\rfoot{eDNA index}
Contributed by Andrew O. Shelton, Krista Nichols, Kim M. Parsons, Madison Betts, Samantha Engster, Ana Ramón-Laca, Meghan Parsley, Megan Shaffer, Abigail Wells
Environmental DNA (eDNA, residual genetic material sampled from water, soil, or air) is an increasingly common tool for non-invasively sampling marine and aquatic ecological communities, valuable for estimating species occurrence (Veilleux, et al. 2021), biodiversity (i.e., Richness; Muenzel et al. 2024), and genetic structure (Andres et al. 2023). However, eDNA has not been widely used for quantitative abundance estimation (but see Shelton et al. 2022, Guri et al. 2024, Stoeckle et al. 2024). While the use of eDNA for quantification is supported both conceptually -- where there is more of a species, more cells are shed into the environment, and thus there is more DNA -- and empirically (e.g. there are strong linkages between single-species eDNA measures of in aquaria (Jo et al. 2019a, Ledger et al. 2024), rivers and streams (Pont 2024), estuaries and coastal oceans (DiBattista et al. 2022, Baetscher et al. 2024, Maes et al. 2023, Shelton et al. 2019)), quantitative uses of eDNA observations have significantly lagged behind their use in occurrence and biodiversity applications.
Here we use environmental DNA samples from three years of the U.S.-Canada Integrated Ecosystem \& Acoustic-Trawl Survey for Pacific hake to develop an index of abundance for Pacific Hake. We incorporate samples collected over 13 degrees of latitude between the surface and 500m depth and spanning nearshore to the deep waters off the continental shelf. This effort is the largest and most extensive eDNA survey in the world and encompasses nearly 3000 sampling stations and nearly 6000 individual 2.5L water samples collected over the 3 survey years. In previous work, we showed that the distribution and abundance of hake DNA within a year (2019) largely mirrored the spatial distribution of hake biomass estimated from the acoustic trawl survey (Shelton et al. 2022). Here, we extend our analyses to use hake DNA to describe changes in the hake population through time. To our knowledge this is the first use of eDNA to develop an index of abundance for stock assessment purposes.
Because this is the first use of an eDNA index in a stock assessment context, it is important to describe the logic and assumptions that connect observations of DNA from water samples to measures of fish biomass or abundance. The key difference between an eDNA survey and other traditional surveys is that traditional surveys depend on directly observing the organism of interest either through capture (e.g. via net sampling) or other means (e.g. via acoustic backscatter). eDNA, in contrast, detects traces left behind by organisms -- cells derived from slime, scales, feces or other tissues -- not the organism itself. A metaphor is that sampling eDNA is sampling the shadow of the organism. Therefore, the justification for using an eDNA index relies on understanding how such a shadow reflects the true population of interest. This relationship hinges on understanding two important processes: 1) the rate at which DNA is shed into the environment, and 2) the rate at which eDNA decays in aqueous environments. Recent reviews describe these processes in detail (e.g. Andruszkiewicz Allan et al. 2021, Lamb et al. 2022, Jo 2023) and we briefly describe some of the relevant literature here. Additional processes can affect eDNA (see e.g. Barnes and Turner 2016), but assumptions about shedding and decay predominate in this application.
Decay rates have been extensively studied in laboratory settings and show relatively rapid declines in eDNA with most eDNA decaying on the order or hours to a few days (Sassoubre et al. 2016; Andruszkiewicz Allan et al. 2021; Kirtane et al. 2021). While there are documented effects of environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, pH) on eDNA decay, within the range of conditions within our sampling domain, assuming an invariant rates of decay among the sampling depths and locations is reasonable. That is, we assume any differences in decay between, for example, the far north and south of the domain or between shallow and deep water samples are relatively trivial.
Shedding rates are far more difficult to study than decay and while there are estimates of shedding across a wide range of fish species under different conditions (e.g. Sassoubre et al. 2016, Thalinger et al. 2021, Jo et al. 2019b), estimates vary wildly both within and among species. In our application which is focused on a single species (Pacific hake), the relevant question is whether shedding can be considered proportional to biomass. There is support from metabolic theory that shedding should scale in proportion to the surface area of individuals, not biomass (e.g. Yates et al. 2021). Furthermore, metabolic theory would suggest that different ontogenetic stages or different age fish may have different shedding rates (i.e. rapidly growing individuals may shed more DNA into the environment than slow growing individuals). To date, empirical evidence of differences among individuals of different ontogenetic stages or sizes is equivocal (Klymus et al. 2015, Ostberg and Chase 2022, Wilder et al. 2023) and remains an active area of research. We note that both laboratory studies of related species (gadids, Ledger et al. 2024) and previous work on hake (Shelton et al. 2022) support a proportionality between hake biomass and eDNA. Therefore we assume a proportionality between biomass and DNA concentration. Future work should challenge this assumption with an eye toward understanding how age or size structure may affect observed eDNA. In stock assessment terms, such work could inform developing an age- or size-dependent selectivity curve for an eDNA index. We do not pursue such approaches here.
