create_sens_dirs: Create standard sensitivity directories

View source: R/create-sens-dirs.R

create_sens_dirsR Documentation

Create standard sensitivity directories


The SRG requests that the following sensitivities are run as standard protocol for the base model on an annual basis. This function copies and alters the input files from a base model setting up all of the required sensitivity runs.


create_sens_dirs(dir_version, sens_dir_name = "03-sensitivity-models")



A file path to the current model version of interest. For example, ⁠/srv/hake/models/2023/01-version⁠. This directory will contain subdirectories that store folders for the base model and a separate folder for sensitivities.


Name of the sensitivity directory found in the dir_version directory


A string is returned providing the path to the sensitivity directory. Files are written to the disk inside the following directories:

  • 01-h-prior-mean-low

  • 02-h-fix-high

  • 03-sigma-r-fix-low

  • 04-sigma-r-fix-high

  • 05-m-02-sd

  • 06-m-03-sd

  • 07-m-hamel-prior

  • 08-age-1-survey,

  • 09-comp-weight-harmonic-mean

  • 10-tv-select-phi-extra-low

  • 11-tv-select-phi-low

  • 12-tv-select-phi-high

  • 13-max-sel-age-'5

  • 14-max-sel-age-7

  • 15-max-sel-age-8


Kelli F. Johnson

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 9:49 p.m.