Request 4 -- "Spatial distribution"

As feasible, tomorrow or later in the week, show data on the spatial distribution of the stock over time (with a focus on the last two years), especially the proportion of the stock south of the main waters of the US fishery (e.g. 42 degrees N or what is available). For example from catch rates (CPUE), catches, fraction of groundfish trawl survey, eDNA from the hydroacoustic survey, and the hydroacoustic survey.

Bottom trawl survey index (DFO/NWFSC joined; courtesy Eric Ward)

Bottom trawl survey proportion by area (DFO/NWFSC joined; courtesy Eric Ward)

eDNA index (courtesy Ole Shelton)

Distribution of fishing -- At-Sea (courtesy Lisa Pfeiffer)

Distribution of fishing -- Shoreside (courtesy Lisa Pfeiffer)

Further information available (see Liu, Thomas, and Marshall et al. slides)

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 1:58 p.m.