The use of eDNA methods will be unfamiliar to many readers and so we provide a high level summary of the methods and before providing technical details in the following sections. Many samples of water are collected during the U.S.-Canada Integrated Ecosystem \& Acoustic-Trawl Survey for Pacific hake. For each sample, 2.5L of water is collected. Each sample is then filtered using vacuum filtration onto a filter paper and the filter is placed in a preservative and stored until it can be transported to the genetics laboratory at the end of the survey cruise. In the laboratory, samples are processed to extract and clean the DNA captured on the filter. The extracted DNA samples contain DNA from a wide variety of organisms (from bacteria to plankton to fish to whales). Each sample is assayed using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using a primer that amplifies a portion of the Pacific hake mitochondrial genome. The qPCR assay provides a way of determining the concentration of hake mitochondrial DNA in each sample. From these qPCR observations we can construct a statistical model to describe the variation in hake DNA concentration across samples, space, depths, and among years. Finally, we can combine the estimates of hake concentration to generate an index based on DNA concentration for each year. This eDNA index, therefore, represents an estimate of overall DNA concentration in a given year which is related to the biomass of hake present in the environment (see \@ref(introduction)).
In the sections that follow, we provided detailed information about the design and execution of water sampling and the creation of an eDNA index from the statistical model. We provide a brief overview of the spatio-temporal model and estimation procedure in the methods and a full description of the statistical model separately after the results. We largely omit the detailed protocols and laboratory analyses as they are described elsewhere (Ramón-Laca et al. 2021).
We collected eDNA samples during the 2019, 2021, and 2023 U.S.-Canada Integrated Ecosystem \& Acoustic-Trawl Survey for Pacific hake aboard the NOAA Ship Bell M. Shimada (all years) and DFO Ship Sir John Franklin (2023) conducted between July and September (e.g. de Blois 2020).
We collected seawater from up to six depths (surface, 50, 100, 150, 300, and 500m in 2019; 200m samples replace the 100m depth in 2021 and 2023) where a Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) rosette was deployed. We sampled water from at 186, 199, and 238 stations in 2019, 2021, and 2023, respectively. Two replicates of 2.5L of seawater were collected at each depth and station from independent Niskin bottles attached to a CTD rosette. Water samples from the surface were collected from the ship's salt water intake line but processed identically to Niskin samples. We refer to the depth of surface sampling at 0m, but in truth surface samples are collected at a depth of approximately 3m. Nearly all CTD casts and therefore water collection for eDNA occurred at night while acoustic sampling and trawl sampling took place during daylight hours. In addition to field samples, we collected a range of control water samples to test for laboratory contamination during water filtering, DNA extraction, and subsequent laboratory steps.
Sampling stations were spread across a spatial domain that varied slightly among years (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-station-map-acoustic-lines-fig)) with water sampling occuring between San Francisco, CA and Cape Flattery, WA in 2019, expanding south in 2021 to include Pt. Conception, CA to Cape Flattery, WA, and including a slightly larger northern extent in 2023, spanning Pt. Conception, CA to west of Barkley Sound, BC (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-station-map-acoustic-lines-fig)). This means that the spatial domain where water samples are available varies among years. We discuss the implications of this varying sampling for developing indices of abundance below.
We assayed the DNA concentration of hake using qPCR in 1,752 (in 2019), 1,820 (2021), and 2,189 (2022) individual water samples. We analyzed each sample at least 3 times independently using qPCR. After DNA extraction and cleaning, a single water sample is 100 $\mu L$. Each qPCR reaction uses 2 $\mu L$ and provides an estimate of the DNA concentration (units: $DNA$ $copies$ $\mu L^{-1}$) for each water sample. We analyzed control sample and qPCR standards of known DNA concentration alongside the field samples to calibrate the qPCR analysis. Across all samples and years, this represents more than 20,000 individual qPCR reactions.
stations_tab <- read.csv(file.path(figures_dir, "CTD_stations_table.csv")) |> mutate(across(-1, ~{f(.x)})) nms <- names(stations_tab) nms <- gsub("^X", "", nms) nms <- c("Depth (m)", nms[-1]) names(stations_tab) <- nms kbl(stations_tab, format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE, align = c("l", rep("r", ncol(stations_tab) - 1)), linesep = "", caption = "Unique stations sampled for each sampling depth and year.") |> row_spec(0, bold = TRUE) |> row_spec(nrow(stations_tab), bold = TRUE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-station-map-acoustic-lines-cap) Locations of acoustic transect and water samples collected from CTD stations in each year. Only transect lines within the range of water samples are shown.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-station-map-acoustic-lines-alt) There is widespread coverage in 2021 and 2023. There are no samples in the southern region in 2019.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "2019-23, CTD locations+acoustics.png"), error = FALSE)
The area sampled by the acoustic-trawl survey varies among years. In Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-station-map-acoustic-lines-fig), we show the acoustic transect lines sampled during the hake survey and overlay the locations of CTD stations at which water was collected for eDNA sampling. Note that the east-west extent of both the acoustic transects and water sampling stations vary somewhat among years -- transects in 2019 tend to cover more area than transects in 2021 and 2023, particularly in northern California near Cape Mendocino (40.4N).
