Response SRG

r end_yr-1 SRG Assessment Recommendations

We respond here to three requests that the JTC would like to get feedback on at the meeting.

Responses to all other requests can be found in the assessment document, which include:

Dynamic unfished spawning biomass

The SRG recommends that the JTC include dynamic unfished spawning biomass in the 2024 assessment as a comparator with the equilibrium unfished spawning biomass used to provide management advice. The SRG also encourages the continued outreach regarding the use of dynamic reference points to stakeholders and managers, including identifying pros and cons of using dynamic unfished spawning biomass.

Response: Dynamic unfished spawning biomass

:::::: {.columns} ::: {.column width="40%"} Fished time series is the current estimates of spawning biomass \textcolor{red}{Unfished time series removes fishing mortality from modeled population dynamics, thereby directly showing the influence due to fishing} Assume environment (not fishing) affects recruitment deviations Maintain assumptions of no density dependence in life history parameters :::

::: {.column width="60%"}

                             model_nms = c("Base model - Fished",
                                           "Base model - Unfished"),
                             leg_pos = c(0.6, 0.9),
                             xlim = c(1963,
                             rel = FALSE)

::: ::::::

Response: Dynamic $B_0$

                             model_nms = c("Base model - Static B0",
                                           "Base model - Dynamic B0"),
                             leg_pos = c(0.6, 0.9),
                             ylim = c(0, 2.75),
                             rel = TRUE)

Natural mortality

The SRG recommends that the JTC explore alternative ways of estimating natural mortality to update the current approach in the model, which is based on methods from more than a decade ago, since newer methods are available. Information presented during the SRG meeting implies that natural mortality on age-2 Pacific Hake is higher than currently assumed in the assessment model and should be explored more fully.

Response: Natural mortality

Investigate estimating a vector of natural mortality (M) parameters:

Input sample size

The SRG encourages the JTC to consider methods to determine the maximum input sample size for the age compositions.

Response: Input sample size

Determining input sample sizes is important for how annual fishery and survey age compositions are initially weighted, which then provides the basis from which wholesale re-weighting of data sources (fishery or survey) is done with the Dirichlet-multinomial data weighting model parameters.

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on July 21, 2024, 8:19 a.m.