testR Documentation

Z-test for Comparing Two Proportions


Conducts a two-sided Z-test (using prop.test for two proportions) to assess whether the success rates (proportions) of two groups are different from each other based on a specified metric. It can compare accuracy, PPV, NPV, FNR, FPR, FDR, sensitivity, or specificity between two dx objects.


  metric = c("accuracy", "ppv", "npv", "fnr", "fpr", "fdr", "sensitivity",
  detail = "full"



A dx object for the first group.


A dx object for the second group.


A character string specifying the metric to compare between the two groups. Options include "accuracy", "ppv", "npv", "fnr", "fpr", "fdr", "sensitivity", "specificity".


Character specifying the level of detail in the output: "simple" for raw estimate (p-value only), "full" for detailed estimate including confidence intervals and test statistic.


The function uses the prop.test function to perform the hypothesis test, assuming the null hypothesis that the two proportions based on the specified metric are the same. A low p-value indicates a significant difference in the proportions, suggesting that the success rates of the two groups are statistically significantly different. The function automatically adjusts for continuity and provides confidence intervals for the difference in proportions.

The Z-test for two proportions is appropriate when comparing the success rates (proportions) of two independent samples. Here are some considerations for using this test:

  • Independence: The samples should be independent. This test is not appropriate for paired or matched data.

  • Sample Size**: Both groups should have a sufficiently large number of trials. As a rule of thumb, the test assumes that the number of successes and failures in each group should be at least 5. However, for more accurate results, especially in cases with extreme proportions (close to 0 or 1), larger sample sizes may be necessary.

  • Binary Outcome: This test is specific to binary outcomes (success/failure, presence/absence, etc.) represented as proportions. It's not suitable for continuous data or counts that haven't been converted to proportions.

  • Normal Approximation: The Z-test is based on the normal approximation of the distribution of the sample proportion. This approximation is more accurate when the sample size is large and the proportion is not extremely close to 0 or 1.

It's also important to note that while prop.test adjusts for continuity, this adjustment may not be sufficient for very small sample sizes or very unbalanced designs. Always consider the context and assumptions of your data when interpreting the results of the test.


Depending on the detail parameter, returns the p-value of the test or a more detailed list including the test statistic, confidence interval, and p-value.


dx_glm <- dx(data = dx_heart_failure, true_varname = "truth", pred_varname = "predicted")
dx_rf <- dx(data = dx_heart_failure, true_varname = "truth", pred_varname = "predicted_rf")
dx_z_test(dx_glm, dx_rf, metric = "accuracy")

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