To generate a spatial domain for each year, we used a 5km resolution gridded maps to project eDNA concentration. This vector-based grid was developed by Feist et al. (2021) and uses a custom coordinate reference system that conserves area and distance reasonably well across the west coast of the United States (see also Shelton et al. 2022). Each grid cell has an associated area-weighted mean bottom depth as well. To account for changes in survey area among years, we defined a polygon for each year by including the entirety of acoustic transects from that year and connecting adjacent transects along their eastern-most extent and their western-most extent. All 5km grid cells whose centroids fell within this polygon were included in the projection set. Because eDNA varies with depth as well as geospatially, we made prediction for each grid cell in 50m depth increments up to 500m or the bottom depth of each cell.
Finally, we defined three areas based on latitude to enable the creation of abundance indices that are comparable across years. We created a core area between Cape Flattery, WA and San Francisco Bay, CA that is shared among all years. In addition, this region has historically contained the majority of hake biomass detected during the hake acoustic survey (hereafter "core area"; Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-area-by-year-fig)). We defined a second area from San Francisco Bay to Pt. Conception (hereafter "south area"), and a small area north of Cape Flattery, WA (hereafter "north area"). Observations of hake DNA are available for all years for the core area, for the south area in 2021 and 2023, and for the north area in 2023 (see Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-station-map-acoustic-lines-fig)), therefore we report summaries of hake DNA in each area for the appropriate years.
Therefore predictions for each grid cell on a regular grid at evenly spaced depths between the surface and 500m (or the bottom depth). To generate an eDNA index, we simply sum the predictions for each area-year combination and use the overall sum as the our hake eDNA index of abundance (units: $DNA$ $copies$ $\mu L^{-1}$). Note that an index constructed in this way is sensitive to the density of prediction locations and depth -- predicting to and summing over say a 2km grid would yield a larger value than predictions summed over a 5km grid -- but as long as the density of predictions are equivalent among years and areas, the index will provide information about the relative abundance among areas and years.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-area-by-year-cap) Areas included in projections.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-area-by-year-alt) The core area includes Washington, Oregon, and northern California. The southern area represents southern California, and the northern area is in British Columbia.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "2019-23, projection areas.png"), error = FALSE)
comb_by_year_tab <- read.csv(file.path(figures_dir,"Area_projections.csv")) kbl(comb_by_year_tab, format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE, linesep = "", caption = paste0("Number of 5km grid cells used in each year and ", "area. Parentheses show the total number of prediction ", "locations including depth (predictions at each grid ", "cell at every 50m between the surface and bottom or ", "500m).")) |> row_spec(0, bold = TRUE)
We developed a spatio-temporal model for modeling hake DNA concentration in the coastal ocean building and modifying the work of Shelton et al. (2022; see Statistical model). We model the concentration of hake DNA (log DNA $copies$ $\mu L^{-1}$) present at spatial coordinates and sample depth in each year as a function of year-specific intercept parameters, a common smooth effect of bottom depth, and spatially smooth fields (Gaussian Markov Random Fields). The model includes observation models developed for use with qPCR data and is a hurdle-style model, including both an occurrence and conditional positive component.
This approach largely follows the statistical estimation procedure implemented in spatio-temporal model estimation software sdmTMB (Anderson et al. 2024) and VAST (Thorson et al. 2015a, 2019), but implemented in code to incorporate the unique details of the hake eDNA model. For spatial fields we use a Matern covariance function that allow for anisotropy and use have a single estimated a single range parameter shared among all fields (see \@ref(statistical-model)). Spatio-temporal models are well known for their computational burden. Our model requires estimating multiple spatial fields in each year. To implement the model we approximate the Gaussian Markov Random Fields using the SPDE approximation from Lindgren et al. (2011) and implemented in Template Model Builder (Kristensen et al. 2016) in the R statistical language (R Core Team 2024).
We checked for model convergence by examining the converged model for a positive definite Hessian matrix and also ran each model multiple times from randomly generated starting points. In the cases when identically configured models converged at different log-likelihoods, we retained the model with the lowest log-likelihood. We derive uncertainty bounds for parameter and unobserved states using bias-correction and the generalized delta-method which approximates the uncertainty around maximum likelihood estimates as following a multivariate normal distribution (Kristensen et al. 2016). This procedure provides a fast approximation of uncertainty bounds, but likely underestimates overall uncertainty in derived abundance indices.
