combine_historical_probs: Calculate a model's probability of stock decline in a year...

View source: R/utils-combine-historical-probs.R

combine_historical_probsR Documentation

Calculate a model's probability of stock decline in a year and combine with past assessment estimates


Calculate a model's probability of stock decline in a year and combine with past assessment estimates


combine_historical_probs(model, start = 2012, end, ...)



A model as loaded by create_rds_file()


First assessment year to do comparisons


Last assessment year to do comparisons


Further arguments to pass to calc_historical_probs()


Data frame with columns

  • Year - year of assessment

  • P_decline - estimate from ⁠year' assessment model of the probability that the spawning biomass will decline from ⁠yeartoyear⁠+ 1 for a catch that turned out to be the catch in⁠year'

  • P_below_B40 - estimate from ⁠year' assessment model of the probability that the spawning biomass will be below B_40 in ⁠year⁠+1 for a catch that turned out to be the catch in ⁠year'

  • P_decline_curr - current estimate (from model) of the probability that the spawning biomass declined from year to year+1

  • P_below_B40_curr - current estimate (from model) of the probability that the spawning biomass was below B_40 in year+1

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 9:49 p.m.