#' Capture function calls
#' @param error error object
capture_function_calls <- function(error) {
error$function_calls <- sys.calls()
#' Create safe function
#' @param z the function whose errors we want to track
#' @return a function
#' @export
with_captured_calls <- function(z) {
f <- function(...) {
return(withCallingHandlers(z(...), error = capture_function_calls))
#' Default error handler for Plumber
#' @param req a Plumber request object
#' @param res a Plumber response object
#' @param error an error object
#' @return a list
#' @export
default_error_handler <- function(req, res, error) {
li <- list()
if (res$status == 200L) {
# The default is a 200. If that's still set, then we should probably override with a 500.
# It's possible, however, than a handler set a 40x and then wants to use this function to
# render an error, though.
res$status <- 500
li$error <- "500 - Internal server error"
} else {
li$error <- "Internal error"
# Don't overly leak data unless the user opts-in
if (getOption("plumber.debug", FALSE)) {
li["message"] <- gsub("\\n", "", as.character(error))
#' Wrap a plumber error handler such that it reports errors to Sentry
#' @param error_handler a function to handle plumber errors
#' @return a function
#' @export
wrap_error_handler_with_sentry <- function(error_handler = default_error_handler) {
function(req, res, error, ...) {
http_content_type <- ifelse(is.null(req$HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE), "", req$HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE)
if (!is.null(req$postBody) && length(req$postBody) > 0 && grepl(pattern = "application/json", x = http_content_type, fixed = T) ) {
req_body <- list(
data = lapply(jsonlite::fromJSON(req$postBody), function(x) utils::head(x, 10))
} else {
req_body <- NULL
request_payload <- list(
url = req$PATH_INFO,
query_string = req$QUERY_STRING,
method = req$REQUEST_METHOD,
headers = list(
`content-type` = http_content_type
env = list(
REMOTE_ADDR = ifelse(
if (!is.null(req_body)) {
request_payload <- append(request_payload, req_body)
request = request_payload,
transaction = req$PATH_INFO, ...
error_handler(req, res, error)
#' Error handler with Sentry reporting
#' @param req a plumber request object
#' @param res a plumber response object
#' @param error an error object
#' @param ... extra named variables for Sentry
#' @return a list with response payload
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sentryR::configure_sentry(Sys.getenv("SENTRY_DSN"))
#' pr <- plumber::plumb("example_plumber.R")
#' pr$setErrorHandler(sentryR::sentry_error_handler)
#' pr$run()
#' }
sentry_error_handler <- wrap_error_handler_with_sentry()
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