In models using the SPDE approach, estimated spatial fields can be sensitive to the construction of the mesh used to approximate the smooth spatial field (see e.g. Dambly et al. 2023). Therefore, we estimated models with the same fixed and random effect configuration but that varied the density of the spatial mesh. We ran 15 models using an increasingly dense mesh ranging between 90 and 250 knots. We found that the 10 models using between 103 and 191 provided similar parameter estimates and predictions and, generally, quite similar total joint negative log-likelihood. To incorporate the variability among these multiple models into the estimated abundance index, we generated 2,000 simulations of the index in each area-year combination from each of the ten converged models using a multivariate normal approximation. We then equally weighted each of the ten spatio-temporal models to derive overall point estimates and uncertainty bounds across the 2,000 simulations.
We first present visualizations and summaries of the eDNA observations under minimal manipulations, then present the overall index of abundance from eDNA, and finally present a range of model diagnostics and visualizations of model predictions. For diagnostics and spatial predictions, we present results for a single model that uses a 148 knot mesh.
Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-raw-eDNA-fig) presents an overview of water sample level observations. While this figure is busy, we can see that the spatial distribution of observed eDNA concentration varies substantially among depths and years. Note in addition that there are clearly a few samples in each year that are notably higher concentration than the average.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-raw-eDNA-cap) Raw estimates of hake eDNA concentration by year (rows) and sampling depth (columns). Each circle represents estimated eDNA from a single water bottle. Black dots represent samples in which amplification was not detected.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-raw-eDNA-alt) Envrionmental DNA is found at all depths sampled across years, with latitudinal variation by year and depth.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "2019, 2021, 2023, Hake raw copies.png"), error = FALSE)
The model generated predictions that varied in space and time and was able to match qPCR observations. We present a few diagnostic plots including predicted-observed plots for both the occurrence and positive components in a section at the end of this document (see \@ref(diagnostic-plots)). We focus on the spatial predictions here as they are the most relevant component to generating an abundance index, but we also comment on the contribution of fixed, smooth, and random effects to model predictions.
First, we can provide a plot of the spatial predictions of hake DNA concentration ($D$, units: log $copies$ $\mu L^{-1}$) to observed locations (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-Di-all-fig)). In truth, these figures are small and difficult to interpret, so we provide a second figure that shows the predictions for 50m and 150m depths (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-Di-few-fig)).
We can make predictions to the entire gridded 5km surface as well (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-smooth-fig)). As with Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-Di-all-fig), this is too small to be particularly informative, so focus on 50m and 150m depths for this smooth prediction (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-smooth-few-fig)). Hake DNA is generally most abundant in the 150m to 300m water depth range (see also Shelton et al. 2022).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-Di-all-cap) Predictions of hake DNA concentration at sampled locations across years (rows) and sampled depths (columns).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-Di-all-alt) Predictions of hake DNA concentration at sampled locations across years showing variability in detected DNA concentrations.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_D_all.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-Di-few-cap) Predictions of hake DNA concentration at sampled locations for two sampling depths (rows) across years (columns).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-Di-few-alt) Predictions of hake DNA concentration at sampled locations for sampling at 50 and 150m depths are similar across years.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_D_few_19_23.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-smooth-cap) Predictions of Hake DNA concentration from the spatio-temporal model across multiple years (rows) and depths (columns).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-smooth-alt) Predictions of Hake DNA concentration from the spatio-temporal model are variable across the sampling domain.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "pred_D_3D.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-smooth-few-cap) Predictions of Hake DNA concentration from the spatio-temporal model for two depths (rows) among years. Note that predictions are made to locations included in any year, and may include spatial regions that do not have observations in a given year (e.g. south of San Francisco Bay in 2019).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-depth-preds-smooth-few-alt) Predictions from the spatio-temporal model are variable and differ among years and depth.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_D_pred_all.png"), error = FALSE)
Another way to look at the spatial patterns are along-transect perpendicular to the coastline. We show the same East-West slices across multiple years (Figures~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-trans1-fig) and~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-trans2-fig)). Note the color scale is not identical among transect figures.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-trans1-cap) Predicted hake DNA concentration (copies per uL) along E-W transect at 37.58 N. Projections are in 50m depth bins.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-trans1-alt) Shows similar concentrations in 2019 and 2021, with an increase at certain depths in 2023.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_trans_71.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-trans2-cap) Predicted hake DNA concentration (copies per uL) along E-W transect at 40 N. Projections are in 50m depth bins.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-trans2-alt) Shows similar concentrations in 2019 and 2021, with an increase at certain depths in 2023.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_trans_125.png"), error = FALSE)
