Request: The SRG requests that decision tables and probability tables be produced with 2023 and onward recruitment estimated and incorporating uncertainty. This would be done on the model without the age-1 index.
Response: Decision tables and probabilities have been provided along with tables of recent spawning biomass and recruitment estimates.
#base_with_late_devs <- sens_models[[2]][[1]] #table_biomass( # base_with_late_devs, # start_yr = end_yr - 9, # end_yr = end_yr, # caption = paste0( # "Recent trends in estimated beginning of the year female spawning ", # "biomass (SB; kt) and SB relative to estimated SB at unfished equilibrium ", # "(Rel. SB; \\%)."), # font_size = 10, # header_font_size = 8)
#table_recruitment( # base_with_late_devs , # start_yr = end_yr - 10, # end_yr = end_yr - 1, # caption = paste0( # "Estimates of recent recruitment (millions of age-0 fish) and ", # "recruitment deviations, where deviations below (above) zero indicate ", # "recruitment below (above) that estimated from the stock--recruitment ", # "relationship."), # font_size = 10, # header_font_size = 9)
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