f_vessel_type: Format 'VESSEL_TYPE' as a character

View source: R/process_catch-.R

f_vessel_typeR Documentation

Format VESSEL_TYPE as a character


VESSEL_TYPE in the NORPAC data base are integers and this function changes these integer values to character strings that provide meaning. The following integers are the available options in NORPAC to indicate whether the vessel processes fish or delivers it to a processing plant:

  1. a catcher processor (CP) vessel;

  2. a mothership (MS) or ship that receives unsorted codends from other vessels;

  3. a catcher only vessel that delivers unprocessed fish to shoreside, floating plant, or vessel this only occurred in 2009 and 2010 with a single vessel, see the notes in the code for more details;

  4. a MS that receives sorted codends;

  5. a vessel that sells the majority of their catch over the side to other fishing vessels who will utilize the fish for bait, and

  6. vessels that discard all catch from a haul.





A vector of integers between one and six.


A vector of combined integer values and character strings.


Kelli F. Johnson

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 9:49 p.m.