These predictions are the combination of a fixed effect of year intercept (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-Fixed-fig)) as well as the smooth as a function of bottom depth (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-smoothed-fig)). The year intercepts should not be interpreted as an estimate of overall abundance in each year because the sampling frame changes substantially among years. The depth smooth finds that peak hake abundance corresponds to bottom depths between approximately 100m and 200m (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-smoothed-fig)). This corresponds to the continental shelf break and agrees with existing information about hake distribution.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-Fixed-cap) Year intercepts and 95 percent intervals.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-Fixed-alt) The intercept is highest in 2019 and lowest in 2021.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_fixed_effects.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-smoothed-cap) Marginal effect of depth (p-spline smooth).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-smoothed-alt) The smoothed marginal effect increases at first before decreasing.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_smooth_effects2.png"), error = FALSE)
One important difference between eDNA and other traditional fisheries survey methods is that we have replicate water samples taken from a single location and time. We refer to these random effects as a bottle effect and they represent deviations of a single observed water sample from the mean location (i.e. year-station-depth) DNA concentration. We find that individual water bottles sampled from opposite sides of a CTD rosette can be quite large. We estimate the standard deviation among bottles declines with water depth (from about 1.48 at the surface to about 1.04 at 500m). These deviations are on the log-scale so a SD of 1.25 means that the on average, a bottle is $e^{1.25} = 3.49$ times the mean estimated DNA concentration. In concrete terms that means that for a mean concentration of 10 $copies$ $\mu L^{-1}$, we could expect to often see observations between about 3 and 35 $copies$ $\mu L^{-1}$.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-tau-bottle-depth-cap) Estimated among bottle standard deviation by depth.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-tau-bottle-depth-alt) Estimated among bottle standard deviation by depth is declining near linearly.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_tau_depth.png"), error = FALSE)
Finally, we can look calculate the correlation of the spatial fields among water depths. This correlation derives from from the estimated factor weight matrix (see \@ref(statistical-model)) and shows that there are strong estimated correlation among depths and but that generally, the surface samples are at best weakly correlated with depths below 150m or so where the majority of hake and hake DNA is found (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-smoothed-fig)).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-correlation-spatial-cap) Estimated correlation among depths for the spatial effect.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-correlation-spatial-alt) Estimated Correlation spatial effect with depth (t(L) L matrix multiplication).
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_corr_plot.png"), error = FALSE)
We construct the eDNA index by generating predictions to each depth between the surface and 500m in 50m intervals and then summing. We can therefore sum across depths within each 5km grid cell to generate a depth-integrated map of DNA in each year (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-2D-1-fig)). Note that in these figures we make predictions to the entire spatial domain, even if there are no observations near some locations in particular year (e.g. south of San Francisco Bay in 2019). In general, the plots show higher DNA concentrations in 2019 relative to 2021 or 2023 particularly north of Cape Mendocino.
Differences among years become more obvious when we plot the index as a ratio between years to understand how hake DNA has changed in distribution between years (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-2D-diff-fig)). Here bright colors indicate areas where estimated DNA concentration changed dramatically between years. For example, the predominance of blue in the panels "ratio_19_21" and "ratio_19_23" indicate areas that are substantially higher in 2019 relative to the other years.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-2D-1-cap) Depth-integrated eDNA index for 5km grid cell in each year.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-2D-1-alt) Concentrations of eDNA are variable in space and time for the three index years (2019, 2021, and 2023).
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_D_pred_2D.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-2D-diff-cap) The ratio of the depth-integrated eDNA index between all pairs of years for each year. This shows how areas have changed in their hake DNA among years. Each panel shows the relationship between two years. For example, ratio_19_21 is the predictions from 2021 divided by the predictions from 2019. This means blue cells are areas in which the predictions are larger in 2019 than 2021 (red areas indicate the converse). Grey areas indicate areas that are out of the survey area for one or both of the years.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-2D-diff-alt) There are spatial changes across years, particularly from 2021 to 2023.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_D_pred_2D_ratio.png"), error = FALSE)
Following the estimation methods, we summed across the predictions to generate a coastwide index of abundances. We repeated this approach for 10 different spatial meshes to provide an estimate for an eDNA index for the core and south areas (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-1-fig)). We show estimates for the individual model configurations and the consensus index (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-1-fig)). Note that all model provide qualitatively the same pattern: a substantial ($\approx 35\%$) decline in DNA concentration between 2019 and 2021 and a further decline between 2021 and 2023. For 2021 and 2023 we can combine the core and south areas to provide an index covering Pt. Conception, CA to Cape Flattery, WA (Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-2-fig)). Our models suggest that the total DNA in 2023 in both the core and south areas was roughly equivalent to the DNA in the core area in 2019.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-1-cap) The eDNA index calculated for appropriate years for the core and south areas (see also Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-area-by-year-fig)). Colored lines show estimates from individual spatio-temporal models and 95 percent interval. Black lines show the among model average, interquartile range and 90 percent intervals. Units of eDNA are DNA concentration (copies per uL).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-1-alt) The index shows a declining trend from 2019 through 2023 in the core area. The southern area only shows a stable trend from 2021 to 2023.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "eDNA_index_1.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-2-cap) The eDNA index calculated for appropriate years for the core and south areas (see also Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-area-by-year-fig)). Colored lines show estimates from individual spatio-temporal models and 95 percent interval. Points and error bars show the among model average, interquartile range and 90 percent intervals. Units of eDNA are DNA concentration (copies per uL).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-2-alt) The index shows a declining trend from 2019 through 2023 in the core area. The southern area only shows a stable trend from 2021 to 2023.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "eDNA_index_2.png"), error = FALSE)
We developed a state-space framework for modeling hake DNA concentration in the coastal ocean building and modifying the work of Shelton et al. (2022). State-space models separate the true biological process from the methods used to observe the process. Let $D_t(x,y,d)$ be the true, but unobserved concentration of hake DNA (log DNA $copies$ $\mu L^{-1}$) present at spatial coordinates ${x,y}$ (eastings and northings, respectively, in km) and sample depth $d$ (meters) in year $t$. Let $\alpha_t$ be a year-specific intercept, $s(b)$ be a smooth that depends on bottom depth in meters at location ${x,y}$, $b$, and $\epsilon_t(x,y,d)$ be a random effect that allows for covariation among spatial locations, years, and water depth. We write these as additive on the log-scale,
\begin{align} & D_t(x,y,d) = \alpha_t + s(b) + \epsilon_t(x,y,d) \end{align}
and so the hake DNA concentration of is a function of both fixed and random effects. Unlike many spatial datasets, the eDNA samples here are collected across depths at uneven spacing and at varying depths among years (in 2019 water was collected at the surface, 50, 100, 150, 300, and 500 meters while in 2021 and 2023, water was collect at the same depths except samples at 200m replace the 100m). The fixed effect of bottom depth $s(d)$ does not depend on year, reflecting a well documented bottom depth-association between hake and the shelf break (Malick et al. 2020), with the year-specific intercept terms allowing for region-wide shifts in hake DNA concentration.
Preliminary analyses showed clear correlations among depths at particular locations and so we developed a variant of factor analysis to efficiently estimate a spatial field for each depth in each year that allows correlation among the fields as a function of depth. We model $\epsilon_t(x,y,d)$ as a linear combination of Gaussian Markov Random Fields. Specifically, we let $\omega_{tf}(x,y)$ be a zero-centered spatial field for factor $f$,
\begin{align} \bm{\omega}_{tf}(x,y) \sim MVN (0,\bm{\Sigma}) \end{align}
where covariance matrix $\bm{\Sigma}$ follows a Matern covariance function with marginal variance fixed at 1. We allow for anisotropy in the spatial correlation and estimate a single shared spatial range parameter ($\kappa$) for all spatial fields. We follow the parameterization and approach of sdmTMB (Anderson et al. 2024) for GMRFs.
We allow multiple independent factors, $f=1,..,F$ in year $t$ so $\omega_{tf}(x,y)$ are independent among years and factors. Then we estimate a weight coefficient for each factor that is a function of water depth so the realized spatial field in each depth is a linear combination of spatial fields and factor weights,
\begin{align} \epsilon_t(x,y,d) = \sum_{f=1}^F l_{f}(d) \omega_{tf}(x,y) \end{align}
This can be expressed in matrix notation as
\begin{align} \bm{\epsilon}{t}(x,y,d) = \bm{L} \bm{\Omega}{t} \end{align}
where $\bm{L}$ has $F$ columns (one for each factor) and $D$ rows (one for each projection depth) and $\bm{\Omega}{t}$ has $F$ rows and $S$ (number of spatial locations) columns. Classic factor analysis estimates the factors $l{f}(d)$ as independent parameters (e.g. to estimate spatial fields for multiple species that are correlated in space and provide among species correlations; Thorson et al 2016), but we are interested in maintaining the correlation structure across depths. Thus we introduce the potential for correlations among water depths by modeling the factor weights as a smooth function of water depth,
\begin{align} l_{f}(d) = s_f(d) \end{align}
where $s_f(d)$ indicates a p-spline for factor $f$. In practice we have samples from at most six depths at any station, and so we limit the number of knots in the spline to four to each avoid over-parameterization. To improve estimation and avoid identifiability and label-switching issues, we impose additional constraints on the factor smoothers. Specifically, we impose a penalty on the intercept term for each factor, such that the intercept associated with factor $f$ has a prior distribution $a_{0f} \sim N(0, 3f^{-1})$. This has the practical impact of associating the first factor with the largest intercept, the second factor with a smaller intercept, etc. Using a smooth for the factor weights allows for model predictions to additional water depths that were unobserved during survey (e.g. 250m or 400m) using a relatively small number of parameters. Unlike most factor analyses, we are not expressly interested in the factors themselves or relating factors to environmental covariates and so we do not transform or further explore the factor loadings (e.g. varimax rotation). Note that we use a single smooth for each factor and do not estimate year-specific factor smoothers. Future work may justify relaxing this model form.
After experimenting with fits using a range of factors (1 and 4), we settled on using 2 factors in further analyses. Using 3 or more factors generally led to model convergence and identifiability problems, whereas using only one factor led to unsatisfactory model fits.
We are primarily interested in the DNA concentration over space, time, and depth, and thus the latent variable $D_t(x,y,d)$ is our focus. Unfortunately, qPCR does not allow us to directly measure this concentration. Instead qPCR measures the PCR cycle at which a 2$\mu L^{-1}$ aliquot of extracted DNA was detected to fluoresce and compares that observation against the flourescence pattern of samples of known DNA concentration ("the standard curve"), to provide an estimate of DNA concentration for each unknown sample. Each water sample is analyzed using at least 3 independent qPCR replicates to account for laboratory and machine variability. In addition to qPCR variability among replicates, we also have to account for modifications that affect each water sample and occurred during water sampling and processing. First, we have three offsets that modify the true DNA concentration to affect what we observed in the qPCR: 1) $V_i$ is the proportion of 2.5 L filtered from Niskin $i$ (occasionally some seawater was spilled or not filtered; $V_i =1$ for the vast majority of samples); 2) $I_i$ is the known dilution used to on sample $i$ to eliminate PCR inhibition. PCR inhibition is most commonly observed in surface samples and is vanishingly rare for samples collected below 100m; 3) $\bm{I}\zeta$ is an estimated offset for an ethanol wash error from 2019 ($\zeta$ is the estimated effect of the wash error and $\bm{I}$ is an indicator variable where $\bm{I}=1$ for affected samples and $\bm{I}=0$ otherwise; see Shelton et al. 2022 Supp S1 for additional description).
Finally, we add a random effect for the individual bottles sampled at each year-station-depth combination (for notational simplicity, let $\delta_i = \delta_t(x,y,d)$). This effect which describes the deviation of individual sampled bottles from the location mean, $\delta_i \sim N(0,\tau_d)$, with $\tau_d$ indicating a depth-specific standard deviation among bottles. We impose a smooth on $\tau_d$ so it is function of water depth This reflects empirical observations of between water bottle variability that changes with depth (Shelton et al. 2022). Then, the log-concentration of DNA in a sample analyzed by qPCR, $E_i$ (other subscripts suppressed for notational simplicity) is,
\begin{align} E_{i} &= D_t({x,y,d}) + \log{V_i} + \log{I_i} + \bm{I}\zeta + \delta_i \end{align}
We connect the estimated concentrations to observations from qPCR using two likelihoods that are similar to a hurdle model. First we determine whether amplification was detected in each qPCR replicate $r$ run on each plate $j$, $G_{ijr} \in {0,1}$ and if amplification was observed we model the PCR cycle at which amplification was detected $C_{ijr}$; $C_{ijr}$ is observed as a continuous, positive value. DNA concentrations have a log-linear relationships with $C_{ijr}$; smaller values of $C_{ijr}$ are associated with higher DNA concentrations (see Figure~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-2-fig)).
Because we are modeling the discrete number of DNA molecules that are present in the assayed sample, we know that the Poisson distribution provides an appropriate observation distribution for the number of molecules present in a given qPCR reaction. Assuming a Poisson distribution, conditional on a true mean number of DNA copies in the sample $X$, the probability of having exactly zero DNA copies in a qPCR reaction is $e^{-X}$ and the probability of having non-zero DNA copies is the complement, $1-e^{-X}$. If there are exactly zero molecules in a qPCR reaction, amplification and therefore detection of amplification will not occur. However, there are other factors that may reduce amplification further and therefore we expect the probability of amplification to be at most $1-e^{-X}$. As a result, we estimate an additional term, $\phi_{j}$ representing the fractional reduction in amplification efficiency due to other factors on qPCR plate $j$ ($0<\phi_{j}<1$). Then we have pair of observation models for hake DNA, both of which are a function of DNA concentration.
\begin{align} G_{ijr} &\sim Bernoulli\left(1 - \exp(-2 e^{E_{ij}}\phi_{j})\right)\ C_{ijr} &\sim N(\beta_{0j}+\beta_{1j}{E_{ij}},\sigma_C(E_{ij})) \qquad if \: G_{ijr} = 1 \end{align}
The 2 is present in the first line of the equation because we use 2 $\mu L$ of sample in each qPCR reaction and so the expected DNA copies in reaction is $2e^{E_{ij}}$. We allow $\sigma_C({E_ij})$ to vary as a log-linear function of DNA concentration to account for the fact that there is decreased variability in qPCR measures of $C_t$ at higher DNA concentrations: $\sigma_C({E_{ij}}) = exp(\gamma_{0}+\gamma_{1}E_{ij})$.
By itself, the above model is unidentifiable because field samples do not provide information about the parameters that define relationship between the number of DNA copies and PCR cycle ($\beta_{0j}$, $\beta_{1j}$, and $\phi_j$). Therefore, as is standard with qPCR analyses, we include standards of known concentration to estimate these parameters. Each qPCR plate has replicate samples with a known number of DNA copies. These standards span six orders of magnitude (1 to 100,000 copies $\mu L^{-1}$, each of 2$\mu L$) and determine the relationship between copy number and PCR cycle of detection. Let $K_j$ be the log copy number in PCR plate $j$, then,
\begin{align} G_{jr} &\sim Bernoulli\left(1-exp(-2 K_j \phi_{j})\right)\ C_{jr} &\sim Normal(\beta_{0j}+\beta_{1j}\log{K_{j}},\sigma_C({K_j})) \quad if \: G_{jr} =1 \end{align}
Note that there are different intercept $\beta_{0j}$, slope $\beta_{1j}$ and detectability $\phi_{j}$ parameters for each PCR plate to allow for among-plate variation in amplification. We model each calibration parameter $\beta_{0j},\beta_{1j},\phi_{j}$ hierarchically using a normal distribution, with among plate mean and variance (i.e. $\beta_{0j} \sim N(\mu_{\beta_{0}},\sigma_{\beta_{0}})$.
For estimation, we fit the model for the standards first and treat them as fixed and known when we estimate the parameters for the field collected water samples.
We start by plotting the qPCR standards (qPCR analyses on DNA of a known concentration) for a single PCR plate individual, all of the plates run within a single year, and then all of the estimated relationships across all years. For the presence-absence components and for the positive components (see Figures~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-1-fig), ~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-2-fig), and~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-3-fig)).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-1-cap) Presence-absence plot for standards.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-1-alt) Presence-absence plot for standards.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_bin_stand.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-2-cap) Positive observations for standards. Left panel shows observations and fits from a single plate with known DNA concentrations, while the right panels shows the positive observations for all standard plates in a given year (points have been jittered to reduce overlap).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-2-alt) Positives for standards.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_pos_stand.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-3-cap) Positives for standards, all years, all plates.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-stand-3-alt) Positives for standards, all years, all plates.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_pos_stand_year.png"), error = FALSE)
Unknown Samples
We provide a few plots of predictions and observations for pres-abs and positive components (each faceted by water depth) (Figures~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-pres-abs-unk-fig) and~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-pos-unk-fig)). We also present two figures of the relationship between DNA concentration ($D$) and the concentration within a given bottle ($E$; Figures~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-v-E-fig) and~\@ref(fig:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-v-E2-fig)) to illustrate the effect of the bottle random effects and offsets that affect each sampled water bottle.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-pres-abs-unk-cap) Prediction vs. observed, presence-absence component.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-pres-abs-unk-alt) Prediction vs. observed.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_bin_unk_samp.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-pos-unk-cap) Prediction vs. observed, positive component. Note the rare outliers; outliers are almost always one bottle of very high concentration that has a replicate bottle that has very low estimated concentration. Lines are loess smoothers.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-pos-unk-alt) Prediction vs. observed, positive component.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_pos_unk_samp.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-v-E-cap) Plot of the latent variable D vs. E (the concentration assayed by qPCR) faceted by year (columns) and dilution (rows). Note how the dilution shifts all points down relative to the 1:1 line.
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-v-E-alt) Plot of the latent variable D vs. E (the concentration assayed by qPCR).
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_Di_Ei_1.png"), error = FALSE)
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-v-E2-cap) Plot of the latent variable D vs. E for undiluted samples for years (columns) and water depths (rows).
(ref:app-eDNA-index-plot-D-v-E2-alt) Plot of the latent variable D vs. E for dilution ==1. Faceted by depth.
include_graphics(file.path(figures_dir, "p_Di_Ei_2.png"), error = FALSE)
Funding for this project was provided by the NMFS Genomic Strategic Initiative. We thank the crew and scientists of the NOAA ship Bell M. Shimada and DFO Ship Sir John Franklin for support during the shipboard collection effort. We thank E. Iwamoto and other members of the molecular genetics lab at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center supported laboratory work. We thank the many members of the FEAT team and the Northwest Fisheries Science Center including J. Clemmons, A. Billings, J. Pohl, D. Chu, E. Phillips, S. Parker-Stetter, R. Thomas, and S. deBlois. We thank A. Berger, O. Hamel, and D. Baetscher for discussions during the development of this project.
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